Chapter 7: This Can't be True

1936 Words
Chapter 7 - -Lacey- “Mate…” With those words, my world stopped. This wasn’t real. There was no way this guy was my mate. This god… of a man. He was my mate? Me? The only she-wolf in existence who has epilepsy. The one with self-confidence as low as the seafloor. Elijah Williams is MY mate? This wasn’t happening. When I finally snap back to my, now seeming, the reality I give him a puzzled look. I regret it instantly as when I give my puzzled look, he backs away and my body shivers from the loss of warmth. The tingling that proves that the mate bond is real, stops and I lightly whimper. Puzzled, still showing evident on my face, I finally try and speak a word. My throat seems increasingly dry as if I haven’t had a drop of water in days. My voice, instead of coming out clear and confident, comes out as squeaky and quiet. “Wait,” I clear my throat to start again. “Wait, you’re my mate?” As soon as the words left my lips, I felt a pit in the bottom of my stomach. I was uneasy. Was he going to reject me? Is he going to tell me that there already is another? I’m not scared of many things, but this… was terrifying. I was excited of course. He’s my mate, and I’ve long for this for what seems like forever. To have a relationship that even comes close to the one my parents have, would be a dream come true.  “It would seem like it, would it not?” His tone is deep and clear. Evident that what I asked was a stupid question. My mind agreed. It was a stupid question. Why was I asking a question that I already knew the answer to? Maybe it was just because I wanted to make sure that he felt it too? Maybe I just wanted to make sure this wasn’t a dream? No… It was because I wanted him to say it. I wanted him to make it real.  “Yeah. You’re right. Sorry that was stupid.” I tell him. I look down at my feet and twist a strand of hair that had fallen when I looked down. I stare up at him, through my eyelashes giving off the innocence that most people didn’t have a hard time picking upon. A small smile forms on my face and a slight blush creeps across my cheeks. He was beautiful to look at, and it would be lying if I said that I wasn’t excited to be his.  “Yes, it was.”  This time when he speaks his tone is cold and unforgiving. His tongue is sharp and quick to stab me in my chest. That wasn’t what I expected. Though I’m not sure what I was expecting. I guess something along the lines of “It's okay, I understand.” or “Haha it's okay, it's a shock.” But instead, I was met with someone who went from enjoying me and my presence, looking me up and down like he was ready to take me right there. To someone who could care less about my existence and was ready to walk away before anything could get started. Without a second glance, Elijah turns towards my dad and begins to speak again. "Alpha Quince, thank you for inviting me today. The setup here is beautiful." He had a welcoming and light tone when talking to my father. He was hot then he was cold. He was passionate and then uncompassionate. Was he not going to acknowledge what had just happened. We're mates and yet he is standing here unphased, whereas I'm struggling to keep my composure because the man standing in front of me made me feel beautiful, then stupid and unworthy in the same minute.  "Of course Alpha Elijah. Thank you for attending." My dad's eyes are darting back and forth between him and me, trying to comprehend what just happened. What he had just witnessed. That's when I realized that we were still at my party. This was my 17th birthday party and most of the pack was present. How could I forget the watchful eyes of those around me? Now aware of my surroundings, I realize everyone is staring. Which means everyone watched and heard what has conspired between us. My face becomes flushed and pale. No no no, not right now. This can't happen right now. Not in front of him. I look in the direction of my dad, and he instantly reads my mind. He already knows what I’m trying to tell him. That I’m getting the warnings I’m gonna have another episode, and I don’t want him to see. Though, I doubt if I had an episode right here, in front of him, he wouldn’t bat his eye. He went from admiring me, to not even giving me a second glance. I start to panic slightly and my dad finally comes over to me. He walks around the table and puts his hand on the small of my back, to lead me towards the door. “Thank you for coming Elijah, but it would seem that my attention is needed elsewhere. Please make yourself at home, and enjoy your night. If you need anything, Sarah will be more than happy to help.” My dad handled that so carefully and quickly. I was surprised that he wasn’t panicking. Because I sure was. I hope to one day be able to be like my dad that way.  Alpha Elijah lets out a small, low growl. I pretended I didn’t hear it and I’m assuming my dad did as well, considering he didn’t even flinch. I begin to walk away and I don’t look over my shoulder. I know he isn’t looking, but I wish he was. I wanted to spare myself the heartbreak of realizing that he didn’t want anything to do with me now. Our moment lasted 5 seconds, and now he can’t even look in my direction. Thanks, Moon Goddess.  My head hung slightly, one reason being that I was becoming light-headed, but the other being my heart hurt. My wolf was silent, and I wish he would come back behind me and hug me and tell me everything's okay. I already missed the sparks that I felt when he touched my skin. It was electric. When people use the expression “sparks fly” when they're in love, yeah. That's the best way to describe it, literally.  My dad and I walk up the back deck and walk through the door. He shuts it softly behind him but still doesn’t take his hand off my back. He slowly walks me up to my room and gives me my medicine. Because I’m a part wolf, normal human medicine wears off a lot quicker. Barely does anything. Our bodies burn through it 2x the speed that normal human bodies do. So the medicine that I take was made for the werewolf gene.  I take my medicine and my dad gives me a light kiss on my forehead. He finally speaks to me after not uttering a word, other than to Elijah. “I’m going to step outside so that you can get out of your dress and get ready for bed. Come and get me when you’re done.” My dad’s voice is soft and worry is evident. I hated worrying about my parents, but it was also something I couldn’t control. Yet, a part of me still felt guilty. My dad turns and walks away, shutting the door behind him. As soon as the door clicks into place I’m quick to take everything off. I go into my closet and I change into a pair of shorts and a tank top. I walk into my bathroom and I look at myself in the mirror. My beautifully done makeup was still intact, but sadly, I had to ruin it. I had to take it off. I grab a makeup wipe and I bring it to my face. I begin to gently rub my makeup off and slowly see the masterpiece now running down my face. I finish taking the makeup off and I let all my hair down, I brush it out so that there are no knots and I quickly throw it into a messy bun. I cleanse and wash my face. Splashing it with water, repeatedly. I can’t get him off my mind. There he is. Alpha Elijah. This was all still a shock. No one has said anything to me, and the one person I want to comfort me is probably gone already and forgotten about me. When I thought and dreamed about all the times that I could possibly meet my mate, this was definitely not one of those ways.  Again my heart pings with a dull pain at the thought of him and how he treated me 15 minutes ago. Though I know what is to come. A powerful Alpha like that can’t have someone like me be his luna. He is going to reject me, and there are no second chances. I will be mateless, and I’ll have to find a way to be with someone else. He can get whoever he wants, I know that I am replaceable. But I’m not as lucky. I shake my head to try and clear the thoughts. A tear dared to spill from my eye and I was quick to wipe it away. He didn’t deserve my tears.  I brush my teeth and I go and let my dad back in. It doesn’t take me super long to get ready for bed but I do have a routine. I turn to walk towards my bed and pull back the covers. I begin to snuggle into my bed as my dizzy spell has worn off and I’m now very sleepy. Thankfully I didn’t have another episode, but that was a close one. My dad sits on the edge of my bed, and I look at him through tired eyes. “A lot has happened tonight Ace. Get some sleep and we can talk about this in the morning.” My dad says. I could tell there was a small glimmer of worry in his eyes, but I also knew there was more he wanted to say. Though I couldn’t choke up the words to ask him what was on his mind. All I could muster up was light and a small nod of my head, letting him know I agreed with him. My eyes were becoming impossible to keep open. They felt as if they had weights on them. I finally pull the covers up a little higher, and as soon as I readjust my head on the pillow I’m out like a light. I can’t quite remember falling asleep, but I didn’t care. I was at peace, and I just wanted to stay here. ------ END OF CHAPTER ------
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