#Chapter 81 – I’m breaking you out of here

1662 Words

  Lila’s POV “So, you are going to go away all summer?” Becca asked with large eyes as we sat in the student lounge. “Yes, I think so,” I answered with a head nod. “It’ll be a good opportunity for me. Plus, my parent’s think it’ll be a good idea.” “What am I going to do all summer without you?” Becca pouted. “Rachel will probably spend the summer at the hospital with Ryan.” “I’m sure you’ll figure something out,” I chuckled, but then I frowned once I thought about Rachel. “Any word on how Ryan is?” I asked, peering over at her. She frowned as well and shook her head. “None yet,” she said. “But they are thinking about getting Rachel admitted into a rehab facility. They want to bring her back to the one she was in a few years ago.” “What?” I gasped, my heart falling into my sto

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