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An annoying sound echoed through the room again, making Ava twist her body and slam her fist on her noisy digital alarm clock. The ringing sound stopped but she stayed still, laying on her back with her eyes still closed. Her forehead creased when the sunlight started creeping through her long white window curtains. Another day, another routine. With that thought, she unwillingly opened her eyes and sat up on her bed. The sleepiness was still teasing her, wanting her to just lay back and go to sleep again. But, she could not just do that because she had to go to work. Lazily, she swung her legs down and dragged herself to her bathroom. She stripped off her night robe and got in the shower. She stayed under the shower for good thirty minutes before she finally wrapped a towel around her body and walked out of the bathroom. She headed straight to her closet and randomly picked a work attire. She wore a white chiffon blouse and black pencil skirt. She smiled in the mirror, knowing she looked so simple but beautiful. The confidence level. That bitter voice inside her head said. Anyway, she was happy with it and she completed her look with a pair of nude strap heels. Before leaving her room and going downstairs, she made sure to lock it. She had quick oatmeal with fruits and berries for breakfast, brushed her teeth, and applied some lip gloss before finally leaving for work. Just when she closed her door, a very familiar guy was already waiting for her at the elevator right in front. She tried her best to hide her smile but she miserably failed when the corners of her lips just lifted. Weak. She wanted to roll her at the thought but she just walked towards Zephyr who looked so dashing as ever in his bodyguard suit. His hair was styled neatly, making him look more handsome especially with that maroon necktie on. Just seeing him made her want to bite her lip and think of all the things she wanted to do to him. Pervert. Horny is a more suitable term than that. So early in the morning. So, what? “Good morning.” His voice sounded so warm. No, it was hot. But, why did it send chills down her spine? “Good morning.” She smiled back at him. Well, she had been smiling since she saw him standing there. They got inside the elevator and it was that moment again when she was alone with him and not knowing if the silence was comfortable or not. The air was not so tensed, though. Perhaps, it was comfortable and it was only her mind that was dirty and herself that was horny. “You look great.” Zephyr’s sudden comment in the middle of silence snapped her out of her dirty thoughts. She looked at him and smiled in appreciation even if he was not really looking at her at the moment. She still felt grateful and flattered by his comment. Compliments from him always sounded genuine. “Thank you.” She softly said. He still did not twist his head to the side and look at her but she saw him smile. It was a very small smile, almost not obvious but it was there and it was enough for her. When they finally reached the basement, she found himself asking one thing she knew would surprise him. “Can I drive?” She asked while puckering her lips to his motorcycle which now had its plate number back on. “We’re not going to be driving by car?” Zephyr asked, clearly surprised. “I...” He nervously swallowed, looking back and forth from Ava and to his huge bike. “Uh...” He trailed off, not so sure if he should let her or not. She rode with him. She hadn’t driven it yet. If he would let her, it was going to be his first time sitting behind someone on his monster baby. Not just someone, but Ava Lauren O’Kelly. “Are you going to let me drive this or not?” Ava asked, getting impatient by each second that passed. She was already on the bike, close to it. Feeling so helpless, Zephyr let out a sigh and nodded his head. In defeat, he fished the key out of his pocket and put it on her waiting and open left palm. “Fine.” Ava almost laughed just hearing the obvious worry in his voice. She just found it funny that he did not trust her that much. She was a freaking rider. Smirking in victory, she hopped on the bike, itching the hem of his skirt up, and started it. The vehicle road to life and the sound satisfied her enough. When she saw Zephyr still standing a meter apart from her, she raised a perfectly plucked brow at him. “Are you just going to stand there?” Arrogance laced her voice, making Zephyr sigh again and hop on the back. “Drive slowly.” He warned her as he secured his helmet over her head. The corner of her lips lifted up into an arrogant smirk as she said, “I can’t promise.” Just when she said that they flew out of the basement and on the road. It was so sudden that Zephyr almost let out a girly scream. Instead, a string of profanities left his mouth as he closed his eyes and prayed. “Hold on to me!” Ava screamed. “Damn you. Can you drive slower? It’s still so early!” He told her. “I don’t want to fall in line at Starbucks!” “I can do that for you! Just drive slowly.” “I love this bike!” She could not help but laugh in joy. She was not sure why she was so happy riding his bike. Maybe because it was his and he was right behind her. But why wasn’t he holding onto her yet? “Damn it. Slow down, please.” Did he just say ‘please’? Smirking even wider, she twisted the throttle harder sending them even quicker to their destination that everything on their side was getting blurry. It was only when they finally stopped at the drive-thru of Starbucks to get their favorite drinks in the morning. Ava just could not help the chuckle off her lips when she could still hear Zephyr muttering words or profanities and annoyance. When they were done, Zephyr looked at her, making Ava also looked at him. They had that staring contests for quite some time before Zephyr finally told her with conviction, “I’m driving.” Ava scoffed and shook her head. “No, you’re not. Let’s go.” She did not wait for a response and quickly got on the bike. Helpless again, Zephyr had no choice but to oblige. “You are so damn stubborn.” Ava heard him say. I am, baby boy. *** “The company will be hosting a gala next week. I forgot to tell you.” Ava said after taking a sip of her milk tea. They were in the office, having lunch. She ordered food for them to eat and it just popped into her mind that the annual gala would already be next week. It completely slipped off her mind. “So?” Zephyr raised a brow. Instead of finding it annoying, Ava had found that kind of reaction just normal. Somehow, she had gotten used to his sassy and sarcastic responses. He was just that kind of person. “Be my escort. By escort, my date and not that just someone who’s tasked to protect me.” Zephyr stopped drinking from his can of cola and stared at her as if she had grown three heads. His eyes squinted at her, hoping she was just kidding around with him. “Are you alright?” He asked. “Me? Your escort for that enormous gala?” He laughed. He just could not help it but think she was crazy. “You think I’m crazy.” Ava breathed out. Yes, it was not a question but a statement. She needed not to ask because she could tell he thought she was not being serious. “Yes.” He confirmed, even shaking his head at her. Ava could not help but feel sad. His tone was already enough to make her think that he would not want to be her escort or her date. She wanted him and it was just a sad thought for her that he did not want her back. “Does it bother you to be seen as my date? I mean you could be someone protecting me and my date at the same time.” She just wanted to confirm it even if she already had an idea of it. “Yeah.” See? I couldn’t be wrong. Ava thought and then asked, “Why?” “I just don’t think I’ll fit as your date.” “Why?” She repeated, wanting him to elaborate it further. She might have annoyed him because he sighed deeply and leaned his back on the couch. “I am not at your league. You deserve someone as well-known and elegant as you are.” “Does it matter?” She could not care if she sounded like she was pleasing. She was desperate because she wanted him so bad with there for that night. “And who says we don’t fit together?” That just made her sound even more desperate but she could not care less. She would make him say yes. “I just see that I will be out of place. Ava, that’s a gala of riches. I would look like a rag there. I’m pretty sure-” “You would be the best-looking guy on that night.” She cut him off with the most serious eyes as she stared at him intently. “It’s not just a mere gala. It’s an event where the proceeds from auctions would benefit the children with cancer in this country.” She sighed. “I just want to experience what it’s like to have a date on that gala. It’s an annual gala and never have I ever tried going on that event with someone beside me whom I can hook my arm with.” Yup, she was getting even more desperate and she thought it worked when she noticed him falling silent. She swallowed the lump in her throat, still staring at him with a hopeful smile on her lips. She tried to look cute when he was staring back at her, wishing that he would fall for her cute smile and face. You’re not even looking cute. Shut up. “Still...” Zephyr trailed off. Ava’s forehead creased a little when he said that. “Still what?” “Still I’m not sure if I’ll look good enough for you there.” “You don’t have to say anything there. Just be with me.” Ava felt like she was trying so hard to ask her crush to be her prom date in high school. That was the feeling. You never went to a prom. I know. Then you don’t know the feeling. Right. “When is that exactly?” Ava’s eyes almost popped out when he asked her that. It was just that it sounded like a yes. Well, almost. Hopefully. “Friday night.” She eagerly answered. Please say yes. “Let me think about it.” “Oh.” Her shoulders slumped in defeat. She had her hopes up. “Yeah. Hey, I will be there though even if you have a date. Of course, I have to guard you. I’ll be watching you, making sure you’d be safe.” His voice was so soft. Even if they were words of declining, he still sounded soothing to her. It warmed her somehow because it was rare to hear those words from a guy. She ended up nodding her head in understanding. She gave up. “Come on. I’m not saying no.” “It’s a yes then?” “No.” “You just said no.” She pouted. Zephyr stared at her with his mouth open and not knowing what to say. Finding his expression funny, she chuckled and waved her hand. “I was just kidding. I understand. Take your time. I’ll wait for your ‘yes’.” “Alright, Ma’am.”
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