Chapter 3

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Athena's POV:            After my mate had dragged me on stage, we went to the Alpha's office. That's where we are now. I am sitting in on a comfy chair in Alpha Drake's office. I am a tad bit nervous. Since Jason wouldn't let me go alone, he is here as well. I have to say this is the most awkward situations. I can see out of the corner of my eye that Atlas is watching Jason like a hawk.           "I would like to take my mate back to my Kingdom." Atlas tells the Alpha.          "She is your mate and my future Queen. Who would I be to deny my King his Queen?" Alpha Drake says.     For some reason, them talking like I wasn't here was pissing me off. Who do they think they are? I can make my own decisions. I have been for a long time now. I felt Jason hovering over me left shoulder. He seems to have gotten overprotective. The anger in me was boiling and I think Jason knew that. I stood up before I could put anymore thought into it.      "I don't know who you two think you are but I am not some object to be negotiated. I am a woman. Furthermore, I think we should be talking before you go demanding that I do something. I may be your mate but there are a few things you need to know. I will not go anywhere without Jason." I am interrupted by Atlas threatening growl. "Look here Mr. King, one he is my best friend and two we haven't been able to be separated since we were born. Our wolves get weak. So, I suggest you get use to it." I end my rant. I am shaking with adrenaline.       I have never done anything like that before. I have always had respect for the higher ranking. I mean, I have never been affected by the Alpha tone like the others but I have always hidden that. And maybe now I understand why. I was always meant to be the future Queen. But how would I have known that since I was a little girl? I shake the thought. The amount of anger that is boiling inside me, I have never experienced before. I feel hands go on my hips. By the sparks, I know that it is Atlas. I turn and look at him.      "Calm down, little one." He soothingly says to me.       I pull away from him. "Calm down, Calm down. You have no idea who I am. Yet, you expect me to leave my home without the one person that has protected me and been there for me my whole life. You have no right." I yell. I don't know where all this is coming from.      "Can everyone leave us please? I would like to talk to my mate alone." Atlas demands       I hear everyone pile out of the office. I sit on the couch with my head in my hands. What is happening to me? I am not an angry person. Shadow and I hardly ever get this angry.  I am not sure what is going on with my body right now but I can't kick this anger. I am breathing deeply and Shadow is even trying. I whimper at what is happening to me. But I feel him crouch down in front of me. He puts his hands on my legs and began to caressing them.     "Little one, I am so sorry. You are right, I should have talked to you about all of this. I didn't realize it would happen this fast. And baby, I didn't mean to anger you. I just have been waiting to find you my entire life. I promise that if you come with me to the palace, I will tell you everything. You won't be safe here. And I will allow your friend to come with only because I think I know why your wolves get weak without each other." He ends his speech.       "It was never about whether I would go with you. It's that you all were talking as if I wasn't here. I am an independent person. I have always been that way. You can't treat me as anything different. And Jason is my best friend. My wolf is connected to his and I can't explain it. This is how it has always been. I just know that I got severally sick the last time my parents to me away from him on vacation that can't happen." I start to hyperventilate.       Jason is apart of me and I don't know why but I am scared. He may not be my mate but he is someone that I can't be without. I am am breathing heavy again. The room starts to get blurry but just as the spots start to take over my vision, Atlas takes me into his arms. I allow him to hug me to his chest because I was able to take in his amazingly intoxicating scent. He smells of fresh cut grass and musk. It allows me to calm down.        "Baby, I will always protect you. And if that means that we bring Jason along with us that's what that means. I will never deny you what you want or need. I have waited to long for you. I know I am a King but you are my Queen and there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you. But there is so much you need to know that I can't explain here." Atlas almost sounds like he is begging me to go with him.        I will always go where my mate goes. I know just like anyone else how the mate bond works. And by the sounds of Shadow, she would gladly walk of a cliff for our mate. I never thought that I would meet my mate. I just made it to 22 years old without him so now I don't know how to act. I am just a bit afraid that this is all to good to be true. I fear that he will get me back to his kingdom and figure out that I am not good enough to be Queen. Damn me insecurities. I have never been afraid of anything until now.     "Okay, I will go with you as long as Jason comes too. I need to go back home to get my stuff." I look at him with so much sincerity.         I don't know what I am doing. Jason and I have never really talked about us having mates before. We at one point thought we were mates because of the way we are with each other but when we turned 18, it turned out that we weren't. I just hope that going with Atlas then it will give Jason a chance to be the warrior I know he is. I want his dreams to come true with serving the King as one of his most trusted warriors. I know he has never said it out loud but I know it's what he wants.         The Alpha and everyone came back in the office. I sit on Atlas's lap so that I can keep calm. I see Jason looking at me in confusion.       "We are going to the palace, my friend. You are coming with us." I mind-link him.      "You can't be for real right now. You mean, you convinced him to let me come with you." He excitedly says. I can see that he is about to leap out of his own skin.     "Calm down, I am his mate he will give me what I want. And I can't live without you next to my side. He says he will explain things when we get back to the kingdom."  I scold him like he is two.    I break the mind-link between us. I find that while I was in conversation with Jason, that my mate and Alpha Drake are in a conversation of their own.       "I understand that Jason is a part of your pack but I would like to take this warrior with me. I think that he could be good for my warriors. And he is apart of my mate. What is it that you want? Because I don't think that I should have to give you anything since I am the King and I shouldn't have to give an explanation for wanting to take one of your warriors in training." Atlas's authority seeping out. I can feel him seething in anger. He must not like to be questions.       "I am sorry my King, I meant no disrespect. Of course, you don't need to ask. I just am not accustomed to having anyone want one of my warriors before." Alpha Drake replies.     I can tell that the Alpha is hiding that he is pissed. The way that this pack presents itself and how it actually is, is two different things. It's not that this pack is abusive but I know that the Blue Moon Pack has been taking control since the kingdom was closed down. And Alpha Drake has raised Derek to be the same. I don't know exactly what they do behind the scenes but I do know that it isn't good.        "You two are released to the King. You may go get packed and leave when the King and his guards leave."          Jason looks at me and our eyes meet. I can tell he is super excited and to be honest so am I. I want to leave as much as he does because i this pack it is tough to get noticed no matter how hard you work. I just hope that none of this back fires.       We left the pack house and now at Jason and my houses. Jason has some guards with him and Atlas and his beta follow me. I leave them in the foyer when I go upstairs to pack my bag. I am not taking much other than some clothes and my family pictures. I hear introductions being done downstairs. I hear the excitement in my mom's voice and the nonchalant attitude. I shake my head. I don't know why my father hates me so much. I gather the rest of what I am taking and go downstairs.            I come down the stairs and my mate's head snaps to me. His bright pearly white toothy smile does something to me. He is so sexy when he smiles like that. I can see myself falling in love with him.
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