Chapter Eight: Amelia POV

3026 Words

This past week has been hectic as hell. After getting challenged, killing two people I was practically raised by and getting my nose fixed, I got started on my Alpha duties. The following day, we had a ceremony officially making Vitali, Tyson and Chris my Beta, Gamma, and Delta. It went off without a hitch and the transition process, for the most part, has been pretty smooth. We then had a small funeral for Beta Declan and Saree, to which very few showed up. Since then, we’ve been in meetings each day going over pack paperwork, evaluating the current state of the pack and discussing what changes – If any – we’d like to make. Tyson has begun implementing his new training regime, which everyone seems to be loving so far. As the Gamma, his job is to oversee the training of pack members, wa

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