Bonfire pt1

3247 Words
Santiago’s pov Jesus Christ, almighty. Alma is going to kill me. That girl has no idea what I want to do to her, or maybe she does. However, still, she doesn’t even care to try to hide it anymore, like she finally snapped and is fighting for me, and it’s getting dangerous. I was two seconds from marking her on the spot, my teeth already out and digging into her tender flesh. I finally pushed her off with the last of my strength. She was holding onto me for dear life, and I didn’t want to let go, to be honest. I still need Christy and can’t risk driving her away, but I want Alma. No, I need her too! I want to hold her and make her moan my name from pleasure as I slam my d**k into her. I push my hair back on the way back to the car; it's fine! I can handle this. All I have to do is keep Alma in check, give her what she wants when we're alone, and keep up appearances with Christy; it shouldn’t be that hard, right?! I look at the pretty girl sitting in my truck; she looks at me with a frown. She is not happy about me slamming the brakes and throwing Alma out of the car or leaving her when I ran after her, Alma. “Sorry babe, Alma just needed air.” I’m still trying to act naturally, but I’m sweating a storm. Thank God it's hot outside, or else she would have become suspicious of my behavior. “You know, I don’t get your sister. Everyone says she is the sweetest girl, but it seems like she can’t even stand me.” She smacks her lips at the end, showing that fierce Latino girl I love to go after, hot and tempered. It’s my turn-ons, but she’s right. Alma is nothing like that. She is mild-tempered and soft, like her mother; she has never raised her voice against me or anyone else, like a frail little doll that needs constant guarding. I nod at her words when I get back in, planting a small kiss on her chin; girls love that s**t, it makes them feel special when I’m not going for their mouths, and it’s working this time as well. Christy is getting a satisfied smile instead of being pissed like she was just seconds ago. “I’ll speak to her; let her know that she can’t talk to the future Luna of this pack like that.” I cooed to her, and she seemed pleased with my answer as I started the car and continued driving to the beach. It’s hot as hell, and there are people everywhere, all mixed together, humans, wolfs, and older people reading under their parasols. Small kids were running up and down the waves like crazy, and mothers were watching over their young ones. I searched the crowd with my eyes and instantly found TJ talking with some of the pack girls all over him, and I smirked. He is always working or getting some attention from girls when he smiles and talks to the small gathering of human girls that are also swarming him, not giving a s**t about the rest of the pack guys that pout, not being able to pick human girls up when he is around, I loved that man, my bro. Christy grabs my hand, eying all the competition before her. I mean, she’s not stupid. We're not really mates, so I don’t feel the need to have to be faithful to her, not like I would with my real mate…I stop when we walk over to TJ, and he grins at Christy and me. He knows the truth, the only one who does, I sigh, letting go of Christy’s hand to her sour face that doesn’t appreciate being let go when everyone can see us, but I don’t f*****g care; she needs me just as much back like the b***h she is. “It’s about time, Saint. I can’t even breathe over here. I’m drowning...” He means all the girls are hitting on him, begging for his attention, when I laugh even more at Christy’s mean face. She looks pissed at me for even having a good time with my brother, jeez. I roll my eyes when she’s not looking, and TJ shrugs; he thinks I finally lost my mind having a fake mate. He doesn’t want one and never will. I felt the exact same way…. Until… “Isn't that your sister, Saint?” someone from the pack the same age as us nods his head against the ocean, and I stare at Alma coming out of the water, holy s**t! Her light-tanned body is dripping from the water, and her bikini is clinging to her for dear life, not covering anything more than necessary. Her t**s bounced as she walked out of the water, and I almost died on the spot, standing with my packmates, who were all checking her out just like me. Her body looks amazing, and she is sexy as hell, but why isn’t she covered up and walking around like a damn slut begging for attention!? She’s dragging her hands over her head, splashing her cream-colored hair over the back, batting her big sage eyes. Holy f**k, she is making me hard again, and every other guy was standing here checking her out. I feel the growl rising from my throat, making every wolf in the area bend its neck in submission. I lock eyes with Alma, who looks at me innocently like she doesn’t even know just how many eyes she just had on her, all willing to f**k her when she is mine! “Wow, dude! I didn’t know you even cared much for her; you always told me you hated her guts?” TJ raises his eyebrows when he snaps up again from showing his neck. I scoff, not turning away from my pretty little mate, still drying herself of not caring that I just made the whole pack bend to submission for looking at her. Fuck. She didn’t even bend her neck! f**k f**k f**k! I know she’s my sister, but that shouldn’t affect the Alpha power rolling off me on the rest of the family. Only the mate bond does; because the Luna doesn’t bend to the Alpha, she stands with him. Fuck. I’m looking around, hoping that no one took notice of Alma not even responding to my command. After feeling secure that nobody’s raising difficult questions, I put my arm around Christy for good measure. I don’t need more attention my being too focused on my sister than I shouldn’t have. “I don’t like motherfuckers staring at her! have some goddam respect. She is still part of the alpha family!” I sneer back at TJ, who shrugs and looks at me like he doesn’t give a s**t about me growling to get his eyes off her. He likes to chase girls; the harder they are, the more fun it is. Not like me. I wouldn’t say I like chasing, not when I know they come willingly in hordes. “I’m serious, T; stay the f**k away from Alma!” I grit my teeth when he gives me a big smirk that doesn’t make me relax anymore, and I feel Christy being all tense in my arm and sigh inwards; what the hell is it now!? She looks at me, deciding this is the perfect time to bust my balls! “Ah babe, wouldn’t it be great though? your baby sister and your best friend sounds like a perfect match for me?” she has a snide tone making me want to bite her head right now for snapping at me. Still, I squeeze her a little too tight and kiss her forehead while catching TJs eyes, warning him that I would break his bones if he tried anything with my mate, no matter how big he is. “Yeah, dude, then we could be real brothers, like our pups could play together and….” He doesn’t get any further before I let go of the giggling Christy and grab hold of TJs shirt by the neckline, holding him with a crazy amount of anger in my eyes; I want to shift and rip him to shreds for even talking about stuff like that to me! “Don’t you ever talk about s**t like that to my face, or I will kill you!” I’m huffing, and the whole place is dead quiet. Even the humans are watching me now, staring at me, holding the still confused TJ by his shirt, ready to kill him for even talking about him having f*****g pups with my mate. I should rip his f*****g tongue out! I hadn’t even noticed Christy trying to get my attention when I heard a voice that made me snap back at an instance like all I needed was to listen to her sweet voice making me let go of my best friend and look around at Alma standing there confused looking like an angel on earth, still looking so f*****g hot that I want nothing more then take hold of her hand that she has on my arm and kiss her, f**k her right here on the spot if I could. “Santo, what are you doing?” she doesn’t sound mad, just wondering what the hell I’m doing to beat up my best friend since kindergarten. Her annoying friend and TJs sister stand behind her, looking at me like she wants to kill me for hurting her brother. I realize all the air I have been holding in and smile at her; I don’t know why. I feel like it, so I’m going for it. She makes me want to smile, that’s all. Alma looks at me weirdly, but I don't care. Rosa goes up to her brother and gives me a scowl that I know I will be hearing from my dad about this. She’s a snitch, that little b***h. I can’t believe how a b***h like that could be friends with Alma. She was the sweetest girl on earth, annoying as hell but sweet. “Your boy is acting all loco, man, shit.” I look at my best friend, who is clearly offended. I think he is talking to Alma when I get nervous for two seconds before seeing that he is looking at Christy’s angry face. She is not happy either being ignored. Rosa snarls, making her brother laugh at her. He loves her. he may not treat the rest of the female kind well. Still, Rosa is his sister, just like Alma is supposed to be mine, but I can’t barely look at her anymore and think sister, mate, and it’s killing me. “Why the hell didn’t you answer me, Saint?” Christy says my nickname, and I close my eyes for two seconds, feeling the pressure of having my pack, my best friend, my fake mate, and my real mate all staring at me, expecting the right answer. I’m just about to blow up, not being able to deal with this s**t anymore, when I feel the tingles coming down my arm, making me calmer all the sudden, and I open my eyes seeing Alma having her hand on me, making everything feel easier for every second she touches me. “I’m sorry, Christa, TJ, and Santo are idiots. Always fighting over stupid things… isn’t that right, boys?” Alma looked at me with secrets in her sage eyes and then at TJ, who looked grim. Still, when Alma's eyes met his, he got a big stupid grin on his face, like everything was a joke; even though I meant every f*****g word I just said, he knew it the same as me. I’m at a loss for words when I look at her in awe. She just went full Luna on my ass, calming me down and defusing the whole situation before anyone else even had the chance to act. Especially not Christy. I’m still not saying anything, just staring into her pretty sage eyes that show me how much she already wants me to be there for me, and I feel the same way. I f*****g need her! I’m just about to stretch out my hand to caress her face when an angry, high-pitched voice makes me frown. I see a fuming Christy staring down my mate like she’s finally realized that Alma is not my sister but her competition. Oh s**t. “It’s not f*****g Christa, b***h! My name is Christy! Just wait until I’m Luna! You’re going to be sorry for not even learning my name!” she snarls. I yank her back, going towards my mate, who doesn’t realize that Christy is out for blood and she’s going to destroy Alma’s beautiful face if I don’t stop her. Like I would let her even touch Alma, she is off-limits, even for my fake mate. “Same thing.” Alma makes me burst out laughing, and she gives me a radiant smile as the rest of the crowd starts to laugh too, more from relief that the tension is gone than me laughing my ass off from my suddenly fierce mate calling out the girl she clearly hates. Shit, she is fantastic…. I can’t believe I didn’t see any of that before…. I stare at her, ignoring Christy, that has left me, and I don’t care about anyone else around us. I watch her, my beautiful mate smiling at me, making my heart go faster than usual now that I do not have her hand on my arm. I already miss the tingles, the connection between us. “Bro, you should have chosen a better one. She seems like too much work for my taste.” TJ chuckles. At least he has already forgotten our fight or the start of one. He is great like that. Nothing touches him, like water on a goose, a big f*****g goose. “Yap should have chosen a better one.” I look back at Alma, grinning and making TJ laugh, and he assumes that she’s in on what we’re talking about, my fake mate, and not that she is my real mate before I can stop him. “Hey Alma, your brother is being a d**k to me, and that girl… s**t, I can’t stand her. She’s all nice and sunshine and will stab you right in the back when nobody’s looking; trust me, I know the type.” TJ laughs again like it’s all a big joke when I try to get him to look at me, that I’m f*****g telling him to shut up, but he’s not listening. That brick head, being dumb and bulky, is all that guy’s got when Rosa rolls her eyes and drags him along to the others who have started moving over to the bonfire, leaving Alma and me alone. Well, semi-alone since there are still people around us, and I can’t do anything stupid no matter how much I want to; right now staring into her sage eyes, and she is giving me a small, cute smile like she knows that I’m already too deep into her. I can’t find my way back even if I wanted to. “So, I should have chosen a better one?” I say it relaxed, and she nods like she is in on the joke. She’s not stupid. She knows I have Christy as a fake mate, but not why, and I’m not willing to tell her right now; she’s dad's ally. I don’t want to drag her in between our feud; the s**t we are handling right now is enough for us. “Who? You?” I laugh, but it sounds strained when she shrugs; she is just as trapped as me by this, she doesn’t want to let dad know, and I don’t want to risk not getting to be Alpha. The selfish reason, I know, but I don’t care. I have been waiting my whole f*****g life for this! “I don’t know…. All I know is that I need you….” my heart is beating like a jackhammer against my chest, and my body is screaming for me to reach out and take her in my arms, hold her, kiss her and mark her. But I don’t do that. I give her a faint smile knowing that I need her too, today as proof that, if anything else. We walk in silence over to the others; I sit by TJ, that’s already talking to some girl and gives me a beer, and she sits next to Rosa. she looks absolutely stunning over there looking at the ocean. I smile and laugh at what the others are talking about, but I keep stealing glances at the only girl I want but can’t have around the beach. I’m not letting her get away, though, and tonight I’m going to have her. one way or another, siblings be damn! I want to feel her in my arms and taste those lips I have been avoiding since we imprinted, believing it to be easier if I didn’t kiss her. I was dead wrong, and now when she showed me that she felt the same way, I wasn’t going to deny myself anymore. It’s getting darker outside, we've been here for a couple of hours by now, and I’m throwing my beer bottle on my whatever count of beer bottle. I’m not drunk, just buzzed when I see a guy walk up to Alma and give her a hug which makes me get up on my feet real fast, and she sees me and gives me a look to calm the f**k down. I growl deep and slowly like I can’t believe she stands there and lets some other guys touch her when they aren’t allowed. She’s mine! “You remember Franco, don’t you, Santo?” she says, my nickname teasingly. Only my mom used to call me that, and dad before becoming the most giant d**k ever; the rest of the people and pack call me Santiago or Saint, depending on how you know me, and I nod sternly. I recognize him. He’s the son of the Sigma. He will not be the next one, though, not the type. He’s more like me and TJ, and that’s why I don’t f*****g like him being friends with my mate even before I knew she was. The only part of him that I liked was him getting his ass kicked by TJ for being f*****g rude. I hated Rosa. she was a w***e, but you just didn’t f*****g call people Omega, even I knew that, and I was a d**k! He waves like we are friends, and I sit my ass down again, keeping my eyes on his hands as he sits down next to Alma and pulls out the guitar, and I roll my eyes, f**k! He is one of those guys; now all the girls are going to look at him like he is some almighty being just because he can do the three chords to some crap song they have never heard of....just great...I take another sip from the beer TJ passes me. I sure as hell I’m keeping my eyes on Alma tonight.
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