17: Castle Prison

1830 Words

Raavi was expecting to be brought to a prison that is far from the country so that she’ll be hidden under the senses of the other Dragons. If Caspian intends to keep her away from the King, that is what he should have done. Instead, she was taken straight to his home. She knows it is his because of the sigil by the gates—the red dragon that symbolizes the First Dragon Xyron. The location was far from town and trees were around the premises, blocking the view of a passerby on the road. But even if the place is secluded and well-guarded, there is still a possibility of her being sensed by their kind, especially when they are shifted to their powerful forms. When they got in, she gaped at the building that loomed before them, seeming to be a castle from its height and massiveness. As the ca

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