Chapter 4

1997 Words
Atlas's POV:               I never thought I would find her. She doesn't even know who she is. I am not sure what has happened to her but I do know that she isn't abused which is a plus for this pack. I knew she wasn't dead. I would have felt it. But the fact that she doesn't know who she is means that there was some powerful magic done.         The only good thing that came out of all of this is that she found her Protector. I am so surprised because this never happens. I wish I knew what she did know. If she was marked I would be able to read through her thoughts. I just can't push her yet because I don't know what happened to her after she was kidnapped.         "Atlas, you know that this is going to be hard for Zander and her mom right?" My Beta Chris says through our mind-link.         "I know but Zander will at least know that his sister isn't dead. I want to know what has happened to her memory. And Jason's, I mean they think that they have been together since birth." I tell him.       "What?? How is that possible?" Chris questions.        "I don't know man. I just know that when people start to find out that she is alive, she will be in danger. The prophecy seems to be opening up. Did you see how angry she got?"        "Dude, I thought she was going to explode. Do you know what would have happened? We would have had a fight to get her out of there." He worriedly says.       "Oh with her, that pack wouldn't have stood a chance. I am just surprised that she is this fit and healthy." It's as if they actually took care of her. I am beyond surprised at this.       "Well, if they know about the prophecy then maybe they wanted her at her strongest. But maybe they don't know the full extent of it. We don't even know."  I cut the link. It's Chris, Jason, Athena and I are all in SUV. My guards and warriors are separated into the other two SUV's. We are about 30 miles from the palace. And I can't be more excited to have my mate with me. I wasn't expecting to find my mate in the first pack we visited but hey, I got lucky.        I look down at my  delicate yet, gorgeous mate. Her creamy tan skin skin and long black hair. Her soft snores makes Zeus purr. Her kissable pink plump lips scream for me to kiss them. But her grey eyes are still as striking as they were when we were little. I missed her. I wanted to find her but my father said that there was no way she survived. Zander hasn't been the same since her and their father was killed. I just hope that Zander and Beth can keep it together. I will have to meet with them before I let them see Athena.          I look out the window to see that as we continue north the leaves are turning colors. Fall is coming and New Hampshire is beautiful this time of year. Zeus is calm while our mate lays on our lap. It makes me wonder what her favorite season is. She was four when she "died" but she use to love this time of year. I told everyone that I was going to see if I could find a strong she-wolf but in reality, I was looking for my Athena. And I found her.         I see the rolling hills of home coming up. I will be glad to be back within the Palace walls. I love to see the pups playing in the leaves. Families getting ready for the Fall Festival. It's the best time of the year. I hope that Athena will remember soon. I truly do miss her laugh and smile. I just hope that everyone will accept her as their Queen.     "King Atlas, I just want you to know that she is the best. Even if she doesn't realize that she truly is amazing. Athena is strong-willed but she has had to be with who her dad was. She has been through a lot to get to where she is. Please, don't hurt her." Jason says. His icy blue eyes tell me that it's more of a warning.    "I would never hurt. She is my life. You have no idea what is going on. You will understand soon but don't tell me to not hurt her when there is no way on this planet that I would ever hurt my own mate." I growl lowly at him.     "I meant no disrespect. It's just that she is my best friend. and for some reason I have always felt overprotective of her. I can't explain my connection to her. Athena has away of getting what she wants with me. You will soon figure that out. If you haven't already." He chuckles at the last part.       Things go silent again. I wonder what this woman could do to me. She already has me swooning over her. She is the sexiest woman I have ever seen. I maybe a little bias considering she is my mate but she has curves in all the right places.  I know that I can't wait to be able to kiss every last piece of her. I want to taste her and her her moan my name.      I shake off the naughty thoughts about my mate when I see us pull up to the gate to the kingdom. The gate is pure gold with a brick wall around the entrance. What people don't understand is that we ever built a wall around our territory. Rumors went around that my father the former King closed down the kingdom. But in reality, my father wanted me to stay safe after Athena was said to be dead. They thought that I would fall into this depression. But I knew she was still alive. I used her disappearance to fuel my training. I wanted to be ruthless and cold towards anyone that wasn't close to me.           "Atlas we are home." Chris says       The palace comes into view and I roll down my window. This is home. The fresh clean air with the smell of the forest. I grew up in this forest. I know every inch of it. I can't wait to run this forest with Athena. I know that now that I have her, they will come to get her. I know that we will have a fight, a war but I will never let her go again.        We pull into the circular drive. I lean down and kiss Athena's head to wake her. Her eye's flutter open and those grey orbs pierce right through me. She smiles as her vision becomes clear from sleep. Goddess, what did I do to deserve this astonishingly radiant creature. She takes my breath away.        "We are home, baby. I could have carried you but I want you to see where you were." I grin at her.                 She blush a little bit of pink on her cheeks. She tries to hide it with her long dark hair. I think she is completely adorable. I see the  twinkle and excitement in her eyes. We all get out of the car. But the look on her face tells me everything. She looked completely entranced by her surroundings. The amazement in her eyes and face is always how I remembered her. I have the warriors grab our bags and put them in the rooms they belong in.         The palace is huge and I hope no one gets lost here. It's funny that Zander, Chris and I use to explore this place. We found hidden passages and made our way around the palace so many times. Our parents thought we were all kidnapped and freaked out so many times before they realized what we were doing.        "What do you think, My love?" I ask her.        "It's beautiful. It's more than I could have ever imagined." She slowly says as she is still taking it all in.       "If you think the outside is beautiful, we should go inside and you really can admire it." Chris jumps in with a laugh.        She giggles. That sound nearly sent me over the edge. It hasn't changed much since she was a little girl. I smile at her. We go into the palace. If I thought that her face lite up seeing the outside, her eye's are wide and her jaw had dropped. She just looked around as if this was a magical place but really she was the magical one.           "It's so... so, I don't there isn't words to describe it." She happily            "Would you like to see your room?" I ask.           I am giving her my great-grandmother's room. I just hope that she likes it. I had it dusted and all new furniture in it for her before I even truly knew that she was alive. Athena deserves the best and that is what I will give her. I will not rest until I know that she is happy and has everything she hasn't had all these years. I wonder what her life was like. Was the people that raised her good people. Were they the ones that took her? Her parents didn't seem to be those type of people but you never know what a person is really like.        I take her up the grand stairs that have a red runner. I grab her hand and feel the sparks go through my arm. She looked up with me with those innocent yet fierce eyes. Her eye's could possibly suck me in and never let me go. She acts as if she wants to say something but keeps looking around the halls. I take her to the end of the hall to the elevator. The palace is so big that you could get lost if you didn't know how to get around. She never takes her hand away even after we enter the elevator. I can't help but feel a little giddy on the inside. I would sound like a school girl right now to the guy but I really don't care. She is my mate.       "It's along way to my room. This palace is huge. I think I may get lost in this place." She whispers shyly.       "I'm sorry. I know that it will take sometime getting use to but I promise it will come second nature after awhile." I tell her.        "It's okay. I am just not use to anything this extravagant." She said while looking at the ground.         "Baby, I will give you a tour after dinner tonight. I just want to get you settled in first."     We get to our floor and I walk her down the well lite hallway to our chambers. This is the wing my great-grandparents lived in. Out of the whole palace this was my favorite place to be. I loved the architecture that they had back in the early 1900's. The hallway has light oak wood walls. And the lights were on the walls, they look like lanterns. She never lets go of my hand which brings a smile to my face. I love the fact my mate hasn't pulled away.       I bring her to a dark pine wood double door.       "You ready to see your room" I look down at her 5'3 form. 
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