Chapter 8: Kitchen Island

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Chapter 8 -  -Lacey- I turn over on my side and slowly peek my eyes open. I see the sunlight that is peeking through my curtains and hitting my wood floors. Lighting up my room, so it’s less dark. Like it’s telling me that I should wake up, and touch the warmed floor. But I loved my bed. I felt warm and protected. I didn’t want to move. I could lay here forever. In my own comfort. My own thoughts. But sadly, it was not to be. I hear a knock at my door and a sudden voice. “Hey Lacey, wake up. Mom and Dad want you downstairs.” It was Lane. I rolled my eyes and rolled back over. I didn’t want to leave yet. I wanted to stay here just a little bit longer. “I’m not leaving here until you tell me you’re getting up.” I groan softly, and finally, begin to get up. I knew he wasn’t just gonna let me off the hook. I slip on my slippers and fix my messed-up clothes.  “Alright, alright. I’m up. Give me 15 minutes.” I waved him off as if he could see through the door. I see his shadow under the door disappear as he begins to go back down the stairs. I walk into the bathroom and I look at myself. My hair was a mess. I still looked really tired and for some reason, I felt like I was forgetting something. I stare back at myself just a bit longer before I realize… I remember. I remember everything that happened. I had an episode yesterday morning, got ready for my party, was dancing the night away with Alex and then suddenly I smelt an amazing smell… And there was Alpha Elijah. Standing there. He walked his way towards me and closed the gap between us. He took me in and called me his mate, only to then give me the cold shoulder and pretend nothing happened less than a minute after. I almost had another episode from everything being so sudden and my mate's new attitude that my dad had to take me away to my room where I fell asleep. Yes, I remember now. My heart sank into my stomach and suddenly I felt like everything I consumed that night was coming back up. My heartfelt really heavy. It was nothing I had ever experienced before. I wonder if he is worried about me? No. I can’t have these thoughts. He probably went back to his pack and never ever had a second thought about me. Yeah, that’s what happened. He didn’t care about me. I needed to start not caring about him. That single thought alone was enough to break my spirits. I didn’t want to forget about him. I wanted to care about him and I wanted to see him again. But why? After the way that he treated me. “Because he’s our mate! You cannot hate him. He was a little mean, but it was all new to him too. Can we see him again? Please!” Oh, finally my wolf talks to me. Every wolf has their counterpart. Their actual wolf. My wolf is Emmy. She is a shy wolf with a beautiful grey coat. She also has beautiful green eyes like me. She is bigger than the average female but only because she is from an alpha line. “Oh, now you want to say something. Not an apology or to check up on me, but to excuse his actions and ask me to go see him again?” I curse her. Why couldn’t she have warned me? Told me that we were going to meet our mate. It doesn’t make sense, we tell each other everything. Or at least I thought. She whines a bit at my tone, but I was too annoyed to care. I loved her, I did but sometimes she didn’t always make the best choices.  “I couldn’t tell you, Lacey. That isn’t how it works! I’m sorry that he treated you that way, and if there is anything that I can do for you, all you have to do is ask. Please don’t be mad at me. Dawson didn’t tell Elijah either.” Emmy says in return to me.  “Dawson? Who's Dawson?” I give her a very confused look. She can’t be seen or heard by anyone unless we are both shifted. So if someone is shifted and Emmy is out then she can communicate with others, because then she has “taken over”. But other than that, every time I talk with her my eyes glaze over just a bit.  “Oh. Dawson is Elijah’s wolf! He is so cute. A real sweetheart!” She got all excited and started jumping around in my head. She was starting to give me a headache. Of course. I mentally curse myself and just let it slide off my shoulders. Why was I not surprised that his wolf was sweet and he was not. I got the pain in the arse and Emmy gets the sweetheart. I look at myself again and realize I have not started getting ready. My parents were going to kill me. I’ve already taken too long. I wash my face and brush my hair. I braid it just so that it is out of my face. I brush my teeth and pop on some mascara.  I then walk over to my closet and just grab the first thing I see. A pair of shorts and a black shirt that has a criss cross-section on the chest. Put on my clothes and put on some really cute nude sandals. I spray some perfume, and finally, walk out my bedroom door. I hear talking as I begin to walk down the stairs. My heartbeat begins to race just a bit and I start to feel myself getting nervous yet excited again. Oh great, he’s still there. With the few more steps that I have, I compose myself and don’t make eye contact with him. I’ll show him. “Good morning.” I make my way to the kitchen and grab a cold bottle of water out of the fridge. I closed the door behind me and jumped up on the island that was in the kitchen and sat there. I open the bottle and take a sip of the water and I can’t help but feel refreshed. My lips were chapped from last night and this water tastes like heaven.  “Good morning Ace. How did you sleep?” My dad walks over to me and I look in his direction. He has a smile on his lips. I never knew how he could be such a morning person. “I slept alright. Thanks, dad.” I lean in to hug my dad. He was warm, which told me that he just came in from outside. Always working with the pack. I laughed lightly in my dad’s chest, just soft enough he couldn’t tell. “I can’t stay long unfortunately Ace. Your brother and I have some pack training today and your mom is out shopping, but she should be back soon.” He leans in to kiss the top of my forehead and he turns on his heels to leave. Leaving Elijah and me alone in my kitchen. Great. Just what I wanted. To be alone with the mate, that made it very clear he didn’t want me. Well, I was still going to pay him no mind.  I jump off the counter to begin to lean but am cornered as two hands on either side of me keep me in my place. “Where do you think you're going, mate?” He said that last word with such emphasis. It made me shiver, though to be honest his presence alone made me shiver. He was a god and I was just a small ant. Oh, how I wanted him to just pick me up and… No no no-no-no. We are not going there. I curse at Emmy. She made me visualize things that no girl ever should imagine. Emmy just laughs at me and continues to drool over the man that was keeping us in our place. I turn around and face him. His face and mine were a little too close for comfort. Yeah, he was my mate alright, but I still wasn’t going to let him get to me.  “Last I checked I don’t have to let you know of my every move.” I gave him the same cold shoulder that he showed me last night. I was going to give him a taste of his own medicine. I was not so easy to walk on. His eyes turned a dark color and he was beginning to seem angry. There was something else there, but I couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was.  “It would be smart to watch your mouth around me. I’m your mate and an Alpha. You wouldn’t want to get on my bad side.” My mind was blown. I had no idea where in his head he thought it would be a good idea to talk like that. He may be an alpha but that doesn’t give him the authority to make me feel like I have none. He was in my home, on my territory and he thought that I had to watch MY back. Wow, he is even more of an arse than I thought.  “You're in my pack on an invitation from my father. Who also happens to be an alpha. So if you think that I’m just going to submit to you and bare my neck to you, think again. Not to mention the fact that we are MATES which in the moon goddesses eyes, makes us equal.” Wow. I was shocked at my own wit. I knew that I didn’t take people’s crap, but I also didn’t realize that I had the mentality to stand up to someone of his power. He radiated it, yet I wasn’t scared to show him that I won’t take his sh**. Alex would be impressed. Elijah’s eyes grow wide but only for a second. His eyes then turn a darker color than before and he is closer to me than he was just 5 seconds ago. He was now towering over me and he was dripping more s*x appeal than anyone I have ever seen. I have never been so turned on and yet so interested to find out more ever. Oh god. I can’t believe that this is happening right now. He wouldn’t notice, right? He doesn’t know. He can’t know. If I just ignore it, it will go away and I can pretend that this never happened. Right?... He inhales deep and his eyes are essentially black. I can’t see the color of his beautiful eyes anymore. Now I’m starting to feel a little frightened. I’m beginning to feel an overwhelming sense of protectiveness and possessiveness. Though it isn’t coming from me. I look up at Elijah one last time to realize… The feelings were coming from him. My eyes go wide but I know not to make any sudden moves. We wolves maybe people more often than in our wolf forms, but we were still animals.  He is looking me up and down and breathing deeper than every last breath. He finally speaks, breaking the almost unbearable silence that is between us. “You know… I can smell your arousal. It’s intoxicating. You can’t deny how I make you feel... “ I can tell he is having a hard time keeping “Dawson” (I think that was his name), in check. He wanted to claim me and he wanted to mark me. Complete the mating process so that we can become one.  I wanted him to take me. I wanted for him to make me submit to him and become his official. Bare his mark so that every male wolf in a 5-mile radius could know I was mated and off-limits. Yet, he didn’t want me like that. Which made watching him fight himself unbearable. No wolf would fight their instincts. Yet, here he was. Fighting himself because he didn’t want me.  I feel my heartbreak a little bit more. My gut was in knots and I just wished I was hiding back in my bed. He made me feel sorry for feeling the way that I did. Even though it was nothing but natural. I still wanted to cower away and hide from the world. I let my head hang and wished the world would open up and swallow me whole so that I didn’t have to bear this any longer.  Almost as if on cue Alex walks through the front door and begins looking around, for who I can only assume to be me. Her eyes land on me and I look at her with pleading eyes. She is staring at the scene. Elijah pinning me to the island with both hands and eyes black as night. Staring me down like I’m his next meal. Her mouth hangs open and she is at a loss for words. I’m sure she has a million questions, but right now I just need her to get me out of here. She sees my desperate plea and the look on my face. Her face is fallen as she can see the hurt on my being. She clears her throat very loud and Elijah is snapped back to reality. As he shakes his head, before he even has the chance, I push past his arm, grab my water and charge upstairs. Alex followed close behind me. I can feel his stare as I make my way up to my room. He finally got to me… ------END OF CHAPTER-------
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