#Chapter 6 – Wolfbane poisoning.

1475 Words

Lila’s POV I wasn’t feeling good. I don’t know if it was something I ate; perhaps I had too much cake. Or maybe it was too much to drink. I only had a couple of glasses of wine at most. But I was suddenly feeling lightheaded. I was also feeling a wave of heat crossing my features. My heartbeat was heavy, and I needed to sit down before I completely passed out.  “Lila bean, why don’t I take you to your room so you can lie down,” my mother suggested, sitting beside me on the couch. I was faced with a few concerned eyes as I tried to maintain my breathing. “I’m okay,” I tell her. I would hate to leave my own party early. My parent’s worked so hard to make this evening perfect and I didn’t want to disappoint them. “You are burning up, you might have a fever.”  “I don’t want to be

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