CHAPTER NINE: needs investigation

2588 Words
            “I’m really sorry, bro. If I was only there, but no. I really want to help you, but I don’t know that man. Not yet.”             Zephyr nodded his head in understanding after hearing Marcus’ explanation. He could not help but feel helpless. He had spent almost an hour just to get to his friend’s house which was in Upper Manhattan. Each day that passed when he could not get anything, he could not help, but feel so defeated. It had been almost two months already, but he still hadn’t got any lead yet. He felt so useless.             Marcus who was sitting opposite Zephyr, on the other black leather sofa in the living room, felt bad about his friend. He was telling the truth. Marcus was another good friend of Zephyr. They basically grew up together in Mexico. Yeah, they were literally childhood friends.             When Marcus called Zephyr, letting him know that he arrived in Manhattan, Zephyr did not hesitate to drive to his place. Marcus intentionally traveled to California. He stayed there for a month, trying to track down the man on the picture, but he did not get any information too. Intelligence and the police could not identify the man.             Zephyr did not let Xavier know that he was actually visiting their very good friend because he was having classes and the two, Xavier and Marcus, were so close at hearts. Xavier would not hesitate to come along with Zephyr if he only knew Marcus was just an hour's drive from where they were staying in their apartment. Xavier considered Marcus as his own brother already. Zephyr would not want his brother to skip classes. He could bring him on weekends, maybe Saturday. Hopefully.              “It’s okay, bro. I hope I can find this man soon.”             Zephyr just had to understand. He was just hoping that Marcus had seen the man on the picture he was holding. He had sent Marcus a soft copy of the picture, but he printed out one, just in case. It was a wallet-size photo of a man, but it was captured on side-view. They could not clearly see the face and verify who the man was because it was wearing all black. The hardest part was that the man was also wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap on, all black still. The man did not see him, though. Zephyr had hidden behind a tree when he captured the picture but he was just the unluckiest son when all he could get was a side-view. He just could not show up in front of the man in black because he was scared.              Zephyr personally took the picture when he arrived at his house which already turned to charcoal and ashes when he saw two men getting inside a black van without a plate number and drove fast away from the place. He just went from an afternoon jog and his heart broke into pieces when he saw their house burned. The worst part was they also burned their cars in the garage. Zephyr was left with nothing. He wanted to run after the culprits, but the first thing that went on his mind was his parents. All he had now was his brother and he vowed to keep and protect Xavier with his life while seeking justice.             “I’ll help you find him. We’ll track this man down.”             “Thanks, bro.”             Somehow, Zephyr’s heartfelt light when his good friend told him that. He had bigger chances that he would find the man behind his death’s parents as soon as possible. He could not wait to kill them with his own hands.             “Hey. How’s Xavier, by the way?”             “Oh, he’s doing just fine. He’s attending classes right now. I did not let him know that you’re here.”             “Oh, why?”             “He wouldn’t think twice about being absent from the class just to see you. I know him. He loves you more than me.” Zephyr said, faking hurt.             Marcus rolled his eyes at Zephyr. He was jealous again, Marcus thought. He knew Zephyr since they were kids. They were both born in the same year, but Marcus was just a month older than Zephyr.             “Yeah, I think he loves me more too.” Marcus joked, wanting to get a jealous reaction from Zephyr. He just loved teasing him.             “I know that, man.” No need to rub it on my face.” Zephyr said, shaking his head but he was smiling. He admits he missed this guy and he felt forever grateful that Marcus was always there to help him. Marcus had done so many favors for him already that he felt bad already. Oh, yeah. He was wrong when he thought he only had Xavier in his life. He had Marcus too.             “Please bring him here soon. I miss that boy already.” Marcus sounded so excited about it. He couldn’t wait to have some time with his brothers.             “Yeah. He actually keeps talking about you whenever you pop into his mind. And he's not a boy anymore. He's a man.” Zephyr, leaned back on the couch and stretched his feet up on the coffee table. It was a habit of him to put his feet up on the coffee table.             “See. He misses me so much already. Yeah, but he's still a boy for me.”             “Yeah, yeah. I know, I know.”             “We’ll have barbecue soon. Hey, you should stay here overnight. It would be fun.”             “That sounds great. I’m up for that. We’ll be here on weekends. I just don’t want Xavier to skip his classes. I’m sure he’ll get mad at me if he knows about this, though.”             “I understand.” Marcus nodded his head, happy.             “Do you have a… uh… girlfriend... or someone?”             Zephyr was not actually sure if he should ask Marcus such a question. That was why he stuttered. He could not help it because he wanted to make sure about his friend's relationship status.              Marcus, on the other hand, was confused as to why Zephyr would ask such a question. But the funny thing was when he watched his friend getting uncomfortable on the opposite couch. He smirked, realizing that the topic of women and literal women were not Zephyr’s best thing to talk about.             “Oh, you’re worried about it?” Marcus’ smirk widened.             Zephyr shook his head. “Of course, not. I guess I’m just curious.” He reasoned out, lying. The truth was he would not come back here on weekends if Marcus would have a woman over. He couldn’t bear to see a couple. It really made him feel so uncomfortable.             “No, I don’t. I won’t get into that thing until we find what we seek. When we finally get what we need, let’s go to the bars and clubs and get ourselves a woman.” Marcus laughed. He was serious about his first statement, but the next was filled with joking.             “Thanks, man. Don’t feel bad, though. I mean, you can always get a girlfriend. It’s really up to you. What if you’ll find one and fall in love? I mean, I can’t stop you from loving her. That would be insane. You can date and be happy.”             “You’re so funny, bro. I’m just joking. This is my choice. I want to be single in the meantime. I realized it was so nice. Women were just pain in the ass. They are sexy, but they are stubborn as hell.”             “Yeah,” Zephyr muttered. What did he even know about women? He had never let any woman in his heart. “You’re right. They just pain the ass.”             “You’re so bitter.” Marcus shook his head at Zephyr.             “It’s not being bitter, man. I just don’t want distraction while I am on my mission.” Zephyr explained.             “Oh.”             “Yeah. Hey, man. I should get back now. I promised I’ll buy him a new phone since his old one was already broken. I still have to stop at his school.”             “Oh, sure. No worries about it. Just promise me you’ll come back here with Xavier on weekends.”             “Yeah, I promise,” Zephyr said as he put his feet down the coffee table and stood up.             The mature men walked towards the front door. Marcus walked Zephyr out of the house and while on the front porch, he pumped his fist with Zephyr before he let him go to his motorcycle which was parked on his driveway.             “Till next time, bro.”              “Till next time. Take care.”             Zephyr made a salute gesture at Marcus before pulling the visor of his helmet down and cranking up his motorcycle. Not so long after, he was already speeding up on the road.             Forty minutes later, Zephyr was already back downtown. He was stuck in not so heavy traffic. The cars before him were moving so slow. Frustrated, he overtakes them from the left and drove past the cars. He had only reduced the speed when he was already driving along the road leading to NYU where Xavier was studying.             While he was driving, his eyes suddenly caught something from his right. He was a few meters away from a hospital when he saw something odd at the parking lot of the hospital. As he got nearer, his eyes widened when he realize what was actually going on. He hurried to the scene, parking his motorcycle with a screeching sound, and jumped off it.             His blood boiled in fury when he saw two guys approaching a woman.             “Please don’t hurt me. I don't know you. What do you want from me? Was it you who shot us in the car? Please, just tell me what you want.”             The woman pleaded. Just the sound of her voice begging did something to him. It caused a pang in his heart. He was silently walking towards the men when he noticed that the woman's forehead had a bandage on it and her eyes were telling him that she had been crying. They were red and puffy. He had taken off his helmet but kept his sunglasses on. He had sensed that the woman noticed him because he saw her look up at him, but look away sooner.                "You have five seconds to stay away from the girl."                Zephyr dangerously spoke, announcing his presence.                 At his voice, the two men wearing bonnets turned around. Zephyr silently cursed when all he could see was their eyes.                  "I suggest you should leave the girl."                  Zephyr had actually no time for this, but he could just not ignore that something dangerous was going on at a parking lot of a hospital. He was hungry and his brother might be waiting for him already. Xavier would be mad at him for taking so long. Under his shades, his eyes wandered around. There were CCTV cameras and these criminals were too smart to wear bonnets so his faces would not be visible.                  "Stay out of here or you'll die along with her." The skinnier and taller guy from the right spoke boldly.                 "Five." Zephyr started.                  The two men laughed. Unfortunately, there weren't any people in the parking lot beside them. There were many cars, but no one had gotten out of the hospital and walking back to their cars yet.                  "Four."                 "Who even are you?" It was a short stout man this time.                  Zephyr could tell that these people were on drugs. Their eyes were different. Red, not puffy. Drug addicts, Zephyr thought. "Three."                "Come on." The same stout man snorted. "You don't have to count. Just fight us already."               The two men pulled something out of their back pockets. Daggers. Zephyr looked at the shiny, sharp, and pointed objects, not scared at all. "Two."                 "You are so damn funny," Skinny said.                  "One."                   Zephyr muttered and without a warning, he charged at them, kicking Skinny's knife first before picking it up from the ground and faced the two. His back was towards the woman who looked so scared while leaning her back against the wall, just watching the scene unfolding before her eyes.                  "You're completely wrong, man," Skinny said, pulling out another knife.                 The shorty stout screamed and charged at Zephyr, trying to cut him, but Zephyr was so good at dodging his attacks until he got to kick the knife away, got behind the guy, and twisted his arms. The guy screamed in pain, but Zephyr did not stop until he noticed Skinny picking up the two knives from the ground. His eyes widened when he saw them being thrown at him, but he had ducked down in time, making the knives flew past his head.                  I'll take so much time here if I won't do anything.                  Zephyr thought. The situation left him no choice, but to pull his gun out from his jeans' waistband, pull the trigger and aim it right on the guy's forehead.                 "You leave or your brains will be scattered on the ground."                 Zephyr watched Skinny took a step back. He could tell he was shocked and scared. Coward criminals, he thought. When Skinny finally turned around and run, he let go of the stout one and watched him ran after Skinny who was already in a car. With a satisfied and victorious smirk on his face, he watched them drove away. He could have just killed them or called the police, but he missed scaring people.                  When he turned around, his eyes landed on the woman. He watched her take some deep breaths and he waited until she calmed down. When he thought, she was finally okay, he turned around and started walking back towards his waiting motorcycle.                  "Wait!"                 It was the second time the woman told him to. But, this time, he stopped in his tracks. However, he did not turn around to look at her again and just waited.                  "Thank you."                   He heard her angelic voice say. He could feel her just close behind him. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and when he opened them again, he told her, "Your wound is bleeding. You should get back in there. We can't be sure you're safe yet."                 Without waiting for her reply, Zephyr hopped onto his motorcycle. He started it and stared at the woman who haunted him for days before finally speeding away.                  Again.                           
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