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«And what is the down side?» Pearce asked with a curious expression on his face. Right when Pearce asked that question, his replica pointed his hands towards where the hooded boy was standing and said calmly. «He can't move while casting this spell» Although Pearce was confused by what his replica just said, his eventually became surprised when he figured out what his replica meant. Back in the outside world, while Powell is just standing motionlessly on the river, the others were doing all they can to fend off those challenging attacks. But not long after, the river suddenly became dormant. 'Its coming' Caroline thought as she withdrew her thin sword and instead used her gold coloured qi to form a bow. As soon as Caroline formed her bow, a water made humanoid suddenly came out of the river and fired four threatening water attacks towards the four new recruits on the river. But right when Caroline and the other two recruits were about to fend off there attacks, Powell suddenly moved. 'What!!' Pearce suddenly screamed in his mind when he saw what just happened on the river. Not only him, but even the other new recruits outside the river had the same thought with disbelief all over their faces. Even Stevens face flickered a little when he saw what just happened on the river. What happened on the river is that as soon as Powell moved out of the spot he stood in since the beginning of the training, the whole river color suddenly became completely black. Not only that but even the water made humanoid that was launching attacks at them suddenly exploded when that black aura tried to change it's color. “That was quite simple” Powell said as he removed the hood that was trying to cover his head. As soon as Powell removed his hood, everyone could clearly see his physical appearance. Powell has long glowing dark hair which he tied all back to make a rather long ponytail, a limpid dark eyes which matched his hair. Combining all of that to his figure and the aura he is currently giving off makes him look like a cold and evil prince. “Will you please withdraw this your disgusting qi? I can barely stand it” Caroline said coldly while using her qi to fend of the dark qi that is trying to get into her skin. When Powell heard that cold question, he smirked a little as he turned to face Caroline who was fending off his qi. Right now no one else is on the river except Caroline and Powell. The other two recruits quickly ran out of the river when they saw the dark qi trying to get into their skin. “Why will you say my qi is disgusting my love?Don't you know that will break my heart?” Powell said while holding his chest in an aggrieved way. “That is what am planning you plague” Caroline said while smiling coldly. “Looks like I will have to teach my love a lesson” Powell said while raising up his right hand which holds a wisp of dark colored water. But right when he was about to release the water. He felt an intense battle intent coming towards him. “Oh?“ Powell said while he turned his gaze towards the source of that intent which turned out to be Pearce who was giving off a strange aura around him. “I can't believe my love has a secret lover” Powell said as he turned to face Pearce. When Caroline heard that remark, she became confused as she turned to see who that person is. But when she saw who it was, she became more confused as she thought. 'How?' “What's your name boy?“ Powell asked while smirking a little. But the answered he received made his expression to turn upside down. “Am your Doomsday” “Please stop what you are doing Pearce, you don't know how dangerous Powell is” Drake whispered to Pearce with a frightened expression on his face. But Pearce completely ignored him as he stared at Powell coldly. “Since you are itching for a beating, I will gladly give you one” Powell coldly said as he suddenly released the dark colored water in his hand towards Pearce with frightening speed. “Enough!!“ Stevens suddenly shouted as he activated a barrier that aims to cover him along with the new recruits outside the river. But right when the barrier could cover all the new recruits, Pearce suddenly moved out of the barrier while dashing towards the attack coming back at him. “What are you doing!?“ Alex shouted as he tried to run out of the barrier to get Pearce back into it. But unfortunately, the barrier has already solidified before he could run out of it which gave the only option to just stand and watch what is going to happen next. But what happened next made everyone in the area had disbelief expression on their faces while asking the same question in their mind. 'How is this possible?' Right when the dark color water was about to touch Pearce skin, he suddenly teleported out of that area and appeared right in front of Powell's face while holding a red colored dagger close to his thought. “Like I said, am your Doomsday" Pearce said in a chilling cold tone. “How dare you!!?“ Powell shouted angrily which made him to wake up from the shocked expression on his face as the water below him and Pearce rose up to form a spear on his right palm. But right when he could release it, an intense pressure appeared in the area which made all the new recruits at the barrier, Powell, Pearce, Caroline and even Stevens to be on their knees. “That's enough” said an old looking man which has long gray hair while wearing a military uniform. 'Damn, this body is too weak' Pearce replica thought while staring at the old looking man that was casually floating in mid air. Apparently, while Pearce was running towards the dark colored water attack Powell previously threw at him, he requested for his replica to take over the body which the latter gladly agreed. After making everyone in the area to go on their knees, the old looking man turned his empty gaze at Stevens as he said. “Go and take a rest Stevens. I will take care of this from here” “Yes Venerable Chou” Stevens respectfully replied as he struggled to walk out of the trading area. After Stevens successfully left the area, Venerable Chou casually said while releasing the pressure he used to make everyone below him kneel. “Thomas Powell has stayed for the longest in group 4. The last group should enter the river to start it's training”.
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