
1777 Words
I stood in the shower, washing my hair when I heard the door to the bedroom open and close. I rinsed the soap out of my face before I opened them, seeing the door open up. “Adelina?” Ashton’s voice floated over the sound of running water, and I smiled, waving at him through the glass. A large smile stretched across his face, and he closed the door behind him. “Hey how did it go?” I asked. His smile faltered a little but didn’t disappear. “I’ll be dealing with him soon. He can’t be exiled as he hasn’t done anything wrong, and I can’t exactly challenge him as alpha. But it will be dealt with.” There was an edge to his voice in the last sentence, so I opened the door to look at him. His eyes met mine and he blinked; the weird look disappearing as soon as out eyes met. “Can I ask you a question?” He asked softly as he took his shirt off. I nodded, watching him closely as he continued to get undressed. “What made you let me…do more than touch you?” My heart started beating against my rib cage as his fingers came up and traced my cheek. “I feel safe with you.” My voice was small as I looked into his eyes. His hand continued down the side of my face, to my shoulder. There was a look on his face, like he was fighting an internal battle. “Do I make everything feel okay?” He asked, looking directly into my eyes. I nodded softly, my breath hitching in my throat as he grabbed me by the waist and crushed me against him. “Hey!” I shouted in surprise. “The shower-“ “Will be there when we’re ready.” He interrupted, his lips pressing against mine. My own lips parted, inviting his tongue to play with mine while my nails dug into his arms. I could feel him hardening against my waist, and I suppressed a giggle. “I want you, Adelina.” His voice was gruff when he pulled away, and I smiled at him. “I know?” It came out as more of a question than a statement. “Right now.” His eyes pierced through me, and my own eyes widened as I searched his. I could feel him against my waist, and my stomach clenched tightly. I nodded softly and he wasted no time lifting me out of the shower and wrapping my legs around his hips. Our lips met again as he carried me to the bed, setting me down gently. “Ashton?” My voice was soft as he began kissing his way across my face and down my shoulder. “Do you want me to stop?” He asked, moving away immediately. “No I just…wasn’t sure what you were doing.” I admitted, my face beginning to turn red. “I’m doing my best to please you, Adelina.” His face was serious and I nodded. “Please continue.” I squeaked. He nodded and kissed my shoulder, his lips making their way down chest and stopping at my breast. His tongue flicked forward against my n****e, making it stiffen. I gasped in surprise at the wetness and how fast it got cold. His mouth covered my n****e quickly, his tongue sliding around and flicking it. I gasped again, my body arching against him as he moved onto my other breast, doing the same thing and making that n****e harden. His fingers moved down my stomach as he leaned over me and began playing with the little bud of nerves between my legs. I gasped again, a soft moan escaping me as my stomach clenched once more. “Ashton?” Yessenias voice floated through the door as she began knocking. My eyes widened and Ashton flew up from on top of me, holding his hand against the door as the knob started turning. “What do you want, Yessenia?” His voice was a growl. “I’m kind of busy.” “Mom and Dad want to speak to you.” I lifted the blanket up to my chin, staring at him in fear. He shook his head in confidence, even as the door knob was still jiggling. “Okay, I’ll be there in a little bit.” It looked like he was straining to not rip the door open and kill his little sister. “No, they want to speak to you immediately.” She said, still trying the door knob. He growled in frustration. “Why won’t you open the door?” “Because Adelina is changing her clothes and she’s not comfortable with others while she’s doing that.” He side eyed me and I nodded quietly, putting on a pair of shorts and a shirt. “Can you stop trying to get in? I’ll break your wrists, Yessenia, I swear it to Moon Goddess herself.” “Well hurry up!” She yelled through the door, letting go of the handle. He fished for a pair of shorts before throwing them on and opening the door. Her body jerked as she turned when the door opened, the sound catching her by surprise. “What do they want?” He growled, towering over her with his arms crossed. “There’s been a development at Blue River. They want to speak to you about it. Dad says it’s urgent.” He nodded, stomping his way down the hallway to the stairs that led to the second floor, where the alpha and Lunas room was and the only office in the pack house. I peaked my head around the corner to watch him. “Are you just going to sit in here by yourself until he comes back?” Yessenia asked, looking me up and down. “Oh my Goddess. You weren’t changing, were you?” My face turned red and I looked at the floor. She looked around the hallway to ensure there was nobody there, then grabbed me by the hand and pulled me into Ashton’s room, slamming the door. “Um…your shower is still on.” She said as she turned around and plopped on the floor. My eyes widened and I ran into the bathroom, quickly shutting off the water. The room had steamed up so I turned the fan on and left the door open, watching the steam roll onto the floor. “So.” Her voice was flippant as she stared at me. “I want to know all about it!” My eyes widened again and I began coughing. “Yessenia, that’s your brother.” My voice was quiet; I didn’t want to share details about that with anyone, that was extremely personal. And especially not with my mates sister! She made a face at me and I heard a chuckle in my head. “Adelina, I don’t want to know about my brother.” She said dryly. “I want to know about you! Was it what you thought it would be? Did it hurt? Do you still want to be with my brother? Do you think it made you guys stronger? Come on, I wouldn’t want to know about my brother like that.” She giggled and a breath escaped me. “Well I…I wasn’t expecting anything really. It just kind of happened. It definitely hurt a little bit. Like my leg muscles and stuff, I guess? And he’s my mate, of course I still want to be with him. It was honestly perfect.” She nodded along as I spoke. “Well, now that that’s over, let’s go hang out!” She said, scrambling to her feet. I blinked in surprise. “Put on some leggings and a tank top, come on!” She pushed me forward gently and I hunted for clothes. When I couldn’t find any, my shoulders slumped forward and I just stared at the dresser drawer. “What’s wrong?” She asked, stepping up to me. “I don’t have leggings. I don’t really have much…” I trailed off, not wanting to look her in the eye. I knew she would laugh at me. I knew she would make fun of how I had nothing after 18 years. I knew she wouldn’t feel okay with finding out her brothers mate came from literally nothing but a dead bloodline. “Do you want to borrow something of mine?” She asked, putting her hand on my shoulder. I looked up at her with shock, not expecting her reaction. Her face was sincere as she looked at me. “I have like so many pairs of leggings you can choose from. Ranging from plain black leggings to those leggings from t****k so long ago, to ones that look like dragon scales.” Tears started to well up in my eyes as she spoke. “Are you sure you’re okay with that?” My voice was soft, my throat feeling thick. “Absolutely. You’re going to be my sister, hopefully soon. Of course you can borrow a damn pair of leggings from me.” I nodded, unable to speak, and followed her to her room. When she opened the door, I gasped. Her room was varying shades of purple and pink. Three of her walls were a very light shade of pink and one wall was royal purple. Her bed had corners on it, with sashes of dark purple and light pink, and her bed seat was a the same color as her purple wall. She had artwork that looked very important, a bookcase full of books, and a door like her brothers that led outside. I noticed the Twilight books on her shelf and giggled. “Take your pick.” She said as she opened up a dresser drawer full of leggings. “Um…just plain black ones should be fine.” I mumbled, scared to touch anything in her room. “Alright here you go.” She said, handing me a pair of leggings and a black tank top. “Go change, I’ll be outside your door when you’re ready.” I nodded, rushing over to my room and changing immediately. The clothes were soft and comfortable and fit me pretty well, the tank top was just a little lower cut than I would have liked. But I’m borrowing it so I couldn’t complain. I stepped out of the bedroom after sliding on my mom’s sandals and ring, and Yessenia smiled as she looked at me. “Perfect. Let’s go.”
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