Chapter Nine: Amelia POV

2581 Words

We’re one week away from the Vernal Ball and there has already been another threat mailed to me since then. A generous offer of, ‘Give up now and I’ll let you live.’ It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. As wolves, we’re no strangers to violence. When someone wants to pick a fight, we fight. But this person wants to toy with me first, try and get in my head, make me paranoid. Can’t say it’s working. I’m not scared and I’m definitely not paranoid. In fact, I’m grateful for the letters and I look forward to the next one. Each letter I receive tells me a bit more about my invisible enemy. In the first letter, they made sure to refer to me by my name, but never call me Alpha directly. This is a blatant form of disrespect among wolves and is enough to start a feud, so this tells me the

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