My New Reality

1994 Words
“I don’t know why she is not waking up. There is nothing medically wrong with her. She should have been awake days ago.” I hear a male say. The voice sounds familiar but I don’t know where I have heard it before. “She’s had a shock and her body is trying to figure out what is happening” another male replies. “She should still be awake. I just found her I can’t lose her already. I was just trying to show her that we aren’t crazy and that we are connected. Instead she panicked and somehow destroyed my office.” My eyes open at that last comment. I am definitely not my room. It looks very medical with white walls and a very sterile smell. I don’t want to move and draw the attention of the two males yet and want to hear more about what they are saying. “Mira, you’re awake.” I hear my mom yell. She stands up from the chair right next to the bed I am in. I hadn’t noticed her sitting there as she had been so quiet when I was listening to the two males talk. All of a sudden I feel a tingling in my hand as I look over and see Caleb holding my hand and staring at me as if I had died. He looked relieved that I have woken up. The I realized that Caleb was the one talking with I am assuming a doctor. I slowly pull my hand out of Caleb’s grasp which caused him to frown down at me. I look at my mom. “What happened. The last thing I remember was almost being mauled by a wolf that got into the house.” My mom gently took my other hand, “Honey I know you’re trying to resist the truth but we are werewolves and apparently you are not human as you believe. Just before you passed out that was a huge light that burst out of your hands that caused Caleb, your father, and I to fly across the room into the wall. When we stood up the entire room was destroyed except for the bookshelves which we thought was really odd, and you were laying on the group unconscious.” “Those books are beautiful why would anyone want to destroy them.” I said. “That explains that mystery. Even subconsciously you didn’t want to destroy the books so whatever power you have protected them from your blast.” “But mom, why is everyone panicking. I was only trying to protect myself from being eaten. No one would let me leave. I felt this strange sensation and just thought to escape the room. No destroy it.” “How do you know it was destroyed?” Caleb turned and looked at me. “I heard you just talking to the doctor a few moments before I woke up.” “The doctor and myself had that conversation a week ago, not a few moments ago.” “A week ago. No that isn’t possible I was just in the study with your wolf trying to eat me.” “I was never going to eat you. My wolf was trying to figure out the strange scent coming off you. And you have been in a coma for a month.” “A coma. No that isn’t possible. I have school. I have my internship. Has Xyler been here? I really need to talk to him. And I do not stink thank you very much.” “I didn’t say you stink. There is a distinct scent that you have. It draws me in, but then there is also a hint of something else just under the surface. It has gotten a little stronger since your little light show from your hands.” Caleb picked up my hand again and examined the front and back. I felt that tingling sensation again and just couldn’t muster up the willpower to pull my hand out of his. His hands feel great, strong and able to protect me. What is wrong with me? I have never been this sentimental even with Xyler. Caleb bends over and looks as if he is inspecting my hand closer and then kisses my palm. Tingles run up my arm and all I want to do is grab him and pull him into the bed with me. I don’t know what is happening to me, but this has got to stop. I can’t think when Caleb is around. I pull my hand out of his grasp again and turn to my parents. I see the end of a glance that they give each other with a soft smile. My mom looks back and notices my curious gaze. “Mira do you think we can finish telling you about our family without destroying the hospital wing like you did Caleb’s study?” my mom asked. “I think I can manage it as long as no more wolves try to eat me.” I knew that they weren’t going to eat me now, but Caleb looked amazing when he runs his hands through his black hair when he is getting frustrated, like he is right now. My mom just gave me the knowing look as she catches me checking out Caleb. I blush slightly and look at my mom waiting for her to finish her story. “So you remember how you smelled different from the other children in the orphanage. What really drew you to us was how cute you looked. Your bright red hair and vibrant green eyes.” “Hang on what?” I threw my hands in the air. “Mom you obviously didn’t pick me if you adopted a redhead with green eyes. As you can clearly see I have dark brown hair and brown eyes. I have seen my baby album, I have never had red hair. It has always been brown.” “That’s where you’re wrong sweetheart.” I looked at my mom with confusion clear on my face. “What are you talking about?” “When we adopted you, you were a redhead with green eyes. Then when we brought you home your hair and eye color would change every few days. We knew you were special, we just didn’t know if you were a werewolf or something more. Once your features settled down around 10, we hired the best photo editor we knew to change all your baby pictures to you with matching features. We have all the originals as well as the photoshopped images. They’re in a hidden chamber in this building.” “Who was this photo editor? I wanted to talk to them to see if you are speaking the truth.” My mom looked at Caleb. “He is.” I looked at Caleb. “I think the purple hair and pink eyes were the cutest” he stated. I tried to get out of bed so I could pace and think this new revelation over, but Caleb and my mom both grabbed me to keep me in my bed. “Honey you have been in a coma for a month. I think it will take your body sometime to get back up to strength. I need to finish telling you, our story.” I settled back against the pillow that Caleb placed behind me to support my back. “We knew you were different we just didn’t know how much. After you turned 5 there were other changes that alerted us. We would walk in and you would be playing with your toys.” “Mom that isn’t that strange. Kids play with toys all the time.” “Yes honey I know, but do those toys normally float around the room and move as if their alive?” I stared at my mom with my mouth gaping open. “What? No that isn’t possible. You must have dreamed that.” “We took pictures honey. We knew one day you would need to know about this, so we documented everything. We could never go anywhere and leave you in someone else’s care for fear that something would happen around them that we couldn’t laugh off or just get them to believe they imagined the incident. That was until your father took the job as head of security for Wolfe Enterprises.” “There was a new werewolf family moving into town with a little boy just a little older than you” my dad stated. I looked at my dad, “Xyler.” My dad nodded. “I knew that if we had someone who could look after you without being obvious and could be your friend so that in instances where something strange happened they would be there to protect you or get you away from the scene quietly. So we purchased the house next door so that you two would be friends.” “You hired Xyler to be my friend” I screamed at my dad. “Was any of my life real? Was he just pretending to care about me? Pretending to love me?” Both my parents winced. “Your entire life was real. There were just some things we hid from you for your protection. We didn’t want you to be afraid of yourself and run away from us where we couldn’t find you. He does love you.” There was a low growl next to me. “He did love you. He understands how the connection of mates work.” My dad quickly corrected for Caleb. “I … I just … I can’t do this right now. I’m tired. Can we talk again later?” My parents look at me with sadness and love in their eyes. “Yes honey we can talk later after you have had some rest. This must be a lot to take in. Just remember that we love you and that will never stop.” My parents kiss my forehead and walk out of the medical wing. “You know they did what they thought was right. They only did it to protect you.” Caleb stated. “I don’t want to talk about it right now. I just want some rest. Please go.” I laid down and turned my back to Caleb. “I love you too you know.” “You don’t even know me. I just want to be alone.” “I do know you, but we will have that conversation another time. Get some rest.” He kissed me on the cheek and walked out. I closed my eyes and dreamed. 1 month earlier. New York City “Did you feel that?” “No master.” “There’s a massive pull of power. Is it her? Has she finally awoken and I can find her? The light to guide us out of this horrible existence? Leave me. I must focus on where the energy is going.” My servant walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. I turned to look out over the city from my skyrise. “I will find you. They have tried to hide you from me, but that will not happen any longer. I will not stop until I find you, and when I do. You will help me rule this world and show these humans who really have the power.”

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