#Chapter 34 – My mother’s attacker

1307 Words

Enzo’s POV Beta Ethan was right, their scent was strong in the forest that surrounded the Calypso pack. It reeked of outsiders, and I knew that scent all too well. They were my father’s followers; at least a couple of them. They had no reason to be lurking around my pack, they knew they weren’t welcome here. They knew I would tear them from limb to limb if I saw them with my own eyes. But yet, their scent is fresh. They were staking out. Waiting. But waiting for what? A heard a twig cracking as I continued my search in the forest. I’ve been out here for hours and haven’t come across a single wolf. It was becoming late, or early. It wouldn’t be long before the sun began to rise. I’m not sure they would stick around in the broad daylight. It was the night of the full moon so

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