CHAPTER FORTY-FOUR: where have you been?

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“Are you sure about that?” “I’m not so sure. At least that’s what I know and feel.” Zephyr honestly answered Marcus. He sighed and leaned on the couch as he faced his brother in the family. The two brothers at heart were sitting on the black leather sofa in Marcus’ living room. It was Sunday and Zephyr decided to pay him a visit and just talk about things. They have been secretly talking over the phone over the past few days when they got time when Ava was sleeping while he was walking around her house trying to find something. Something that would lead him to his aim. When Sunday finally came, Zephyr took an an-hour drive with his dangerous motorcycle to Marcus’ place. Ava went out with her mother again. She told him he could spend the day with his brother since Julia’s bodyguard would be with them. Zephyr had planned right away to go to his one good friend, Marcus, and since Xavier had his own plans too at the campus even when it was Sunday. Although it was a little against his will and conscience to not be with Ava, he could not say no to her. She also promised she would be safe. Somehow, it made him a little comfortable but not contented. He could not be at full ease whenever she just popped into his mind. “How about the way he looks at you?” Marcus pushed. Zephyr sighed. “Well, from the first encounter, he did not show any expression on his face that he knows me. He just doesn’t have the interest to know more about me. At least from my observations.” “We can’t be sure yet. We should not be too confident. He might just be passive.” Marcus told him with a warning tone. “A man like him might just be playing cool. We don’t really know what he’s actually thinking. He’s obviously a wise man. I’ve looked him up from the day you got the job, read many articles about him and you are right. There’s a possibility that it could be him.” Marcus added. “I know that. I feel like I am frustratingly taking my sweet time when I should be moving fast.” Zephyr admitted. He might not have exactly elaborated it, he was sure Marcus already got what meant by that. “It’s alright, bro. It’s better to be slow and sure than fast, but doubtful. Just take your time. We’ll get there eventually and we won’t even know it.” There was a comfortable stretch of silence as they just sat there until Marcus continued speaking and asked Zephyr, “How’s your job of protecting her?” Zephyr’s breath hitched for a moment before he let out a deep breath and cleared his throat. “It’s great, I guess. She’s not that spoiled, party-going kind of girl, really dedicated to whatever she does, responsible, smart, strict but on point, eleg–” “Dude, hold up.” Marcus cut him off and chuckled in amusement. “I am only asking about your job. It seems like the woman’s great too.” Marcus smirked, sensing the utter unease of Zephyr. “Oh,” Zephyr muttered, staring at Marcus like an i***t. He finally blinked, realizing Marcus was right, at both—that he was only asking about the job and that Ava was great. So great. He shook his head, trying to clear his head from distracting thoughts about Ava Lauren Shaking his head and with that teasing smile still on his face, Marcus poured vodka on the glass and pushed it towards Zephyr across the table. “You’re hooked.” He just had to comment that, just to tease him more. Zephyr was not sure why he felt nervous all of a sudden. His heartbeat was not that pace up, but it was still beating faster than normal. “What are you talking about, bro?” he asked, trying to sound casual. “Am I not allowed to describe her as a woman?” Marcus, pursed his lips, trying to hide a teasing smile as he found Zephyr amusing. “Dude, chill. Of course, you are.” He just could not help the chuckle as they raised their glass and clinked them together. Zephyr shook his head at Marcus. He was now getting that Marcus wanted to get under his nerves again. It was Marcus’ favorite thing to do and it seemed like he missed doing that. There were a few moments of silence before Marcus decided to ask Zephyr again, “I just want to warn you.” He started. Caught off guard and with a passive curious look on his face, Zephyr looked up at Marcus and waited for him to speak again. He was not sure where Marcus was going, but he wanted to know. “I think you are starting to like her, bro. There’s just something in the way you talk about her. That’s why I’m warning you. It’s going to really hurt if you fall in love with her, knowing that there’s a possibility that she could be an enemy.” Dumfounded, Zephyr did not know what to say. He was trying to think of the right words to say and not sound defensive, but he just could not speak. He just stared at Marcus who now had a serious façade on. It was when Zephyr knew Marcus meant it. He realized Marcus did not even think twice to say that to him, knowing that he hated the topic of romantic relationships. Admitting it, he was bitter about love from women. Zephyr thought Marcus was already done talking about such annoying matters when his friend went on. “I’ve heard from Xavier that you brought her home and ate dinner together.” Marcus cleared his throat and put his empty glass down. “I know you. You never brought a woman to your place, even back in Mexico, because you hated it. Is it changed now?” Why did he have to ask me that?” Zephyr silently cursed. He was never and would never be in the best mood to talk about it, but he felt chained to a chair. It was like he was that person on action movies who was chained and demanded answers from. He was so tied, but tongue-tied. “It’s okay if you don’t want to answer that. I’m sorry if I’ve crossed the limits.” Marcus raised his hands up and shook his head at his own self as he sincerely apologized. “No, it’s alright. I totally get what you are trying to say, bro.” Zephyr sighed, finished his vodka, and put the glass back on the coffee table. “I know what I am doing.” He felt like needed to take a deep breath before he continued. “I am being cautious with my feelings and I can assure you that I don’t feel anything towards her.” Confidence vibrated through his voice when he told Marcus that. He was even surprised it came out so smoothly as if it was not a lie. Clearly, it was and he was not proud of it, especially that it was Marcus whom he was feeding lies. “Good to hear that, bro.” Marcus smiled. It came out more like a smile of relief. Because of that, Zephyr was so quick to feel guilty but not quick enough to take those words he just told him back. They’ve been said and he could not do anything about it anymore but to go with the flow and play it cool. “I guess I have to go now,” Zephyr said as he stood up from the couch. Marcus nodded in understanding after he stood up. Walking over, he gave Zephyr a hug before saying, “We’ll get there soon, bro. One step at a time.” *** It was already afternoon when Zephyr finally left Marcus’ place. He drove to the police station and asked for the same officer who handled the case Ava reported. He came face to face with Officer Dawson. “My team and I will raid their apartment, first thing tonight,” Dawson told him. “You cannot come. We will send Ms. O’Kelly a notice. Hopefully, everything will be successful. Why did you even let them go in the first place when you are going to look for them?” Zephyr sighed, feeling the regret again. “I know. I was so stupid.” He had reported the case when Ava got harassed at the hospital parking lot because he had a feeling that the two incidents could be interconnected. That shooting incident was quite difficult to trace. He figured out they could get ahold of those two men at the hospital and do an investigation. If he only knew something happened before that, he would never have set those two addicts free. “Thank you, Officer.” Zephyr gratefully shook her hand before he left the police station and hopped onto his motorcycle. There was one last thing he needed to invade before he would go home and maybe check up on his girl? Wait, what? I don’t have that. Zephyr ignored the stupid thought as he sped off on the road and to his next mission. It was getting dark and the sun was setting down. The mesmerizing orange hue in the sky became a blur as he drove fast along the road. Driving was his escape. It made him forgot almost everything, but he had to stop by a random diner to have dinner. Parking his motorcycle in the parking space, he took off his helmet and messed his hair. He got his keys and hopped off his vehicle. He walked casually towards the diner which served delicious burgers and fries. He ordered in line, settling with a double patty burger and large fries. He sat at the corner and ate his dinner. Zephyr was used to being alone most of the time. Thus, eating alone was not really a big deal for him. He even liked it. Just being alone was already a pleasing scene for him. He thought he did not really need company most of the time and that he could do things by himself and be happy. Oh, really? I guess that’s changed now. That was what he was thinking as Ava popped into his mind again while chewing on the burger. He wondered what she was doing with her mother. Probably, they must have gone to a fancy restaurant to have dinner. He hoped they were guarded well and safe. He just could not help but worry about her. I f*****g miss her. Zephyr then remembered the conversation he just had with Marcus. He sounded so honest while talking and he hated that because he was far from being honest. He did not mean to slowly break it. It just happened without him knowing and he was not sure if he could stop what was slowly growing. Anyway, he finished his meal, not leaving anything on his plate before finally going out of the diner and back to his vehicle that was waiting. He had one last place to visit before he could call it a night. Without wasting any more time, he started driving again. *** The basement was dimly lit when he parked inside. Wearing all black, he casually walked on the far side of the basement and to the elevator. When he was finally inside, he saw the guards sleeping soundly on their chairs. He silently thanked them as the lift started going up to the certain floor where a certain office was located. When it finally stopped, he checked the hallways, and seeing them clear, he went for the door to the office and input the passcode he got from days of trying to hack the security system of the whole building. All his sweats and ninja moves were paid off. The doors slid open and hurriedly got inside. He quickly started opening the drawers and cabinets, trying to look for something that might prove his assumptions until he saw a black plastic folder in the very bottom drawer of the gray metal file cabinet. Curious, he opened it and what he saw inside made him quickly hid the folder behind his back, tucking it into his jeans. His black leather jacket perfectly hid it. When he left, he felt different emotions. They were mixing and he just could not wait to confirm it.                  
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