#Chapter 27 – Painting a portrait.

1558 Words

Enzo’s POV I sat on the loveseat on the far side of the art gallery while Lila sat in front of her canvas. She had this perplexed look in her eyes as she fixated her gaze on her painting. I had given her some old clothes so she wouldn’t get paint all over her outfit, along with an apron. Her tongue was out slightly, touching the top of her lip, as she often did while concentrating. I had taken note of that while watching her. She bit onto her bottom lip slightly, tugging at it between her teeth. I watched as it grew red and swollen from the intensity of her bite and I wondered at what point she would release it. She had paint smeared on her features as she splattered the brush across the canvas. It’s been a couple of hours since we began the painting; she had to have been almost don

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