Chapter Twelve: Marcus POV

3395 Words

I’ve never wanted to go to these events. I’ve always been more than happy to stay at the packhouse and tend to business. Anything that gets me out of going to one of these stupid balls. It’s like the mutolupus version of speed-dating if you ask me. A bunch of singles coming together, moving around a big room hoping to find a partner. And if you don’t find them, you leave feeling like s**t. Not my idea of a fun time. I’d love to find my animai. I’m twenty-four now and, while I enjoy casual hook-ups, they don’t satisfy that empty feeling that can only be filled by your soulmate. Yet, I still don’t like going to these events. Call me stubborn. We’re sitting in the Peugeot Traveller on our way to the Invictus Pack for the yearly Vernal Ball. It’s their turn to host this year. In our car are

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