42: The Decision

1205 Words

“Surely you’re not just letting this matter go,” Wendallyn blurted, walking closer to them. “Bellien or not, she’s still Flavia’s Second, and she probably knew many things about us that had been shared with the mages. This is wrong, Your Majesty. In every way, I see no good that would come of this. Keeping her close would only put all of us Dragons at risk.” Caspian shook his head, and his disagreement only made this confrontation much more intense. Usually, the Princess and the Second are alike in their viewpoints. They are the reason why Prince Ianth remains to be the heir to the throne despite his inadequacies. If it weren’t for their support, he would have been replaced with someone more suitable. “Keeping her close would give us more opportunity to monitor the mages’ actions. If she

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