2060 Words
                “You don’t have to stand right behind and so close to me while I talk to Mr. Steel.”                 Ava told Zephyr for the nth time as they walked to her. While walking, she almost tripped on her heels, but Zephyr was so quick to hold her arm to steady her.                 “Thanks.” She muttered.                 “I’m your bodyguard and I will stay close to you.” He argued. They finally reached her Audi and Zephyr opened the passenger seat for her. Ava was about to open her mouth and he knew she would protest again, so held his index finger and shook his head at her. “No, no, no. No more words from you.”                 Glaring, Ava rolled her eyes but got inside the car. Zephyr smirked in victory as he closed the door and hurried to get inside the driver’s seat.                 “Come on. I want to do well in my job. Just let me.”                 “No more words from you.”                 Zephyr scoffed, starting the car and maneuvered out of the basement. Ava just crossed her arms over her chest and                 It was finally Friday. A day had passed since the unexpected not-so-romantic romance that took place in the office bedroom… since Ava had a mental and emotional breakdown right in front of her bodyguard. They acted like it never happened as promised. No strings attached. She just needed a shoulder to cry on. That was all and Zephyr gladly gave it to her, the comfort she needed at that moment.                 Four o’clock at a fancy restaurant was the meeting with Mr. Jasper Steel and it was less than thirty minutes before the set appointment.                 “What are you thinking about?” Zephyr glanced at Ava shortly. He was just worried she was so quiet.                 “Nothing. Why?”                 “You seem so quiet?”                 “Is it weird?”                 “I don’t know.”                 “You’re so weird.” She squinted her eyes at him.                 “At least I’m handsome.”                 “You’re not.”                 “Oh, really?” He gave her a smug look and winked at her. “This is not handsome.” He purposely licked his lips and combed back his hair with his long fingers.                 “Stop it.” Ava just could not help but laugh at his craziness. “You’re crazy.” She just had to say that.                 “But handsome.” He winked at her again.                            “Yeah.” She mumbled.                 “I heard you.”                 “Yeah, whatever.” She rolled her eyes, but a smile was dancing on her lips.                 “Is it here?” Zephyr slowed down as he might think they finally arrived at the restaurant.                 “Yes, it’s here.”                 “Alright. Let me just park.”                 Zephyr pulled over at the parking space beside the restaurant and hurried out. He adjusted his suit as his eyes scanned the surroundings, just making sure that there weren’t any suspicious individuals. When he decided it was safe, he pulled the passenger seat door open and Ava stepped out. He stayed close to her as he closed the door and walked closely behind her towards the entrance of the restaurant.                 It was not packed when they walked in. There were a few diners, mostly rich people in corporate attire. Other than that, couples were having a date, sharing smiles, and even kisses. It was painful to Zephyr’s eyes. As he kept checking the surroundings out, he did not notice that Ava had gone away from already. He almost panicked, but he saw her right away. But then, his eyes squinted at the scene he was watching while slowly walking towards it. A blue-eyed blonde guy wearing a navy blue suit and who appeared to be Jasper Steel pulled out the chair for Ava and kissed her cheek. And Ava was smiling widely at the guy.                 Zephyr’s feet kept leading him towards the two. He was not sure why he was not feeling good all of a sudden. He could not hear what they were talking about yet until he finally stopped right behind and close to Ava.                 “Who’s he?” Jasper Steele asked Ava.                 “Oh, this is Zephyr. He’s my bodyguard. Zephyr, this is Jasper Steele, my classmate in college and business partner.” Ava introduced.                 “What’s up, man? Nice to meet you.”                 Zephyr looked down at the hand that was being held out to him. “Nice Rolex.” He said.                 “Oh, thanks.” Jasper awkwardly chuckled, sounding like he was not sure what to say.                 Zephyr, on the other hand, suddenly felt something painful on his thigh and realized Ava just pinched him. He did not even have any idea what he did wrong. Letting out a deep breath, Zephyr pursed his lips as he glanced down at Ava who was now turning her head sideways to him.                 “Be nice,” Ava whispered… more like hissed at Zephyr.                 “I am.” He replied, not even caring if his voice was loud enough for Steel to hear. He could not care less.                 “You’re not being nice right now.”                 Zephyr let out a bored sigh and finally leaned forward to shake the guy’s hand. “Pleasure.” He gripped Steel’s hand tighter than he should, making Steel eagerly trying to pull his hand away from his grip. His left raised and he almost smirked when he saw the poor guy opening and closing his palm while still having the nerve to smile at Ava. “You look beautiful and elegant as always.” Steel commented.   Easy there, buddy. Zephyr just stood there close to his ‘Queen’ casually. His face was stoic, showing no emotions at all. He kept his eyes around, scanning the restaurant for threats. Everything felt normal so far. And the guy was right. Ava was beautiful, but Zephyr did not tell her that when he arrived at the office in the morning. She was wearing a nice forest green dress. It was fitted and sleeveless, but thankfully, she wore a black blazer. As always? Do they see each other in this kind of meeting often? Zephyr frowned at himself, thinking why was he was even concerned about that. I don’t care. “Thank you.” Why is her smile so wide? Did she just giggle?           Nevertheless, Zephyr still stood there behind her as if he could not hear their conversation. Now and then, he would discreetly look Steel’s moves. So far, the guy’s hands were just on his sides. He better keep them there all the time. He better behave.                 “Do you want to have something to eat?”                 “No, no, no. Don’t bother. We won’t be long here. I still have another appointment after this.” Ava waved her hands at Jasper in refusal.                 “My bad. Something to drink, at least?”                 “Tea?”                 “Cool.”                 Zephyr was cool. He watched Steel raising his hand to call for a waiter. And while the guy was telling the waiter to order tea or whatever, he felt Ava looking up at him. He ignored her and kept his eyes forward.                 “So… Broccoli. Why broccoli?”                 Seems like they’re talking about business now.                 “I’m targeting the vegans. I like broccoli. And so I thought why not add it to my Ava-A line. I assumed you have tasted it already.”                 “I wouldn’t be contacting you if I hadn’t. It’s really tasty, despite it being a green veggie. Organic and kids-friendly. It’s nice. Congratulations on the successful sales.” Steel complimented.                 Ava smiled gratefully at him. ‘Thank you.”                 “All stores. Same quantity every week.” Steel said.                 “Alright.” Ava nodded her head.                 “And also before we separate ways today, can I have your number? I lost my phone.”                 “Oh, su–”                 “f**k!” Steel suddenly hissed loudly.                 Zephyr looked at him and almost laughed when he realized what just happened. Ava gasped and Zephyr rolled his eyes when he saw her eyes widened.                 “I’m so sorry, sir. I’m really sorry.” The poor waiter apologized as he paced around in front of Steele who was staring down at his outfit wet by the tea. Yes, the hot tea accidentally slipped off the waiter’s hold while he was serving it in front of Jasper. It got spilled right on Jasper’s suit.                 “Could you be more careful? Are you even a waiter? How did you even get hired?” Jasper was furious. Veins were popping on his face and Zephyr could not help but think how dramatic the guy was. He looked so stupid in his eyes.                 People commit mistakes, dude.                 “Jasper, calm down. He did not mean it.” Ava was just about to lean over and help Jasper with soothing down the burn on his hand when Zephyr pushed her back on her seat and walked towards the waiter. He leaned over to get the fancy box of tissue from the table and slid it right to Steel.                 “Hey. You should go now before your manager finds out. I’ll take care of this.” Zephyr whispered at the poor waiter. He was a dark-haired guy with glasses on. He looked young, probably in his early twenties. Zephyr felt bad for him and he would like to deal with the ‘best actress’ who was still complaining about his suit.                 “Are you su–”                 “Just go.” Zephyr patted his shoulder.                 With that, the waiter hurried away from them. When he was gone, silence filled the table. Zephyr looked down at Steel who was breathing hard over his ruined outfit. Dramatic.                 Dude, he’s burnt.                 Like I give a f**k about him?                 “Just put some oint–”                 The sudden sound of a phone ringing cut Zephyr off and both men’s heads turn to look at Ava who was fishing through her bag for her phone. When she finally held it in her hand, her eyes widened after reading the caller.                 “It’s my father. I’m so sorry, Jasper. I need to go now. You know my father.” Ava was already up from her chair and looking at Jasper worriedly. “The supply will be delivered to all your stores right tomorrow. I have to go now. Sorry.”                 Thank God.                 Zephyr almost pumped his fist up in the air and screamed in victory as he swiftly followed after Ava was now walking towards the exit. He caught up with her easily and when they were finally out, Ava answered the call. However, her face fell while she was listening to whatever her father was saying to her.                 “I’m sorry,” Ava said over the phone.                 Zephyr was curious but he patiently waited for her. They were right beside her car.                 “It slipped off my mind. I’m sorry.” She took a deep breath and closed her eyes and finally put her hand down.                 He did not say anything and just opened the passenger seat door for her. Rounding the car, he hurried inside the driver’s seat and looked at her. When he saw her looking out the window, he hesitated whether he should ask her about it or just give her some time.                 Starting the car, Zephyr asked her instead, “Where’s your next appointment?”                 Ava smiled, grateful for that. She really did not have appointments after Jasper. She just felt like she had to lie about it. She was not stupid to not feel the tension at the table. Zephyr must have sensed that Jasper was a threat. What kind of threat, though? She was not that dumb to not notice how tight Zephyr gripped Jasper’s hand while shaking hands. Zephyr Hernandez was not being nice. She was grateful that her father called because she could excuse herself, or more like see herself out, but she was not happy about the reason why her father called.                 “You said you’ll pick your brother up from college. Why don’t we go pick him up now?” She asked. They were still in the parking space.                 “I’m not sure if he’s already out now.”                 “Let’s just go. We can just wait for him. And I want to meet him.”                 Zephyr’s eyes squinted at her. “Are you sure? Don’t we have more important things to do? I mean, you. Don’t have anywhere to go? You said you have another appointment after that guy.” He was confused.                 “I don’t. You’re my next appointment.”                 Zephyr jokingly gasped and put his hand over his heart. “That sounds scary, Ma’am.”                 Ava rolled her eyes and leaned back on her chair. “Let’s just pick him up already.”                 “Off we go, Ma’am.”                         
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