Chapter Eleven: Amelia POV

3058 Words

As I’m stepping back to give the new couple some space, Zara starts pacing anxiously in my head. Before I have the chance to ask her what’s wrong, I’m hit by the most incredible scent of Caramel, my favourite flavour in all things. The intoxicating scent is flooding my senses and I can barely focus. My feet start moving of their own accord in search of the source. I move past a few people and that’s when I see him – time stops. All sights and sounds funnel out and all I can see is him. “ANIMAI! HE’S OUR ANIMAI!” Zara starts screaming like a foghorn. She didn’t have to say it. I knew it as soon as I smelt him. He looks… there are no words to describe him. He is positively the most gorgeous man to ever walk the face of this earth. He’s 6’5”, with luscious shoulder-length black hair th

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