#Chapter 75 – Art show

1334 Words

Lila’s POV “Absolutely not!!!” Val growled with fury boiling through her. I had to clutch the desk to keep her tame and not lose control. “We will not be introducing these whores to our mate!!” “Maybe he would finally reject us if we did though,” I said, trying to reason with her. Yes, it was painful to think about, but this might be a blessing in disguise. Perhaps this was the push Enzo needed to finally reject us and let us live our lives without the burden of being his mate. My stomach was in a complete knot as I stared around at the eager faces that stared back at me. They were waiting for an answer and Val wasn’t letting me say anything to them. “We know he’s unmated because he hasn’t found his mate yet. We heard through a grapevine that he’s on the market for a chosen mate,”

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