Meeting New Friends

1315 Words
“Where are we going?” I said as I followed her down the hallway and outside. The sun was almost down, leaving rays of a dark gold and orange splayed through pinks, purples, and blues. I noticed a bonfire and a bunch of people sitting around it and started to feel uneasy. “We’re going to hang out. My friends really want to meet you.” She smiled at me, and my anxiety began to spike. What if Adam was there? Or Ashton’s ex? Yessenia grabbed my hand when she noticed me lost in my thoughts, and smiled again. “Don’t worry, girl. You’re Ashton’s mate and my soon to be sister. There’s nothing to worry about.” “Yeah well…before Ashton I was mated to the Alphas son of Wild West. Clearly that never went over so well.” I mumbled, and she nodded. “Well, this is different. Different pack, different kind of people.” I nodded, feeling a little bit better at her words. We began walking closer to the bonfire again, and she waved at a group of about four people who were waving to her. “Yessenia! Hurry up! We got you a drink!” One of them shouted, patting the seat next to him. She smiled, pulling me closer until we were next to them, grabbed her drink, and sat down. “Sorry guys, I got caught up with a couple of important things. But we’re here now!” She giggled. “About damn time, we were wondering if you would even link us to let us know.” One of the girls said. Yessenia frowned slightly and shook her head. “Of course I would have. But I’m here and that’s what matters. And so is Adelina.” The man next to her turned and smiled. “Ah so you’re Adelina, huh?” He asked. His hair was a bright blonde, short and kind of scruffy, and his eyes were a bright green. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Ian.” “Hi Ian.” I said, giving him a slight wave. “Oh my Goddess, don’t let us bother you.” A girl said. She smiled at me, her red hair and dark green eyes glittering in the firelight. “I’m Sophia.” “No bother.” I said quietly. “Nice to meet you.” “Of course you’re not bothered, you’ve probably been ready to meet us since you got here!” Another girl giggled. “I’m Carla.” I nodded at her. There was a tsk from the man next to her. “She hasn’t been ready to meet us, she’s been holed up with lover boy except for training.” He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I began blushing. “I’m Justin.” I nodded again. Yessenia handed me a drink and I just stood there with it. “I haven’t been holed up with…wait who’s lover boy?” There’s no way he could be talking about Ashton. “That hot man you got lucky to be mated to.” Justin pouted, putting his chin in his hand. Yessenia giggled and smacked at him. “Leave her alone, you know he wasn’t interested anyways.” “A boy can always dream, Yessy.” He stuck his tongue out at her and I giggled at them. He wiggled his eyebrows at me and patted the spot next to him, allowing me to seat. I took his offer, thanking him and he smiled. His smile was so bright I caught myself smiling back. “So you’re…” I trailed off, unsure what to say. “Totally gay and totally in love with Ashton? Yup.” He laughed out loud and I blushed a bright shade of red. “But don’t worry. He’s never reciprocated so like I said, it’ll always be a dream.” I nodded, unsure of what to say. “So Adelina, where did you come from?” Sophia said, taking a drink from her cup. I did the same and almost spit it back out. “First, what’s in this cup?” I asked, coughing after I swallowed. Everyone laughed. “You’ve never had Jack and coke?” Ian asked. “No, never.” I said sheepishly. “It’s so bitter and tastes terrible.” “Well yeah, you don’t really drink it for the taste.” Carla said, as if I should know this already. “You drink it to get drunk. Although you’d have to drink more than one cup, and faster than you are.” I looked down at my cup and grimaced. “So…where are you from, then?” Sophia questioned again, everyone looking at me with interest. “Ashton found me at Wild West Pack.” I said quietly. “The one he went to to “cool down some turmoil” as alpha worded it?” Ian asked, and I nodded. “Ah so you’re Alpha Williams’ daughter or what?” Carla guessed. “No!” I said immediately, my voice loud. Everyone was taken aback, including myself, at the forcefulness of my tone. “No, I’m not that man’s daughter.” My voice had quieted down. “But don’t you have alphas blood?” Sophia said, confused. “And you said you’re from Wild West? Am I missing something?” “Yes.” I said, matter-of-factly. “I said Ashton found me there, not that Wild West is my original pack.” Justin turned towards me. “So then which pack are you from?” He had an eyebrow raised. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. “Red Sky Pack.” Justin’s hands flew to his mouth and Sophia gasped. I took another drink, the bitter taste filling my mouth so I didn’t have to speak. “Red Sky Pack? Wasn’t that pack destroyed years ago?” Carla surmised, her finger against her chin. “10 years ago.” I said softly, staring at the fire. “I’m the only one left.” Justin put his arm around me, hugging me to him. “Did they ever find out who did it?” He asked quietly, and I shook my head. “If they did, I was never told.” I replied, just as quietly. “Oh. I’m so sorry, hon.” He said as he rubbed my back. “We didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” I shrugged at his words. “Well, are you going to do anything it?” Carla asked. I glanced at her; her attitude was starting to make me angry. Yessenia slapped her leg immediately. She glared at Yessenia, shrugging. Astria snickered in my head and I appreciated Yessenia for that. “Well, she’s old enough to find out what happened and deal with it so what’s the issue?” “The issue is that nobody f*****g knows what happened, Carla.” Ashton’s voice made me jump out of my skin. My cup flew out of my hand, the liquid landing all over Ian, Carla, and Yessenia. “Oh my goddess, I’m so sorry! I’ll clean it up immediately, I’m so sorry that happened!” I started apologizing profusely, getting frustrated and running to grab a couple of towels. “Adelina.” Yessenia’s voice stopped me as she stared at me. “You are absolutely okay. It was an accident. No need to freak out.” I froze on the spot, shame washing over me, and looked at Ashton. He was staring at me with an expression I couldn’t read. I looked at the ground, afraid to look at anyone else. Ashton stood in front of me, reaching for me. I flinched away from his hand, and his hand clenched into a fist. “Let’s go. Now.” He turned and I followed him, my hair covering my face. This is it.
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