Chapter Fifteen

1331 Words
Rhoyda: Dai was cool, but Sukuna... My God, he took the f*****g cake. The way he had me feeling was a feeling I never wanted to end. A soft moan escaped my lips as I was trying not to let neither his cousin nor sister hear me, but it was hard. I grabbed his pillow, clutching it in my fist. Our lips locked, repeatedly and he could not keep his hands off my hair. I loved how he tugged on it every chance he could get. "Sukuna, wait." I whispered. He moved down, kissing the side of my neck, then moved to my collar bone. "Mmm.." I moaned. He got up and began working on my clothes, removing them. He smiled at me as he got off the bed and removed his clothes as well. As I laid there with nothing, but my underwear and bra, just seeing him undress made me nervous. He climbed on me and my legs automatically parted, giving him complete access to me. Him entering me sent me on a whole different zone. Something I was not ready for at all. *** "Did I hurt you?" He asked me. I shook my head as I laid beside him on the bed, my body turned to the other side. "No." I told him, softly. His hand caressed my side, sliding down until he got to my thigh, then he wrapped his arms around me. I laid there in silence and I guess he hated that. "Rhoy?" He called me. I turned around to face him. He stared at me for the longest time and I turned back to my side. He sighed and got up from the bed. I could hear him as he grabbed his clothes to put them back on. I sat up and looked at him. "Did I do something wrong?" He asked me. "No." I told him. "I just don't feel like talking right now." Sukuna chuckled as he put his long hair into a man bun. "I mean, that's funny because you were talking to me before we had s*x. Now after we do it, you don't want to talk?" "Sukuna, it's not what you think." "No, it's a f*****g bad timing for that. I mean, damn babe. You're making me feel bad here." Nothing was wrong. It's just... The s*x was completely different than what we were use to having. I was used to his faster pace. Not that that body tingling, groping, caressing, passionate kissing and orgasmic experience he just showed me. It had me in my feelings, but I wasn't sure how to tell him since we just got together. Ugh, why now? "Nothing's wrong." I told him as I sat up on the bed. He nodded before he walked back over to the bed and sat down. "You're quiet as hell, Rhoy." He told me. "You're never like this." When he leaned to kiss me, the softness from his lips sent another chill down my f*****g spine, causing me to pull away. "What, Rhoy?" He asked, getting agitated. "What time is it?" I asked him. "Almost 4am." I got off the bed and threw my clothes back on. "I have to go back home." I told him as I got dressed. "Right now?" He asked me. "I was hoping you spent the night." "Yeah, I'm sorry, I can't. I have my sister at the house by herself and there's no telling when my mother will be back." He didn't say anything, but his whole demeanor has changed. He walked past me and walked out the room. He pushed the door open and looked at me. "Then, I will take you home." He told me. I walked out the room and he followed behind me. *** 2 hours later: Sukuna pulled into the drive way and I sighed with relief. He parked the car and turned it off before he leaned back in his seat. I leaned over to kiss him and he pulled away from me. "Don't you have to go inside?" He asked me. I was completely thrown by his words. He didn't understand why I wanted to go home. I unbuckled my seat belt and climbed on him in the driver seat. "Go inside, Rhoy." He told me. "For what?" I asked him. "You're acting weird just because I wanted to go home." Sukuna opened the car door and grabbed my hand, forcing me to get off him and out of the car, completely. "Sukuna, I.." He stopped me. "Don't bother." He said. "I'll see you at school." "Are you serious?" "You think I'm not?" The way he looked at me let me know he was deadass serious. Sighing, I turned and walked to the front door. I knocked on the door and waited for my sister to answer. She opened the door and I walked inside. "Did you have fun?" Cezi asked me as soon as she closed the door. "Yeah." I told her. "Thanks, sis." "You're welcome, Rhoy." I hugged her and headed up the stairs to my room. Right as I walked into my bedroom, my phone went off. Thinking it was Sukuna, I rushed and answered the phone without looking at the screen. I answered it with a smile on my face. "Hey, baby." I said into the phone. "Um, wrong people." Natasia laughed. "Oh s**t, sorry." "Wow, he has you hooked." Mika said on the other end as well. "Okay, why are two calling me?" I questioned them as I walked to my bed and took a seat. "And why are you on the other line with Natasia and I?" "First off, Natasia wanted to call you, not me. However, since we were on the phone together, I wanted to join your conversations for once." "Hm... How nice of you to include yourself?" "Thank you, bitch." "Okay, that's enough!" Natasia cut the both of us off. "Mika, there is another reason why we are on the phone with Rhoy, right?" "Ugh, I don't even want to ask anymore since she wants to be a little bitch." Mika remarked me. "I'm just being how you are to me." I removed my clothes and laid on my bed in nothing but my undergarments. Then, I stared up at the ceiling and sighed. "What's wrong, Rhoy?" Natasia asked me. "It's nothing." I told her, then changed the subject. "Now, what was it you wanted from me?" "Don't ask like that." Mika groaned. "You know I will never come to you." "Mika, stop." Natasia said. "Rhoy, how do you know that guy that's with Dai?" "Jae?" I squinted my eyes when they brought him up. "Yeah." Natasia said. "That's Dai's cousin. Why?" "Because I wanted to talk to him. He's very hot to me." "Ugh." Of course she wanted to. "What, you want to pass your p***y on to someone new?" I asked Mika. "Ha, funny hoe." She said. "I want to talk to him. Like, maybe date him." "Why? You guys don't even talk to each other." "Well, I wanted to invite him to our upcoming party. Maybe you can help with that?" "And why would I help you? You've been an asshole to me since school started." "Rhoy, please?" Natasia begged. Oh my god. Mika was not the person that I should be helping since we barely saw eye to eye. "Can you?" Mika asked. "You know I never like to beg." "I know, but it's so cute when you do." I told her. "But, I will help you." "Ek, thank you, Rhoy!" Natasia squealed. "I told you she will, Mika!" "Yeah, right. Anyways, I have to go to bed and get ready for school in the morning." "Same." Natasia added. "We'll see you tomorrow for school. Rhoy." "Bye." I hung up the phone and placed it on the wooden night stand. Then, I turned to go to sleep. "Goodnight, Sukuna." I whispered. Then, I clutched my pillow tightly and closed my eyes.
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