#Chapter 74 – Assistant duties

1423 Words

Lila’s POV “Sarah?” I said, standing to my feet. “What are you doing here?” “I just wanted to check out the new art gallery that just opened,” Sarah said, raising her brows. “But my question is, what are you doing here?” “I work here,” I explained. “As Cassidy-Ann’s assistant.” “You?” Sarah nearly scoffed. “What would she want with someone like you?” That sounded like an insult, but I ignored it, allowing it to brush off my back. “She liked the portrait I made of Professor Enzo. She said I have real potential and wanted me to start here as her assistant,” I said in return. At that point, the other girls had disappeared to continue their own work. They were Cassidy-Ann’s artists, so they stayed in their own section of the studio, painting for the next art show. Which I knew was

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