#Chapter 7 – Is my mate a Volana Wolf?

1476 Words

Third Person POV It was easy getting into Lila’s party when Scott’s dad was there. Scott and Sarah didn’t even need an excuse to attend. Actually, Scott’s father insisted that he showed up. Sarah spent the better part of her morning picking wolfbane from her personal garden. She turned the wolfbane into a powder and placed it in a small vile she wore around her neck, tucking it into her shirt; hidden and out of sight. Sarah wanted to destroy any chances of Lila getting her wolf on her birthday. Even though Lila was skilled in combat, she would still be known as lesser without her wolf. Sarah would remain superior in her wolf form. As they got there, Lila was mingling with her guests and laughing. It annoyed Sarah. She took note that Lila had a wine glass that was placed on the t

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