9: Yilmaz

1604 Words

How could she even do such a thing? She has been in House Taaffeite. Flavia was firm on not letting her leave, the reason she has become Second the moment Pranav was claimed and now, the woman is demanding her to do something so dangerous that would require leaving House Taaffeite. With such a heavy task, she doesn’t really know what to do. “Lady Raavi.” And what if she got caught? What is House Yilmaz knew that she’s fishing for information about them? Would she be exiled? Or worse, perished by their fire? The thought made her shiver. The Dragons should not be underestimated. They make wonderful companions when treated with respect, but if provoked, they will respond without showing any mercy. “Lady Raavi.” She snapped out of her reverie and at the server behind her, seeming to b

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