Chapter Twenty-One

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Rhoyda: The fall felt like forever. However, it wasn't just us. As I glanced around, I could see the sould being tossed in from above like buckets of water. They came down screaming as they fell along side of us. While being focused on them, I accidentally released Sukuna's hand. I began panicking as I couldn't see where he was or anything. Looking down, I was getting closer to the surface. "SUKUNA!" I screamed his name as I was afraid I was going to breaj my neck as soon as I landed on that hard ground getting closer and closer by the second. I closed my eyes, hoping and praying for a quick miracle until I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me, keeping me close. We got to the ground, but I was held up and a loud sigh escaped my lips. My feet planted firmly on the ground and glanced around what I thought was the most scariest place ever. Souls. That's all it was. Billions of souls being tormented on a daily there. The ones that just got there with me, they were snatched up by demon beasts. Black monsters with horns on their heads and wings. Their feet were nothing normal. Goat hooves to be exact. As one of the creatures came towards me, I backed up into something. More like someone. Moving away from them, I turned around and my eyes widened at what I saw. A big beast stood before me. Red and black skin. Its eyes were pitch black, so I wasn'y sure if it was looking at me or not, but I got this eerie feeling that the way it stood there, it was looking directly at me. its wings extended from his back. I felt surrounded and the best thing I could do was back up. When I turned to run, the beast grabbed my arm and pulled me back to it. Another beast came in front of me and backed away from him, pressing against the one that grabbed me. "No soul." The beast in front of me stated. "Why is she here?" "She's with me." The beast behind me stated. Wait, what? I glanced back up and the beast behind me was staring at the other one with cautious eyes. For some reason, when it told him that, I felt a comfort. The beast in front of me growled before he walked away, causing the ground to shake from his heavy footprints. Once he left, I turned my attention to the best behind me. "Are you, Sukuna?" I asked, softly. The beast released me and I turned around, staring up at the giant in front of me. All of that was in one tiny body. It was crazy to me. "What do you think?" He asked. Normally, a person like me would be scared. However, finding out it was Sukuna, I couldn't be. He would never hurt me. I was sure of it. "You're different..." I told him. "Walk with me." His deep voice said as he walked past me. As we walked side by side, I kept close to him. Beasts around me turned their glances my way as they realized I was a mortal from above. We got to a flight of stairs and I stopped as I noticed the stairs were made out a nasty material. "What is this?" I questioned. "Bones and flesh." He answered as he moved farther away from me. One of my foot touched the steps and I drew back immediately. It felt weird. Mushy and hard from both the materials Sukuna told me about. Backing away from the stairs, a loud growl was heard from behind, forcing me to jump and rush down the stairs to catch up with Sukuna. I made it to the end and Sukuna stood there, waiting for me. "They will not hesitate, Rhoy." He told me. "Keep up." Sukuna turned and continued to his destination, with me right behind him. There were so many scary things down there that my heart almost forced itself from my chest. There were so many things down there that I never wished my enemy to ever see. Souls being tortured by beasts. Souls being thrown in a big pit of fire. Bodies being broken and people dying right then and there, only to come back to life. It was a lot that I wasn't prepared for. Sukuna guided me over to a huge boat and turned to me. "There are many more places I want to show you." He told me. "I don't think I can take it all." I told him. "You must because then, I will tell you what your next step is." I turned as soon I heard crying souls beside me. Men, women and children filed onto the boat in a single filed line. Even the elderly were there as well. They wailed as they were forced to their next location by beasts. Sukuna got on the boat and I slowly followed behind him. As we got close to the front, a large head that was connected to it, turned to the right. Its eyes glowed a bright light. "I sense a live one." The boat said. "How did you get in here? Are you lost?" "Charon, she's with me." Sukuna told him. "Aw, Sukuna. Is this the girl your father told us about?" "It is." The boat began to move. I moved closer to Sukuna and his arms wrapped around me, fast. "Tell me something, Sukuna. Do you think she'll be ready?" I squinted my eyes at Charon, wondering what he was talking about. Ready for what? "She will be." Sukuna confirmed. "Ha ha ha. We will see, won't we?" The ride there was slow, but I couldn't lie and say that I didn't enjoy it. Looking down at the boat, I noticed the huge bones that created it. It was very strange to me how things that wasn't real, was exactly real. It was like the impossible just became possible. Peoples' fears were coming to life in this one place. "Sukuna?" I called his name after a long silence. He glanced down at me. "Where are we going?" "To the Garden of Lust." He told me. "There is someone I want you to meet." "Who is it?" "You'll see." After that, he stopped talking. *** Everything in Hell was scary. The atmosphere was strong and thick, surrounded by flames, bodies and torment. However when we got to the Garden of Lust, I couldn't say anything bad about it. The place had its own beauty, A flaming garden filled with fiery rose buds just burning individually on many bushes. Demons were around, but they were at peace. Well, some were, to be honest. Others were, exploring their lustful desires. From men and women to men and men, who were moaning as they pleasured others and themselves. Sukuna walked by all of it as he had his heart set on something else. Just being in the Garden of Lust had me flustered. The fact that I was able to see every demon in that area, f*****g and enjoying each other was a little too much for me. I barely even watched porn because of how it made me feel. Sukuna, again, walked a few feet ahead of me until we got to a part where there was two double doors. Pushing them open, we stepped inside a room that had loud moans being heard throughout it. Sukuna stopped where he was and sighed as he scanned the big room that had nothing, but a big orgy around it. Women and men just f*****g like savaged beasts in the middle of the floor. Some were on the stairs performing oral s*x to others like it was the thing to do. "Sukuna..." A woman's voice was heard over the loud moans. My eyes caught the sight of a woman walking forward and I was blown by her beauty. She was mesmerizing and enticing as she swayed over to where Sukuna and I stood. When she got close, I was able to make out everything. Beautiful black wings, gorgeous dark red eyes, a thick physique that held that torn dress up right. She was just.. Fucking... Wow! "I thought you would never make it over here to see your mother." She told him. "You know I hate this place." "Really? I remember my son being the same way as these demons." "Don't do that." She smiled and stared at her son for the longest time. "Why is there a mortal in my lustful temple?" She finally asked him. "This is my girlfriend, Rhoyda." The female demontress just stared at her son without even a glance my way. "Does it look like I care?" She asked. "See, I was hoping you did." She shook her head at him. "I could give a rat's ass who you're licking and f*****g on. Don't ever disrespect my temple again. Do I make myself clear?" "And this is why I don't deal with you." "Hm..." She turned around and walked off. "You act like I missed you." Just hearing how she was with Sukuna, made me realize that her and him had somewhat of a same attitude. Sighing, I turned and tried to find the exit. However, a couple of demons blocked me off. They growled at me, reaching to grab my arms as they tried to snatch me up and take me to wherever they were planning on taking me. "Don't touch her." Sukuna warned them. The two beasts stared at Sukuna before they backed away from me. We stepped out of the garden and a sudden burden left my shoulders as we walked further away from that place. "I'm sorry about that." Sukuna apologized. "My mother... She was... Never into the mortal world once my father turned her into a demon." "So, is she the Queen of Lust?" Sukuna nodded. "Why that?" "Because my father needed a Queen and my mother is his first love." "They're still together?" "Yeah. My father is the King of Lust." "Whoa. Is that why you're so horny all the time?" Sukuna chuckled. "You met my true side, yet." Sukuna took us over to a room. It was flames all around it and a large bed in the center. From the window, you were able to see souls being thrown in the fire and even the souls falling from the hole up above. Sukuna walked over to the bed and sat down on it, staring back at me. "I won't bite." He told me. I smiled, looking down at the ground. His bed creaked and once I looked up, Sukuna was now, standing in front of me. He was making me so nervous that time. His eyes stared at me as if he was searching every bit of my soul. "Come on the bed with me." He grabbed my hand and guided me over to his bed. I sat down on the bed and to my surprise, it was very soft and comfortable. I laid back on it, staring up at the flames on the ceiling. Everything was burning in that place. When I looked down at the end of the bed, Sukuna was there. "What?" I asked him, biting my lip at him. "What do you think? You know.. About my true form?" I sat up and we stared at each other. "I don't know." I told him. "It's... Um... Completely different for me." "Would you fall in love with me in this form?" "I mean, if it happened, then yeah. But, I mean, I can't fall in love with something I only see once." "I'll show you more of me, if that's what you want." I nodded my head. Tracing my fingers down the long veins that was visible through his skin. "What do you think?" I asked him. "About?" "Me seeing your form?" He shrugged his shoulders. My eyes lifted up to the long black horns on his head and I reached up to touch them. They were very sharp, but they were very much real. "Your horns are beautiful." I told him. He leaned closer to me and my heart pounded a mile away. When he tried to kiss me, I backed away. He looked at me and I sighed. "You're scared of me?" He asked me as he leaned back up. "No, I'm not." I told him, calmly. "I just... I'm so nervous right now." "I'm the same guy." "Yeah, in a different for-." He slammed his lips against mine and that kiss brought these lustful emotions in my head. I swear my body tingled just from that powerful kiss he placed upon me. I pulled away, breathing hard. He's never kissed me like that before, so why now? "Lay down." He demanded. I laid on the bed while he got up and went to the door, locking it to make sure nobody came in. Then, he came back to me and removed my clothes from my body, tossing them all on the ground. There, I had on nothing. He got up and removed his pants, which was the only thing he had on. He pulled me to the edge of the bed and he leaned down, kissing me some more. We kissed, wildly that moment. Tongue, soft bites on the bottom lip and bites on the neck. Hell, I couldn't even keep up. When his lips moved to my neck, his bites were something I couldn't handle. I moaned each time I felt his teeth on my skin. Sukuna even lowered himself until he placed his mouth over my cave, sucking and licking, driving my body almost into a f*****g seizure. My hand went to the back of his head as I felt that intense pleasure from that long, thick tongue of his. The way he ran it against my pearl before he stuck his tongue inside of me, made me grab the blanket beneath us, hard. I tilted my head back fast, releasing a moan loud enough for him to hear only. "Sukuna, yesss..." I moaned. Grabbing the long black hair on his head, I tugged it as he continued eating me out. Damn it, I've never had it like this. Was it because he was in his true form? That demon between my legs made it feel like he was eating the soul from my very body. Just from him eating me out, he was hitting all the right places. My body was on fire, ready to c*m in his mouth. "Sukuna, wait... Wait, please!" He ignored my plea like a true demon would. There was a point I had enough. I almost locked my legs on him as soon as I came. "f**k!" I screamed out loud. Sweat formed on my face from that intense moment. Breathing hard, I kept my eyes on him as he finally got up and hoovered over me. The lustful look in his eyes told me he wasn't done with me, yet. He pushed my legs open and got between them, guiding his huge c**k towards my entrance. As he pushed into me, my v****a was so sensitive from the oral I had just recieved, so of course, I let out a loud moan. He pushed into me, hard and deep. Non-stopping for him. He had just started. Placing one arm around him, I dug my nails into his back, moaning from another round of intense pleasure. "Yes.. YES!" I cried out. "OH f**k, BABY!" Wrapping my legs around his waist, I bit his shoulder, muffling the loud screams that was ready to escape my throat. He kissed the side of my neck, then moved his mouth to my ear. "You like it?" He asked me in a whisper. I nodded my head and he chuckled. "Let me hear you." He told me. "....Yes." He leaned back up and again, those black eyes of his stared into my eyes. I no longer felt fear; I lusted for him that day. His demon was doing things to me, mentally and emotionally. "Yes, what?" "Yes, Sukuna. I love it." He got off me and I sat up, fast, waiting to see what he did next. He motioned for me to turn around and I did exactly as he wanted. My eyes came face to face with a mirror in the far right corner of his room. I saw how he was and how I was positioned. He moved behind me and pushed into me. I gripped the sheets, screaming into it as he penetrated me the way he did before. His hands on both sides of my waist to keep me from moving. As I looked back up into the mirror, my hair was sticking to my face from the excess sweat. The room was not only hot, but it was a good kind of hot. Our body heat together caused the room to heat up and the flames around were not helping, either. Sukuna turned his eyes to the mirror and I bit my lip at him. He smirked at me and slammed into me so good.Tilting my head back, he moved his lips back to my neck, sucking on it. "I need you." He whispered. "You already have me." I moaned in ectasy. "Not fully. See, there's something else I want you to commit to, Rhoy." He placed his hand on my neck, forcing me to lift my upper body until my back against his chest and torso. His c**k was stil inside of me and each time I wiggled against him, his c**k would press against my spot. "Oh my god, you're going to make me c*m again." I whined. "Good." His other free hand moved to the front of my v****a and he began to rub my sensitive spot. My hand moved to his, but he had no intention of stopping. "I want you as my wife soon." He told me. "Why?" "Because, you'll be perfect as my significant other." "Su...Wait, I'm too young right now." "In five years, your body and soul will be mine." He continued pushing in and out of me as he spoke. "Sukuna, I don't know how to be a wife." I moaned. He forced me down on the bed and thrusted into me. "You have enought time to learn." Fuck, his voice was driving me crazy. I threw it back against him as I could feel myself ready to c*m a second time. "OH f**k, Sukuna!" I cried out again. "Say yes to being my wife." He told me. I nodded my head and a loud grunt escaped those sexy lips of his. "I want to hear it, baby." He moaned. One last thrust from him and I couldn't help myself. "YES! OKAY! I'LL DO IT!" I laid down on the bed and he kept going until that sixth thrust of his forced his release. His body shook and he rested on my back. As I laid there to catch my breath, I closed my eyes, almost falling into a deep sleep. However, Sukuna moving off of me, woke me up. I opened my eyes and watched as he went to his desk. I lifted up, slowly as my body was still weak from having s*x. He grabbed something and came back to me. "Give me your hand." He instructed. I handed him my left hand and he placed a ring on my ring finger. The ring was a perfect fit. However, it did something weird. The ring lit up and then a dark throne came from it. I hissed in pain as the thorn went through my skin to connect to my bone. ' "Sukuna, it hurts." I whimpered. "It'll be a moment." He told me. I shook my head. What the hell kind of ring was that?

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