Chapter 34: The Vampire King

1806 Words

(Darius POV) I came out of my chamber and walked towards the lake, which was located behind my castle. It was my secret spot to spend some time alone. I sat on the wooden bench and looked towards the clear water of it. The moonlight was reflecting through its clear water and a sad smile graced my lips. “Why are you feeling sad again? Is there something that has happened again that upset my Prince?” I heard the voice of mother Karina and I shook my head when I felt that she took the seat behind me. “Come on! Tell me, lad. You know I will guess it sooner or later, so it would be better if you tell me by yourself,” She asked and I turned my face towards her with a soft smile present on my face. “Mama Jessica! How did you always find me when I needed someone to share my grief?” I asked

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