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“This isn't over” Powell whispered angrily as he walked past Pearce. “I never said it was” Pearce replica replied with a cold smile on his face. Although that gesture frightened Powell a little, he became more furious by what Pearce said. After Powell left the river gruntily, Pearce replica turned and saw Caroline coming towards him with her a head slightly lowered. “You shouldn't have done this” Caroline muttered as she slowly walked past Pearce. “You don't have to worry, I have my own reasons for doing this” Pearce coldly said while turning his gaze to an empty area. 'Wait those that mean he didn't do it for me' Caroline thought as she paused a little. But not long after, she resumed her slow walk out of the river. «What have you done!!?» Pearce screamed inside his body. «What do you mean by that? I just said what my intentions are» Pearce replica replied back in an obvious tone. ‹It seems I will have to restrain this imbecile before he makes me live an unromantic life› Pearce thought with gloomy expression on his face. “I never knew you could be this bold Pearce" Drake said while placing his left hand over Pearce shoulder. But not long after, he quickly removed it when he saw the cold look Pearce was giving him. 'Something feels off with Pearce' Alex thought as he stared at Pearce at a distance with a probing look. “Now that everyone is here, let the last gro–” “Please pardon me Sir Venerable” one of the new recruits suddenly interjected with a flustered expression on his face. This new recruit has red buzz cut hair which matches his red eyes. He has a chubby body structure which surprisenly fits his military uniform. As soon as Sir Venerable got interrupted by the new recruit, the pressure that made everyone in the training area fall on their knees fell only on the new recruit which made him to lay flat on the sandy floor. “What's the matter” Asked Sir Venerable in a deep voice. After mustering up all the courage he has in him, the new recruit finally spoke. “Umm… Sir Venerable, we haven't had our own training session and we are the second to the last group to come out" “If that's the problem then just join them. The last two on the river will be the winner for the two group. Is that ok?“ Sir Venerable quickly announced in an annoyed tone. “Ye… Yes Sir…. Venerable” The new recruit quickly answered. After answering Sir Venerable question, the pressure suddenly vanished from his body as him along with the others in the same group as him joined Pearce's group in the river. 'Now that two groups are having their training sessions at the same time, let me raise the difficulty a little' Sir Venerable as a short white beam came out from his left index finger and entered the river. “Let the last training session for the new recruits begin!“ Sir Venerable announced after being quiet for some minutes. 'Finally!, Let me test how durable this body is' Pearce replica thought as two completely red colored sabers appeared on his hands. Although that casual gesture made everyone both in the river and out had surprised expressions on their faces, the former quickly changed their expressions into a solemn look when they felt strange movements inside the water. 'What tha…' Alex thought with a blank expression on his face when he saw 8 water made humanoids coming out of the river below them. Not only him, but everyone except Pearce replica and Sir Venerable had blank expression in their faces. But the recruits on the river finally woke up after seeing two recruits being shot of the river. 'Lets try this' Pearce replica thought as he bent his knee forward in what seems like a athlete getting ready to run a marathon. As soon as he moved out from the spot he was in when the training started, he suddenly transformed into a red line as it ran through the Battle field. 'Qi Speed Burst' Pearce replica thought as he ran through two water humanoids and paused to see the damage he did When he turned back to check how the humanoids are, he find out that they were no where to be seen as everyone outside the river had disbelief expression on their faces. “So strong!!“ “So fast!!“ “How did he do that!?“ “Since when did we have such a monster in our ranks” “I feel like I have seen him somewhere” While the new recruits outside the river were in a uproar, Powell had a solemn look on his face and Caroline stared at Pearce with a blank look on her face, Sir Venerable smirked a little as he thought. 'It seems another maniac has joined us' 'Looks like I overdid it there' Pearce replica thought with an awkward smile on his face. But he quickly formed a serious expression on his face when he saw 5 more water humanoids coming out of the river. 'One more round then' Pearce thought with a smirk on his face as he performed his movement spell again against the 5 water humanoids not knowing that the people who now remains with him on the river are only Drake, Alex and the chubby boy from earlier. Drake is using only a bow which he uses to shoot his yellow arrow towards the water humanoids, Alex is using a broadsword which he inbues it with his gold qi to create slashes against the water humanoids while the chubby boy is surprisenly using his bare hands which he covered with his red qi to fight against the water humanoids. All four of them were executing decent battle prowess against the water humanoids until they cleared every water humanoid on the river before the river could reproduce more. “Is it just me or was this training too simple” Drake said with a confused expression on his face. Not only him, but even Alex, the chubby boy and Pearce had confused expression in their face. 'I think I was wrong. Four maniacs has joined us' Sir Venerable thought with an incredulous expression on his face. But not long after, he quickly announced. “Since the training session has been completed before the winners could emerge, I declare Kyler Pearce, Alex Arnold, Drake Murphy and Bruno Hutton winners for the last group training session”.
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