Chapter 6

1990 Words
Nate’s pov I grabbed my gym trunk, stuffed random clothes inside, walked out fast, slammed the door behind me, came down to my truck, got inside, and sat there. “f**k!” I was going for the record today! Madison was in my arms, and I liked it; I really did, and when I woke up, she looked afraid, like she knew just as much as me that this was wrong but didn’t care; she was dangerous as hell! I was sweating again, feeling my hard-on, making me feel sick. Madison still was a minor, and she turned me on so bad that I hated myself even more than I already did. She was beautiful, and I didn’t need that; I was not going to get arrested by freaking jailbait that didn’t even understand how hard it was for me not to just grabbed her and feel her inviting lips against mine…. Oh god… no, Nate, this was bad! She was off limits; think for one second, man! We are not betting on everything just because of one girl! You can kiss the police academy goodbye if you get caught in a relationship with an underage girl, nope! It was just wrong, and I knew that! I started the truck up, ignoring if people got pissed when I had sent a message to Hayden, saying that I was going to crash his place; I just needed to get out of there before I gave into whatever that was roaming around my chest, making me feel even heavier than I already was when I drove off into the night. Hayden lived about twenty minutes out, had his own place, and always gave me s**t about living with Nana; he was from my neighborhood and one of those cocky bastards that got his ass beaten since he couldn’t keep his mouth shut. I had helped him get out of trouble more times than I could count when we were growing up. I walked inside and saw that Hayden was home, for once, not having a girl over. That was a small comfort when I didn’t want to see anyone after what had happened with Madison. That was insane! I didn’t know her; she was a stranger. Still, I cared for some stupid reason when she cried and wanted to help her, like the goddam sucker I was, same old Nate, always falling for the crazy ones…. at least Melissa was my age. “Hey man, what’s up?” he was vaping, and I just made a frown when he smirked and blew out the smoke; that better be some fruit flavor, or I was tossing that s**t out the window! “You look tense. What happened? Did Nana give you crap for being a bad boy?” Hayden snickered and inhaled smoke inside his lungs, just chuckling at my misery when I fell onto his couch; I wish that was what happened. “No… no…” I scrounged my face; I didn’t want to talk about it; he would just give me s**t for telling the truth; that was just Hayden's style. He loved when I f****d up, even if he was the one that did that most. How the hell he even graduated was impressive. “Oh, she did, just look at you… haven’t seen you like this since…that b***h you dated….” He dropped the bong and turned his head from the TV he was staring at before accusing me; he thought that I had gotten back with Melissa, that would have been better… or not… I didn’t know anything anymore… I was attracted to a girl who would make all my plans disappear! “It’s not Melissa….” I said it exhausted and leaned my head back on the sofa, putting my feet up, and he relaxed again. Hayden really hated Melissa; he thought she was the spawn of Satan. Even told me those words directly to my face; we almost broke off our friendship because of her; it was a dark time. “Alright…. whatever it is…. Just don’t get back to that w***e; she f****d half her school; remember that before your d**k gets any ideas…” he muttered and inhaled again when I just made a slight chuckle, yeah…. I hadn’t forgotten that part, finding out the girl that I planned to marry was f*****g everyone. Not the best time of my life. After that, I just wanted to get my GPD and get out of there, but Nana was old and needed help, and I was not abandoning her. Even if I hated every time I saw Melissa, she tried to talk to me sometimes, but I never answered; she finally gave up just a few months ago. We broke up last year, and she still believed I would be so stupid as to take her back again. Nope. “Yeah, I'll remember that….” he smirked when I huffed, so what else was new? He was playing video games, and I was going to kick his ass like I always did if he didn’t cheat, and he always did that bastard. We had been just sitting there, both just staring at the screen, when Hayden crashed his car on the game for the third time and made a curse like he wasn’t high, I know he was, but right now, I didn’t give a s**t, and I just wanted some peace and quiet. “Hey, you heard about Richard Scott? Doesn’t your Nana work there? He was doing inside trading, police all over that mansion…” Hayden was chuckling when my heart dropped… what?! Richard Scott? As in Scott, as in Madison Scott?! Oh f**k! That’s why Nana had brought back the arrogant girl! She was homeless if her father was arrested and his assets were frozen. Shit! I knew I had heard that name somewhere, but Nana never talked about work at home; she said there was enough to talk about instead of wasting her breath on what she was doing during the day. I sat up, feet on the ground, feeling sick. That’s why Madison was so upset; she was homeless, and her father was in custody! s**t, and here I was being an ass to her and just taking off in the middle of the night, f**k! “You know what happened? The guy, what are they saying about him?!” I looked at Hayden concerned when he just shrugged and retook the bong and inhaled, not caring that I was just waiting for him to answer; Hayden knew s**t, he did. he was a damn slacker, but he had a master’s in economics, not that you believed that when you saw him. Hayden looked more like a burned-out deadbeat eating cereal and watching cartoons when he was really smart underneath all that s**t. “Oh yeah, he did it, now it's just how much time he will get… he is not going to be rich much longer when this is all over… what a f*****g i***t….” Hayden snickered again and turned to watch the tv, and I fell back to the sofa, s**t! I got up, this was stupid, so stupid, but I was going back, and I was going to apologize to Madison for being a d**k to her; she didn’t deserve that. I was the one that was supposed to say no. She was the innocent kid, and I had just left her alone in a house she wasn’t comfortable in; she probably felt like the world had abandoned her. “I need to leave! Later, man!” I was already up when Hayden waved his hand back at me, not even turning his head from the screen. I was out the door, running down the corridor and steps to the parking lot, when I got out and just slammed the car door close, praying that she hadn’t left the house; she was in no condition to go off anywhere in just nightgown and not knowing this part of town, f**k! I really was going for the record today! I knew I wasn't keeping the speed limit when my car was still on the street. I ran the last steps up to the house, calling her name when it echoed empty. The firm grip of fear was clutching me; she left. Fuck! It was all my fault that she was alone and scared when I was about to turn around and start running back to my car again; I needed to find her! My head hurt when I saw her in the distance, walking down the street in her nightgown and robe. Oh god, she didn’t own anything more right now than that, not even a freaking toothbrush! “Madison!” I sounded desperate when she looked up, surprised to hear me call her name. She had been crying, and I felt even more like the worst guy in the world. The hard punch of self-hate just slammed me harder. I didn’t care, so I approached her stunned face and grabbed it in my hands. She was looking up at me with her beautiful baby blue eyes stunned over my hand of her face. Oh, thank God! “Nate… I thought you left…?” she didn’t even sound accusing when I sighed deeply and smiled at her; look at her, she was an angel, and I didn’t know why I was acting so crazy around her. “Yeah… I did… I’m sorry about that…” I stroked her face with my thumbs, not even realizing before she put her hands on mine and it looked like I was mentally ill, pushing them away. She was still mad at me, and I got that, but she needed to understand me. I would not give up on my dreams just because I was attracted to her stunning face, which was still shocked over me, coming close so fast that I didn’t even know it had happened myself. “What the hell are you doing?! First, you act like you care, and then you just take off in the middle of the night; what the f**k is wrong with you?!” I frowned, hearing Madison say f**k, she was too young, but she didn’t seem to care. She was fire and brimstone, pulling my hands away and still staring up at me with her furious eyes, like a blue fire that would be my death. “I do care, I do… I just can’t be with you like… not like that…. “ f**k, that felt bad to say, her scowl dropped, and she just looked sad, like she got what I was saying and looked away, hurt without a doubt. Standing here with me in the middle of the night. “Madison… say something?” I was getting nervous when she still wasn’t speaking; looking away, her jaw clenched. She wanted to kill me, and I would have let her do that if she had looked at me; I was getting desperate and hated every second of it. “What is there to say? You made yourself clear, you don’t want me.” she sounded way more grown up and looked up when my shoulders slouched; that was not the case, but it was for the best. She didn't need to give me a reason to come closer. “Yes, I don’t want you, but I worry for you...” She made a sneer that made my heart pinch; what about her made me act like I didn’t care about anything anymore? I bet that if she really fought, I would cave in and kiss her; that scared me... “Fine.” She didn’t say more when she started to walk past me. I looked longingly after her when she swayed her hips again, marched back into the house, and slammed the door behind her, not even waiting for me.
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