71: The King

1040 Words

Santinious Vlachos had reigned long before she was born—that is what Raavi learned from her readings. He was magnificent in his prime, and whenever he shifts, it is told that he was a black beauty—the same as his ancestor Drakon. It’s unfortunate that his wife and children died from an attack on the mages. It was the great ordeal of his life, one that has cost his power. He was fast to age and he has never shift into a Dragon for a long time. His magnificence was swift to descend into a man whose decision needs to be evaluated by his Second. Now, however, it seemed that he would not wait for Caspian’s approval. After he has said his order, Raavi was taken back to her room, bathed and prepared once again. It was broad daylight, but when curtains had covered her windows and the door to the

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