Episode 4: Prince Isaiah

1000 Words
When we entered the portal a force pulled me down, but Elliot was holding me tightly. Protecting me like I was a treasure he couldn't lose. We landed on the ground, Elliot was below me, while I'm on top of him hiding my face on his strong chest. "We're here," he announced. A snowflake dropped on his head, I attempted to wipe it away from him, but he stopped my hand. Slowly he get up, removing me on top, placing me on the other side. A sudden gust of fresh wind touch my face, my hair dances to its rhythm. The smell of fresh water, and fresh wind mixed inside my nose. As I rose to my feet, I saw the vast field full of flowers with different colors. In front of the vast field, there stood a gigantic golden gates, screaming highness, and power. Inside the gate, I saw a beautiful palace. I can't see all the details from here, but it's a large palace. "Welcome to the Kingdom of Grando Linyo, the place you're destined to be with," Elliot spoke in a polite manner. His friendly attitude earlier were gone. A bell in front of the palace ring suddenly, and startled me for a second. A minute later a loud chattering, sounds of footsteps echoed from the palace. "Let's go," Elliot held my arm, and lead the way to the palace. The bell is still ringing as we trudge the path to the entrance of the gigantic palace. The guards bowed to us when we reached the golden gate. It was bigger than I had anticipated. I bet if there's someone who will attack the palace, they would take their time destroying the strong, and mighty gate. The gate opened as I held my breath. My grip on Elliot's arm became tight, I felt him stiffened beside me. "Don't hold onto me that much," he said coldly. "I'm just a servant," he added, reminding me. The men in their metal gears, and their long, and polished arrows, lined up side by side, bowing their heads. Elliot step aside, leaving me alone at the center, he lined up with the other soldiers. Left with no choice, I slowly walk to the stairs in front of a big door which I assumed the entrance to the palace. The big door opened slowly as I walk step by step. A wave of heat crawled into every inch of my skin. It's a strong feeling I didn't feel before. It's like I've wanted someone to touch me, to hold me, to vanish the unexplainable heat I'm feeling inside. "King Ivankov, Prince Ivanson, and Prince Isaiah, Elliot has arrived, with the lady we have been waiting for." Someone's voice echoed around the hall. I looked up at the giant ceiling above, in front of me is a stair, and up there stood a three royal chairs. At the center sitting with full of authority I presumed is the king, on his left a serious looking Prince named Ivanson. He has his father's stern face, aquamarine eyes, and well-defined jaw. On his right, a brown hair Prince named Isaiah, he looks the exact opposite of his brother. He has a smug grin on his face, he looked bored as his golden brown eyes roamed around the corner. He sat lazily on his chair. Unlike his brother, Isaiah has a soft face, smiling eyes, he's giving a warm radiant like a ball of sunshine. He is also handsome, he has thick eyebrows, strong jaws, and gentle eyes. Is Ivanson is the Prince who have been waiting for me? "This is the woman you've been talking about," the King eyed Isaiah. He nodded sagely. "Don't you want to look at her mark?" His brother Ivanson ask. Isaiah shook his head grinning. He looked at my way, and his eyes lingered on me as he says, "I don't have to look at her mark, I had smell her ten years ago when I visited her hometown." His father nodded, and looked at me. "You're bound to marry my son," he said. "You were born for him alone." He declared. "And he can do anything he want do to with you," Ivanson said coldly. Isaiah jump from the stairs, and landed gracefully on my side. He pulled me softly to his side, and a sudden electric heat rush all over me. "Don't scare her," Isaiah said. "She's probably tired." He looked at me. "I'll send her to her room to rest for a bit, she needs an energy for dinner." "Where are you taking me?" I asks weakly. He looked over his shoulder. "To your room, do I need to repeat it?" We pass different halls, climb different stairs, turned into different turns, until we reached the said place. He opened the brown door for me, he let me in first before he shut the door behind him. It was a small room, there's a window outside where I can watch the snow falling on to the oak tree. "I give you one year," Isaiah said behind me. I looked at him over my shoulder. I couldn't even describe the room because he suddenly talk. "One year of...what?" "One year to decide if it is worthy to marry me," he replied glancing outside, his hands clasp behind his back. "Are you suggesting?" I asks again. He nodded. "I let you stay in the palace, spend time with me, I won't harm you I assure." He swallowed hard. "After one year if you're not really into me, then I'll set you free." I can't believe I'm hearing this. "I know you don't want to marry someone you didn't love, that's why I am giving you time to make you fall in love with me." He step closer to me. "I'm a monster, and I want to show you the real me. I want you to know me, from my human form, to my lycan form." He pat my head.
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