#Chapter 80 – Enzo finds out about Monstro

1495 Words

Enzo’s POV “Today, I’ll be teaching you how to shift in the air,” I announced to the class of students. “It’s all in the legs. We kick off from the ground and then begin the shift right when the legs are being pushed off the ground.” I demonstrated with ease, and I was met with applause. “This is used mainly for sneak attacks. I want you to try and sneak attack your partners. Trade-off each round.” Everyone went with their partners to a different section of the arena for some space. Lila stood in the distance, waiting for me because I’m her partner. We hadn’t spoken since my confession at the art show, and I was hoping we wouldn’t have to talk about this again. It was a moment of weakness on my part, and it wasn’t something I was going to allow to happen again. Connie was right

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