Chapter 6: The Mystery of the Orphanage

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"p*****t…? Is he talking about me?" Aurora shook her head, pointing at her face. Aurora knew she couldn't toy with someone like Jack Hunt, especially when he was behind the deaths of four colleagues at the store. Aurora also thought he was coming here to kill her, but seeing him react like that, she was completely relieved. Perhaps this was the first time in her life that Aurora felt shy in front of a person of the male, and not because he was handsome. She sat down on the stone bench, relaxing her body, trying to close her eyes to appear to be enjoying the remaining sensations. Aurora is thinking of a way to disappear from Jack Hunt's sight before he can notice and remember his face. The break bell broke the silence of the orphanage, and the children rushed to the main yard, laughter everywhere. He looked at the clock. '09:30' The sound of footsteps approached very close, and Aurora still closed her eyes. The footsteps were not rushed but crept, cautious. She also quietly probed. Footsteps suddenly stopped before the garden steps, resounded gradually, and died out in a series of eclectic sounds in the central courtyard. Aurora smiled, thinking it was a child in the orphanage who needed to find a quiet space but was probably disappointed because he had taken her part. Initially, the children here all have exceptional pitiful circumstances. Sometimes needing no privacy to cry is also very satisfying. Fifteen minutes of children's uproar ended with the sound of bells, laughter and laughter were replaced by hums and rhythmic readings, and the whole orphanage gradually sank into silence. Aurora moved to the principal's room. As soon as she saw him, the teacher happily introduced: "Aurora Ward, come in. I want to introduce you to the President, and this beautiful girl is one of our students. Now she has a stable job.” The smile on her lips disappeared when she saw Jake sitting on the sofa, his eyebrows raised. “Jake Hunt is the new Chairman of Thunder Electronics Corporation. He is trying to reestablish the sponsorship fund for the New York City Orphanage.” The Headmaster gently gestured for Aurora Ward to sit down. After that, the teacher poured tea. Aurora Ward bowed in thanks, raised the teacup, and took a small sip. “Hello, President!” Aurora moved closer, reaching out her hand toward Jake Hunt, flashing an industrial smile. “As I told you, the resetting of the fund will not be done by me but must be approved by the Board of Directors. .” He ignored Aurora Ward and turned to talk to the Headmaster. “You are a generous person. It's all up to the Chairman." The Headmaster nodded his thanks to Jake Hunt. Until now, Aurora has always been sure that the orphanage is not only his career, life, and the whole world for him. While at the orphanage, Aurora Ward saw his respect for the benefactors. But he never once kept a dime in the sponsorship fund as his own. I'm willing to give up everything but this place and the children. “I have to go, bye.” He wears glossy black Dior sunglasses and holds a dark brown suede wallet by Dolce & Gabbana. He walked straight on without looking back or caring about anyone in the school's reaction. Outside the gate, a red car is waiting for Jake Hunt as if it had just been painted. He quickly stepped into the car with assistance from the driver. The engine's sound then disappeared, following the vehicle's image, leaving a long trail of smoke and dust all over the road. The cup of tea in the principal's room was still a little warm, and he took a sip. Aurora Ward felt that the teacher's hair was almost white, his forehead was marked with deep grooves of life, and his sharp eyes hidden behind glasses still reflected immense sadness. The teacher kept looking at the sunny corner outside the window, suddenly sighing unconsciously. Aurora Ward felt the principal's anxiety. He both felt sorry for him and felt guilty for not being able to contribute. Much as expected. The Headmaster met Aurora Ward's eyes. He smiled reassuringly: "I'm sorry to bother you." “Yes, it's nothing. It's about the orphanage, isn't it?" Aurora Ward kindly inquired. The Headmaster's eyes showed concern: "Yes, it's about the orphanage. Recently, strange accounts have transferred money to support the orphanage for up to eight hundred thousand US dollars, but I have not identified the sponsor's identity, so I dare not use it." “Eight hundred thousand US dollars.” Aurora Ward glanced at him, surprise overflowing. So far, he had broken into the systems of large corporations three times, but the money she got was less than six hundred thousand US dollars, and all of them went to the orphanage. Aurora thought surreptitiously with more panic than the Headmaster: “Where did the more than three hundred thousand dollars come from? Is it from someone else?" "You should know that even if it's difficult, I must think carefully." He nodded in response to Aurora Ward's gaze. After that, the teacher quickly moved on to another story about the children at the orphanage. The two teachers and students were having fun when a young female teacher came running from outside the room with a panicked look. “Principal, Lilly Dean, is gone, sir. I searched the whole school but couldn't find her." The young female teacher was panting and panicking and put her hand to steady the rising and falling chest area. “Tell all the teachers to look for her. Hurry up.” He roared, reaching out his hand to stop the cough that broke out due to asthma. The female teacher quickly left and ran to the teacher's room. The teacher fell on the chair, his face gloomy: "Another child." “Another one? You mean…?” Aurora was amazed at the Principal's statement. The teacher stroked his chest to suppress his cough: “This is the third case of a practitioner this year who escaped from the orphanage. I also asked the police to search for them, but there was no trace. At this rate, I would have to ask the police to intervene today directly. If not, the orphanage will have to close because I can't guarantee the safety of the children." "Is there anything I can do for you, teacher?" Aurora Ward adds anxiety. "It is necessary to install security cameras at the school, if you know a suitable company, please recommend it to me. The sad eyes of the Principal made Aurora Ward extremely heartbroken. "Yes! You can rest assured." Aurora Ward nodded. There was a knock on the door, and Mr. Casper Morris - Vice Principal of the New York City Orphanage, came in. He had a flat face, calm eyes, jet-black hair, and was about fifty years old. "I've reported it to the police, and they'll probably contact you shortly." Mr. Casper Morris didn't care about Aurora Ward's existence, nor did she expect a warm welcome from him. In his eyes, Aurora Ward has never been a good child. She still remembers the punishments that are not harsh but still haunting to this day. Mr. Casper Morris didn't need to wait for a response from the Headmaster and turned his head away. He was always like that, appearing and disappearing like the wind. "It's been so many years, but maybe he still can't open his heart to you." The Principal smiled at Aurora Ward. She also replied. The two ended the conversation when the Principal received a phone call from the police. He said a quick goodbye, then walked straight out of the New York City Orphanage. Aurora Ward frowned. Within a few hours here, many things happened, and questions appeared to suppress the brain. She came out of the Principal's room, standing next to an old oak tree, her questions clear. “Who transferred the extra money to the orphanage's account? The amount of more than two hundred thousand dollars is not small. Why does Thunder Electronics Corporation want to re-establish the sponsorship fund with the orphanage? It's not uncommon for orphans to escape from the orphanage, but it happened three times this year. I'm afraid something shady is going on here. Aurora Ward clasped her hands. She moved quickly to the library, pushed open the door, and stepped inside. A desktop computer was lying in the corner. She pressed the power button, turned her neck, cracked her knuckles, staring at the screen. Aurora thinks the problem has just happened. Indeed the surrounding area will have security cameras. She operated lightning fast. Typing speed was breakneck, and she set up a virtual address, quickly accessed the area's internet network, then discovered that there were five security cameras—people around the orphanage area. Aurora connects the cameras. The computer screen appears, and she fast-forwarded the time to about forty minutes ago. A camera frame has a partial observation angle to the left of the main gate. One frame was directed towards the area behind the back gate, where the flower garden she was sitting in earlier. A frame towards the side gate on the left side of the orphanage. A frame rotates to the right of the corner of the wall, the warehouse area of the orphanage. The final frame was right where the broken wall left a hole, covered with old rotting corrugated iron sheets. Aurora remembers this place because once a drunk driver crashed his car into the wall, the repair was too expensive, and they had to repair the entire wall to the right of the orphanage due to insufficient funds to pay for it. Should only temporarily use thin iron plates closed.
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