Everything Changes

1916 Words
I felt Xylers hand lift off of my waist. “Sorry Alpha I didn’t know” Xyler stated with his hands in the air. Xyler took several steps back from me leaving me alone with this strange guy. I turned and looked at Xyler confused and surprised as he never backs down to anyone in regards to my safety or when strangers are talking to me. “What are you doing Xyler? I don’t know who this guy is.” Xyler just looked at me with an apology in his eyes. “I’m so sorry hun, but I don’t think we’re going to work out like we planned.” I heard a low growl from behind me when he called me hun, but I couldn’t focus. Tears were filling my eyes. My boyfriend was breaking up with me because this random guy challenged him. Xyler just gave up on me and doesn’t care any longer. I wanted to just run away and never have to remember this horrible day again. “Please don’t look at me like that. I still care about you, but we can’t be together. You’ll be so much happier with him then with me” Xyler said. I took a step back and ran into a very warm chest. I knew who it was without even looking at him. It was the strange guy that made my boyfriend, the best friend I have ever had, break up with me on my birthday. I felt his hands rest on my shoulders. There was a tingling sensation, but I don’t want anything to do with him. He has ruined my birthday. I shrugged off his hands and stepped away. I turned around to face this gorgeous stranger. “I hate you. You have ruined my life and I hope you are happy now.” His face was emotionless, but I saw a slight flash of what looked like sadness flash in his eyes. My mom stepped up to me. “Sweetheart we should go somewhere and talk. There is a lot your father and I have to tell you.” She looked over to the stranger. “Alpha Caleb, she doesn’t know about us. Can we go into your office to talk to her and explain?” Alpha Caleb. Caleb is one of my favorite names. I always wanted to name a son Caleb. My overstressed brain was giving me random thoughts now. Alpha Caleb is gorgeous, but naming someone Alpha is strange, but to call someone by the first and middle name is definitely strange. There was a slight chuckle in my head. “Alpha is my title, Caleb is my name.” I froze, what the heck is going on. I looked around to see if anyone else was laughing. I looked at Alpha Caleb and there was a smirk across his face. My mom kept looking between the two of us. “Mom, I think I’m done with this party. I want to go back to school.” “That isn’t possible right now sweetheart. We need to talk now.” My mom grabbed my hand and pulled me further in the room. I finally looked around at the people inside and saw a lot of curious looks. A lot of the females had looks of jealousy, but there was one. She glared at me with a look of such hatred that I was actually scared. My mom pulled me to the back of the room and we went through a set of double doors that opened to a huge office. There was a massive mahogany desk along the back wall with two comfortable chairs facing the desk. Off to one side was a wall of bookcases with so many books it doesn’t look like another book could possible be added. On the wall opposite the book cases there was a fireplace with two couches in a comfortable setting. I could see myself sitting there reading a book as Caleb sat behind the desk completing work. I froze in shock, which seemed like a common occurrence in my life right now. Why am I imagining my life here. I have my whole life planned ahead of me with Xyler. And then I remembered the Xyler just broke up with me, on my birthday. Happy Birthday to me. I was calm before I remembered that thought, and now that I remember how bad my day has gotten I got angry. I turned to face my mom and dad with Caleb standing behind them. “What the hell is going on?” I yelled at them all. “Requiring me to come to this stupid party has ruined my life. I am now in love with my ex-boyfriend who now says that we can’t be together.” Caleb growled and walked around my parents and closer to me. “You two cannot be together any more. I forbid it.” “Forbid… You forbid it. Who the hell do you think you are to tell me what I can and cannot do?” “I am you Alpha and Mate. You will never be with him again. Get used to being here with me.” “I will never want” then a hand flew over my mouth. I looked at my mom who had run over and threw her hand on my mouth to stop me from talking. My look of shock and feeling of betrayal must have been in my eyes. “I’m sorry Mira but I had to stop you before you said something you would later regret. We need to just sit down and talk. Your father and I need to tell you about you.” She pushed me toward one of the couches and sat down next to me. My father and Caleb sat in the couch across from us. “Mira, my dear. We never thought that you would have to find out about this. We didn’t expect the alpha of our pack to be your mate. We didn’t even expect you to have a mate. You’re so different from your father and I, and even Xyler. Your father and I couldn’t have children so we decided to adopt. We went to a local orphanage and found you. You were just brought in that day and only a few days old. The head of the orphanage said they found you on their doorstep in the morning with no information about where you came from or your parents. We fell in love instantly and adopted you. You were just a small thing, they guessed to be about a week old. You smelled different from the other children so we thought maybe you were like us.” “And what are you?” I asked. “Mira, we’re werewolves.” I busted out laughing. “Mom, werewolves don’t exist. I already figured out years ago that I was adopted but I don’t care about that. But werewolves. That’s funny. Glad you guys are making me laugh on my birthday after how shitty it has been.” I looked at my dad and Caleb. Neither were laughing with me and both looked very serious. “Come on guys. Werewolves aren’t real. You’re trying to tell me that they are and that I have been living with wolves my entire life. I don’t believe you. I have never seen wolves around the house, or indicators of giant dogs inside the house.” Dad just chuckled. “Honey, we’re not dogs. Definitely don’t say that to anyone else, they will be highly offended.” “Ok, so let me get this straight. You guys think your werewolves, and adopted me, a normal human. Then on my 18th birthday you decided to bring me to a party filled with a bunch of animals that could kill me super easily. Sounds like a really great birthday present.” “We’re not animals.” Caleb growled at me. He stood up and stalked toward me. “We’re people with the ability to shift into wolves. And you are not a normal human. There is something to you, but I can’t put my finger on it. No wolf can be mated to an ordinary human.” I laughed again. “You’re all crazy. I don’t believe a single thing you’re saying now. Clearly I need to have you all evaluated.” All of a sudden Caleb stood up and pulled his shirt off in front of me, and holy gorgeous. I thought he was amazing with clothes on and the minute he started stripping I started to feel drawn to him and wanted to touch. He smirked when he noticed my checking him out. “Alpha I don’t think she’s ready.” I heard my mom say but I couldn’t look away from Caleb’s body. “She’s going to have to be or she will never survive here.” He kicked off his shoes, and then he started to strip off his pants. As soon as his pants were off; black hair erupted all over his body. What the hell, I thought. Caleb’s body started to fold in on itself and change. Within seconds there was a large black wolf standing in front of me with the same eyes that Caleb has. I stood up from the couch and took several steps away from the giant wolf and the couches. This cannot be happening. This is not real. I must have fallen asleep in the car on the way to the party and this is all just a horrible dream. I walked backwards away from the huge animal until my back hit the wall. Nope not a dream. The wolf just kept following my movements. When it stood directly in front of me with its snout an inch from my face, I started to panic. Was this wolf going to eat me? Am I going to die on my 18th birthday. “I’m not going to eat you Mira.” I hear in my head. It sounded like Caleb. This is not good. I am hearing things now along with going crazy. “You’re not crazy Mira. I’m your mate and you are mine. Wolves can always hear their mates once they meet.” “I am not your Mate. I’m not even a wolf. I am human. I don’t even know you. I’m leaving.” I scream out at the wolf. I’m starting to get super dizzy. I need to get out of here before he kills me. I try to inch my way along the wall away from the wolf, but each time I move he moves with me. This can’t be good. I’m getting super dizzy and feel strange. All of a sudden there was a massive flash of light and I welcomed the black abyss that came for me.
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