Chapter 1

1570 Words
Aria’s POV “Long live the alpha!” “Long live the alpha!” “Long live the alpha!” The chants of the pack members filled the air as I stared at the stage that contained Jason, or rather Alpha Jason. It was the rise of his power and also the beginning of my destruction. I knew my life was over. For years I had prayed for this day not to come, but I knew there was no way to avoid it. For years, even when his father was the alpha, he had wanted me. I was an omega, but that didn’t matter to him. He wanted to make me his desperately, to hold me, to make me powerful. I still remember his exact words. “You are an omega. No one would ever want you, but I do, I will make you great, powerful. I will make the world crumble at your feet. We are both mateless. What is there to worry about? you need to understand we are meant for each other” I stared at him on the stage, recalling his words, but that wasn’t why I was filled with so much fear. I remember the night when his father was pronounced dead. After years of chasing me, he whispered in my ears that night. “I will make you regret the day you were born. I have wanted you but you haven’t complied with me. Now you are no longer under the protection of my father, I will make you suffer” He was right; I was under the protection of his father, Alpha Fredrick. His father was against the discrimination of omegas. We were rare. Most of us were either killed or we killed ourselves since none wanted to go through the trauma of living as an omega. Alpha Frederick took my mother in when she ran from her pack and he sheltered her. He cared for us. When my mother died and I became the only Omega, he cared for me like his daughter. He believed we were people too and should be treated like one I knew that was just for the main time. I knew I still saw the hatred beneath the smiles people gave me. They were only being nice to me because it was the alpha’s degree. Alpha Fredrick wanted us to be equal. The night he died, I knew it was all over and his son was the first person to welcome me to reality. I was an omega and was meant to be hated, to be spat upon. “Long live the alpha!” “Long live the alpha!” “Long live the alpha!” The chants grew louder and the more the fear in me increased. I felt my hands tremble by my side. Was he going to kill me now? What was he going to do to me? Alpha Jason looked up at me as he smirked, a proud devious smirk. He wanted to crush me, make me pay for making him chase me for so long. No one was going to save me. He was the most important person in the pack and not only the pack but the whole western state. I froze in fear, turning around to look at the people who had amusement splattered all over their faces. I took to my heels. I ran away from the gathering. I couldn’t stand it. I wanted to run away from the pack completely. I still had time. Maybe I could run. I had never really explored. If I ran far enough, maybe I would find my mate who seemed to have been lost for so long I was 23, without a mate. It got to a point where I stopped searching because I believed maybe Omegas weren’t destined to have a mate. Staring at the big gate from the top floor, I shook my head at the idea. This was the only place where the decree to kill all omegas hadn’t been passed. Even with Jason being the alpha, I was still somewhat safe. Except he passed the decree like other packs. I ran to my room instead. My room…. The privilege I knew Jason would take from me “I will make you suffer” Tears trickled down my chin as I breathed hard. He said it and he meant it. On getting to my room, a small space that used to be shared with my mother before she died, I slipped to the floor and wept I thought about my future. What was going to become of me? While still there, staring at the floor as tears flowed freely from my eyes, I heard a soft knock and I froze immediately wiping the tears from my eyes. My eyes widened as I remained still. “I know you are in there, now open the door and don’t make it harder for the both of us” It was Jason. A few minutes into being named the Alpha he was already keeping to his promise. “I will make you suffer” I still kept remembering his words. I remained still. Maybe if he didn’t hear anything, he would leave, but I knew that wasn’t going to be the case. He could bring the door down any minute with his Alpha strength and make me suffer like he promised. “Aria!” he roared, his fist pounding on the door. My heart pounded even harder. “Please,” I spoke out, but the words never left my lips. I was too scared to even breathe. Just like I thought, it didn’t take long for the door to be flung open. He stood at the other side with the same smirk he had on his face when he stared at me on the stage. His eyes peered into mine, staring at my trembling body. He loved it. He loved the way I was scared of him. He walked in slowly, leaning on the wall. “I am alpha now” His voice came with pride. He was rubbing it on my face, but he didn’t realize I didn’t care about that. All I wanted was to live His eyes darkened as he walked further into the room. “Alpha Frederick is dead” he chuckled. “Or should I say your savior?” he kept coming closer. “Please don’t hurt me” For the first time my words didn’t fail me and actually came out. “I can do whatever I want with you. There is a bill that was passed all over the union. All omegas must die. I’m sure you were only excluded because my father didn’t want to partake” he stood before me as he bent to my level. “But you must know, I am nothing like my father” “We have done nothing wrong” Tears stung my eyes as I swallowed hard. He scowled at me, his eyes filled with hatred. He wrapped his hand around my hair, tugging me up immediately. I screamed in pain. “For 8 years I wanted you!” he roared in my face as I shrieked. “You bloody Omega, you made me beg you, you wanted me on my knees just to get you?!” “No!” I cried out. His hands came down forcefully on my chin. I dropped to the floor, tasting blood. He wasn’t done. He raised me again with my hair. “Now listen to me, you are not under the protection of my father” he smirked again as his eyes ravaged my body with desire. “And I can do whatever I choose to do with you” He slapped me again. This time he didn’t stop. He kicked, punched me, and choked me. He was going to kill me. I could see the need to end me in his eyes as he held me pinned to the wall, smiling as I struggled. “Stupid b***h!” he growled, pushing me aside with my head hitting the wall. He stopped to catch his breath. “Remember my promise to you” He nodded slowly. “Yeah that's right, I will make you suffer” He turned to leave while I struggled in pain on the floor. I didn’t move. I worried if I breathed wrong, he would be back and make me suffer even more He suddenly turned and I held my breath, hoping he wouldn’t come to finish what he started. He smiled at me. “There will be a celebration tonight. 10 alphas would be present” he shook his head as he looked in front of him. “For years, you didn’t let me have you. You believed you had some dignity, but tonight, I am going to show you, omegas have no dignity. You will serve all of them tonight” My eyes widened as his words registered in my head. “No!” “Yes Aria, they are going to rip you apart and show you how worthless you are” I crawled to him, but he walked out, locking the door. “Jason please don’t do this!” I screamed after him, trying to get out, but the door was locked. He had said it and he was going to keep to his promise. He was surely going to make me suffer.
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