CHAPTER EIGHT: what just happened

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            Ava sat on the chair, bored and frustrated while watching each model step on the podium and auditioned. The commercial models were given a sample script of the commercial and they had to memorize and act it out in front of her.             But, Ava was not captured by their charm at all. She thought no one seemed to fit and she was afraid her broccoli chips would not be trendy in the market. The competition was so strong in the business world. She had to have great marketing so her products would be sold.             What was she looking for?             No, the question should be… What was she specifically looking for?             “Nope, sorry.” She waved her hand for the nth time in dismissal.             The problem was she didn’t even let these models finish their act. It might have been the scariest moment when those models see Ava’s hand started raising and they knew they were out when she waved it. Terrible, yeah. She was so freaking choosy and it turned out she ended up to nothing.             “What are we going to do now?”             Mason asked right away when they were finally out of the studio. He was getting worried. He could not understand why of all the sixteen who auditioned, not a single model was chosen. He did not get it because all of them were so talented. They fit a simple advertisement. They were all nice. Their voices were great and really suit the concept of the advertisement. The script was not even that long. It was just a two-minute advertisement.             “Can you be a model?”             “What? No! Not me.”             Mason’s voice rose a bit while he caught up with his boss who was walking so fast. It was when they were finally out of the place and Ava said, “Then we are doomed.”             She sighed. She had a reason. She had a reason why she could not choose even at least one from those who acted out the script in front of her. She thought nobody was doing excellent there.             “What about your father? The launching will be on Monday next week already and the advertisement must be aired on that day too.”             Mason just could not help but worry about the fact that Adam would be disappointed when he’d find out that they haven’t picked a model yet. It must be finalized at least three days before it would be aired on the television, radios, and on the Internet. He knew Adam O’Kelly. Time was so precious for that man. He had been there with Ava when Adam scolded his own daughter whenever she made mistakes. He always saw her flaws, criticize her failures, and never appreciate and congratulate her when she did something successfully. Mason felt bad about it and all he could do was be there for his boss whenever she needs him. It hurt to see Ava cry when her father gets mad.              “Don’t worry about it, Mason. You won’t be the one getting scolded.”             Ava could not help but act like that. She was disappointed already and she did not want Mason to keep talking about it. She knew he was worried about her. She knew he did not want her father to scold her again.             He’s just concerned about you.             That voice in her head said.              “I can’t help it. What if he gets angry at you again?” Mason opened the passenger seat door for her.             Ava frowned, looking at Mason’s worried face and to the hand that was holding the door for her.             “I’m not sitting there. I’m driving.” She demanded.             “No, you’re not. Just get inside. I can’t let you drive now.” Mason reasoned out. He knew Ava. Whenever she was problematic, she would be sending them to hell when she sat on the driver’s seat. He did not want to die yet.             “What?! Mason, you’re so slow. I’m driving.” She protested.             Before Ava could even say another word, Mason had gently pushed her inside the Dodge Challenger and closed the door. He quickly rounded the car and opened the driver’s seat just to see Ava already sitting there.             “Damn it.” He silently muttered, shoulders slumping at his own dumbness. “Fine.” He shook his head, rounded the car again, and sat on the passenger side. “You’re so smart.”             “Like you don’t know that already.”             “Yeah. I’m so stupid.” He facepalmed.             Ava scoffed at that. “You’re not. Buckle up.” She smiled at Mason and watched him as he buckled himself up. Once he was done, Ava pressed on the gas and their journey to Lucifer’s home started. All Mason could do was close his eyes, hope, and pray that he could still find a woman, get married, and have as many kids as he wants. Where could he find a woman, though? Not when? Yes, when could he have that?             Fortunately, they did not end up in hell. They stopped at a diner which served delicious fries and burgers. Ava parked the car on the parking space in front of the diner and see herself out. Mason was already out of the car, waiting for her.             “I’m up for double steak on my burger.” Ava shared.             “You’ll get fat. Aren’t you worried about it?” Mason pushed the heavy glass door at the entrance and let her boss in first.             “My body is perfect.” Ava shrugged arrogantly.             Mason just scoffed at her and looked around for a vacant table for two.             “Good morning, Ma’am and Sir. Welcome to d**k’s Diner.”             Ava almost laughed when the waitress told them the name of the diner. She pursed her lips, while innocently smiling at the waitress who seemed to be confused as to what was funny.             Mason, sensing that his boss found the name ‘d**k’ funny, smiled at the young waitress who was blushing at him and said. “Table for two, please.”             The waitress nodded her head at him. “This way.”             They were led by the waitress to the right side of the diner and to the round table beside the glass walls. Ava was still smiling and she wanted to slap her cheeks for thinking about it again. d**k. It just wouldn’t leave her mind which was so dirty. Perhaps, rusty.             “Double steakburgers, large fries, and diet coke,” Ava told the waitress. She was curious about what was her name so she looked at the name tag on her black uniform that said, ‘Faye’. “Cute name.”             Faye stared at the woman in a daze and blushed when she heard her say that her name was cute. “Thank you, Miss Ava.”             Surprised, Ava’s eyed squinted as she asked, “How do you know my name?”             “Uh… You’re just everywhere and I really admire you. Actually, you’re my inspiration.”  Faye wasn’t lying when she said that. She had seen the woman on TV, billboards, tabloids, newspapers, and magazines. She had seen the latest issue of Forbes where Ava Lauren O’Kelly was looking professional and so elegant in a white corporate suit on the cover. Faye thought that it was because of Ava that her company was so successful in the industry. She did not believe in the rumors that Ava Lauren was an evil CEO. Yes, people labeled her that, but Faye chose to look at the good sides and convinced herself that Ava Lauren was a good woman. Faye was a college student in her fourth year already and wished to work at Ava’s company when she graduates. When saw Ava walked into the diner, she was so elated, hurried, and welcomed them. On the other side, Ava was taken back by the young lady’s words. Her heart started beating fast and all the hint of amusement on her face was replaced by seriousness. Inspiration. She kept repeating the word in her head. Nobody had told her that, not even Mason. This was the first time and she did not know what to think, but her heart was swelling with so much happiness, realizing that there are people along with Mason, who admired her. Mason might have not literally told her that, but she knew he admired her too.  “Thank you.” She was grateful. That was all she could say. “No worries, Ma’am. I should go take your order now.” Faye said. Her heart was dancing in joy when Ava thanked her. She was just about to turn around when she heard the guy call out for her. “Hey, you haven’t asked for my order yet.”             “Oh, sorry.”             Ava could not help but chuckle at the girl’s cuteness. She watched her wait for Mason to tell her his order.             “Two large fries, baked lasagna, and iced tea, please.”             “Noted. Your orders will be here soon.” Faye smiled at them before finally walking away to grab their orders.             “She’s cute. She keeps smiling at you.” Ava wanted to tease Mason which was her favorite thing to do. “You think so?”             “Yeah, I think so.”             “Really? Oh, you’re blushing.” Ava’s eyes widened. Her smile was back when she saw Mason’s ears turning red.             “What are you talking about? I’m not blushing.” Mason blushed, even more, denying.             “Oh my God. You are really blushing.” This time, Ava started laughing.             “Lower it down. People are looking at us.” He was getting redder when he saw Faye walking towards them with the tray of food in her hands.             “Here you, go. Enjoy your meal.”             “Thanks.” Ava and Mason said in unison.             When Faye went to serve other customers, Ava decided to stop with her teasing and dug into her food right away. Mason, on the other hand, was relieved that his boss stopped torturing him and started eating as well. However, he could not help but look and watch Faye every now and then. Yes, he thought she was cute. She was a natural beauty. Mason found her brown wavy hair so nice. It was so silky. But one thing that really made him blush was the girl’s smile. Faye had a dimple on her left cheek. She was a shorty as well and Mason found it really cute.             Shawty is cute. “What are you thinking about?” Ava suddenly asked, making Mason almost choke on the fries he was eating.             “Nothing.”             “Yeah, keep denying.” Ava chuckled again. “Come on. Make it fast. We still have so many things to do.”               They did not take so much time finishing their meal. When Ava called Faye to pay for the bill, she asked Mason to get a business card.             “This is my card. Call me when you’re scheduled for OJT. I will gladly welcome you in my company. I’ll have a special slot for you.” Ava watched Faye’s face for a reaction and her heart swelled in happiness when she saw tears in Faye’s eyes.             “Thank you much, Miss Ava. You’re really an angel.”             Out of nowhere, Ava stiffened when Faye suddenly threw her arms around her. She thought she stopped breathing for a while. She turned to look at Mason who was as shocked as she was. When Mason nodded, her shoulders started to relax and she hugged the lady back.             “You’re welcome and thank you for being my fan,” Ava said, patting her back.             “I’ll always be a fan of yours.”             Faye was so happy. She wanted to dance around and scream her heart out in so much joy. She could not believe what was being offered to her. She felt like she was getting close to her dreams. Her parents would be happy when she would tell them about what happened just now. She could not wait to go home. She let go of the angel and sniffed, wiping the tears off the corner of her eyes.             “See you soon.” Ava smiled at Faye as she stood up with Mason.             “I can’t wait. Please take care.” Faye smiled.             “You, too.”             It was Mason and he smiled at her before leading him and his boss out of the restaurant.             “You were so kind back there,” Mason said when they were finally back in the car.             “I’m born kind.”             “Yes. Why did I realize it just now?” Mason joked but turned serious when he saw his boss glaring at her.             Ava started the car and drove. Comfortable silence filled the car on their journey back to the company. Miraculously, Ava was not driving fast. She was taking her time. The speed just at forty. No music was playing, but it was a comfortable ride.      Mason had his head leaned against the window when all of a sudden and out of nowhere, the car windows were broken and shattered, making Ava scream and press on the brakes hard.             The wheels made a hurting screeching sound against the road as Ava pulled at the side of the road. Her heart was beating so fast as she turned her head to the right and cried when she saw Mason’s head bleeding. “You’re hurt.”             Mason could not calm down. He could not take his eyes off Ava’s temple. Blood was flowing out of the wound. A piece of glass was sticking to her flesh. He could not move. He just watched Ava cry.             “Mason, you’re bleeding badly. What the hell just happened?!” Ava was nervous. She tried to take deep breaths and her hands were shaking when she started the car again and drive themselves to the hospital. Seeing the blood on Mason’s head was scaring her. She could not bear it.             "Please stay awake. We're getting help."              She would look at Mason when she could while she was driving. He was in shock. Mason could not move on his seat. There was a deep cut on his temple.             “Why aren’t you saying anything?!” She was frustrated while doing her best to get them to the hospital as soon as possible? Was she even aware that she was losing so much blood as well?             “Come on, Mason. Don’t sleep.”             It was too late. Mason fell unconscious because of shock and trauma.             “Damn it, Mason.”             She saw it.             She saw the bullet that passed by her eyes in a blur. It came from the right side, passing through the window of the passenger seat door and through her side. That was why all windows were shattered. She could not care about her car anymore. She was worried about Mason who hadn’t woken up yet.              “We’re here.” She said, even though she knew Mason was unconscious.              They finally arrived and stopped by the entrance of the ER. Ava hurried out of the car, rounded it, and opened the passenger seat door.             “Lean on me.” She took Mason’s arm and put it around her shoulders. Mason was heavy, but she could not care less. She led them inside the ER and nursed instantly noticed them. She watched a female nurse and a female ER doctor took care of his assistant when suddenly a male nurse held her arm and led her on a bed.             “Please stay put, Ma’am.” The nurse strictly told her.              “Huh? Why am I sitting here?” Yeah, she was utterly clueless that she was wounded.             “You are losing so much blood as well. Your forehead is hurt. Please don’t move. This won't hurt.” The nurse said while getting ready to treat her wound.              When the nurse told her that, she slowly lifted her hand up and touched her forehead. She felt something wet and when she looked down at her fingers, everything went black. 
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