12: Caspian

1526 Words

Caspian was reckoned as a nightmare. With his efforts, he has managed to perish most of the mages that lived within the realm and there’s no sign of him ever stopping until he gets to see the end of his enemies’ kind. His dedication is unmatched in that aspect. Raavi heard of his exploits plenty of times—from stories to gossips. It is said that he has the blood of the Dragon warrior—Xyron, the reason why he is as formidable as the Firsts. Though there are no battles at this time to prove the extent of his capabilities, Caspian is seen as a warrior nonetheless, and he would definitely lead an army if there is a great threat. Nowadays, the hunt for mages is the only problem that is of a large scope that the kingdom faces and Caspian is making certain that it is taken care of. The fear of

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