#Chapter 159 – One last “Kiss”

1631 Words

Enzo’s POV I stared down at Lila’s serious face, dumbfounded. Her cheeks were growing pinker by the moment, and I couldn’t believe what she was asking. “We just agreed to end our fling and we never had that last kiss…” She clarified, her voice dropping to nothing more than a whisper. Was that what this was? A fling? The word “fling” left an unsettled feeling in the pit of my stomach. To me, Lila was much more than a fling. She was the forbidden fruit I craved so desperately. I knew if I kissed her, I wouldn’t be able to resist the rest of her. The sound of the fireworks grew louder, drowning out Lila’s soft voice as she spoke again. She was trying to further explain herself, but I didn’t need her to. I knew where she was coming from and why she wanted this kiss. But I knew I w

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