#Chapter 28 – The bake sale

1607 Words

  Lila’s POV I took a step backward as children came running toward me. Their excited faces lit up as they got closer. “I can’t believe we are actually meeting you!” One of the girls said happily. “You are a legend around here!” “A legend?” I asked, raising my brows in pure confusion. I glanced over at Dee who had a smile on her face. “I don’t understand…” “You fought the bad guys and saved that woman!” One of the kids explained. “Everybody is talking about it!” “Word travels fast,” Dee said with a shrug. “You are like a hero to the kids.” “We want to be just like you!” “Teach us how to fight! “We want to fight like the incredible Lila!” I must have looked as shocked as I felt because Dee started laughing at my expression as she stood beside me. “Can you teach us, Lila?

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