#Chapter 160 – Theatre

1591 Words

Lila’s POV I wasn’t sure if I would be able to walk once, we got to the theatre. I couldn’t believe we pulled that off without William spotting us. It was meant only to be our last kiss but turned into something much more. Even after the climax, I felt hot all over, so I knew my body was probably very pink. Once I was off Enzo and adjusting myself back into my dress, he was tucking himself back into his pants. I couldn’t help but feel slightly disappointed because I wanted so much more of him. I was ashamed of myself for even thinking that thought. It was entirely out of character for me. I could still taste Enzo on my lips, and I brought my fingers to my bottom lip to feel how swollen it was from his biting and sucking. I couldn’t help but smile at the memory. We said nothing as

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