#Chapter 33 – You aren’t alone.

1169 Words

Lila’s POV I didn’t know where else to go other than the forest. As soon as the electricity left my fingers and the shadows lifted from the ground, I knew I needed to isolate myself until it ended. I covered my head and ran from the school; I needed to get far away. But not too far. I still needed to be in a reachable area in case I needed somebody. What I wouldn’t give to have my mother with me right now. She would know exactly what to do at this moment. I couldn’t stop the tears from falling down my face. This was humiliating. I am Lila. The daughter of Bastien and Selene. I was good at so much stuff and rarely failed. So, why was I struggling with this thing that’s supposed to be a part of who I am? Val had no answers for me which worried me that much more. Was I se

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