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Episode 2 Sherie's pov: "Many paparazzi are outside waiting for the ladies already...What about Mr Aiden? Is he here yet?" I asked "He's on his way" Brandon replied and I nodded "Get those papers ready before we start filming" I ordered and he nodded. "How many papers?" He asked "Five" I replied as I prepared everything before the Ladies arrive. "What about Mr Aiden's paper, isn't it supposed to be six?" He asked "He has his own special paper... just get the Five immediately" I said impatiently and he nodded before turning to leave. People where screaming outside and I wondered what was happening. "What's happening?" I asked and Brandon checked the window. "I think...Mr Aiden is here already" he said and my heart leaped. "What?! Oh my goodness" We need to prepare everything before he enters here. He wouldn't want to see that we are wasting his time. "Quick, gather up Directors to welcome him and for God sake get his own papers ready now" I said and he rushed outside. . . . Author's pov: A lot of paparazzi were outside the head quarters waiting patiently for the ladies. They were as well excited to see how beautiful they were. Not too long, a Black Bentley pulled over right beside the red carpet and all the paparazzi rushed with their cameras to see who it was. Two bodyguards came out, opened the door and a leg putting on a white boot stuck out first before she came out of the car finally... "Oh my goodness it's Yvonne Guillaume!!!" A lady screamed excitedly and cameras started flashing here and there. She was putting on a lilac skippy gown, with white net gloves, a white classy purse and covering herself with a white shawl. "Bonjour à tous" Yvonne said with a beautiful smile and a wave. "Yvonne how are you feeling today?" "How many paintings have you done throughout the year?" "Do you love Aiden?" "What do you think about him?" "Say something to your fans out there, will you strive so hard to win Aiden's heart?" The paparazzi bombarded her with so many questions but she was guarded by her bodyguards in the headquarters without saying any other thing. . . The next car was a Blue Lamborghini and it pulled over right beside the red carpet also. As expected, the paparazzi rushed with their cameras to see who it was. "It's Kimberly Ryan!!!" "Kim!!!" They screamed her name happily and set there cameras ready. She came out of the car looking so stunning on her blue jump suit. She made her hair in a short bob and dyed it white. Her bodyguards accompanied her but the paparazzi still tried to move closer. "We love your dance moves Kimberly" "Tell us what you think about Aiden?" "Are you going to showcase your dance moves in this season Kim?" "Will you dance for Aiden" They showered her with questions but she didn't even smile or say anything. She just walked through and no one bugged her or ask her questions anymore. . . . Next was a yellow Ferrari and the paparazzi were very much excited because they definitely knew who it was.. She didn't even wait for her bodyguards to open the door, she swung it open and stepped out... "OMG Chloe Jones!!!" They screamed happily... It was just too much for someone to just keep his or her mouth shut. Chloe's amazing, she's sassy, she's cute and very naughty. She was putting on a tight black leather trousers, a yellow bra top, a pair of yellow snickers and a yellow jacket just hanging on her shoulders. She was putting on a nose diamond ring, about 5 earrings on just one ear, three diamond necklace and a tattoo on her neck. "What's up B*tches!!!" She said with a smile and stuck out her tongue making the crowd go wild. "We love you Chloe" "Sing for Aiden" "I love you too and of course I'll do that" she replied showing off her white set of teeth. They took tones of pictures as she gave them different poses. She's really crazy but still cute anyway. "Don't worry pips I'll win this, trust me" she said and cat walked into the headquarters with her bodyguards behind her. . . . The most important person the paparazzi had really been expecting finally arrived in her pink Limo... Alexander's daughter... "Sophie!!! She's finally here!" They screamed Her bodyguard opened the door and she came out elegantly...ever charming, ever cute and ever proud. She flipped her long brown hair stylishly and flashed a smile to the crowd...of course they caught that on camera. "Oh my gee Sophie!!! I love you Sophie" "Awwn you are too kind sweetie...I love you too" Sophie replied and blew a kiss to the air. She was putting on a long pink gown that was too revealing. The slit was up to her thigh and her cleavages were so exposed. The armless gown fitted her perfectly. Her curves were visible and her big butt. She was like a goddess, a very wealthy Fashionista although with the help of her dad. "You dress to kill Sophie, we love you" "Why SFL Sophie?" "Well durr I'm searching for love" she replied nonchalantly. "What do you think about Aiden?" "He's my one and only true love and he is meant for me alone" she replied proudly "But what about now that other ladies signed up for him?" "It's going to be war...and trust me I'll definitely win Aiden's heart because I'm the key" She said with a smirk "What are you going to say to your fans out there?" "I love Aiden with all my heart and I want him. Vote for me so that I can win Aiden okay? Your vote counts and I love you guys... thank you so much" She said blew a kiss to the camera and cat walked into the headquarters with her bodyguards behind her. (Sister over do . . . *Inside the Headquarters* Aiden was seated in-between Sherie and Brandon looking really handsome in his red tuxedo, on the high table while the ladies where before them. "Ladies, Kindly introduce yourself to Mr Aiden Olivet" Sherie said and even the Aiden was less concerned about the ladies. He just maintained a straight face and operated his phone. "I'm Yvonne Guillaume, I'm from Paris and I'm a successful painter...as simple as that" she said and Sophie rolled her eyes. "Do you want to say anything Mr Aiden?" Sherie asked him but he just shook his head negatively and Sophie chuckled. "How pathetic Yvonne" She whispered and Yvonne glared at her. "I'm Kimberly Ryan, I'm from Spain and I'm a dancer. You'd know more about me in the show" she said simply and Aiden just nodded before keeping his phone aside for a moment. "Next up Chloe" Sherie said staring at the paper in her hand before looking forward. "I'm Chloe Jones baby, I'm from Los Angeles and I'm not a vibe killer for sure. I'm a Musician and I can do anything you want me to do. Just as kimberly said, You will know more about me in the show" she said with a charming smile and Sherie chuckled. "I love your vibes Chloe" Sherrie said "Thank you so much sweetheart" she replied and blew her a kiss. "Do you wanna say something Aiden?" Sherie asked and he shook his head negatively. "Okay? Next up we have Sophie" She said with a warm smile "Well first of all I want to say,...it's an honor for me to be here even though I paid for it..." Sophie began and Chloe yawned "But I loved this show so much for getting me what I've always wanted...Aiden! I love you Aiden from the depth of my heart... I'm Sophie Alexander, I'm from the United Kingdom, a fashionable, beautiful, lovely sexy Lady (Flips her hair backwards) and I can sacrifice anything for you Aiden. I sacrificed my time just to be here with you. Don't you think I love you better than all this... people standing beside me? (Eyed the rest) You don't have to worry because this show has given me more time to express my love for you Handsome" Sophie said proudly and the rest envied her so much "Awwn! Do you have anything to say Aiden?" Sherie asked but he didn't say a word neither did he nod or change his expression. "You see I got him speechless. You guys should stop chasing what can never be yours. Aiden likes me already... can't you see it in his eyes? I'm definitely his type" Sophie whispered and pushed her hair behind for like the umpteenth time. "Okay? I guess that should be all...hold on a sec, you guys are four?! What happened to the fifth per..." Before the Sherie could finish her sentence the door bursted opened and Daisy hurried in. "I'm here, I'm here, Sorry I'm late...I got stuck in traffic" Daisy said calmly and everyone in the room stared at her like they have just seen a ghost even Aiden stared a little longer before taking his eyes away. She was looking really pretty on her short royal blue body hug gown that exposed her curves and her flawless skin. Her dark curly hair was styled with gold hairpins on it. One thing that made Daisy so beautiful was her Aqua blue eyes, they were really pretty. She looked like someone from a wealthy home even though she's not. "You are welcome, You are the Super Model right? Daisy..." "Daisy" "Daisy?" "Yes just Daisy" she replied and Sophie cracked. "Bastard" she muttered but Daisy heard it then she remembered that first impression matters... "Thank you very much but what about the person bearing your surname? Don't you think there's also a bastard in your lineage?" Daisy said and Kimberly for the first time cracked. Chloe couldn't even hold her laughter. Sophie glared at Daisy but she just ignored her and faced Sherie. "Okay Darling introduce yourself please" then Daisy gathered all the confidence she could to speak. "I'm Daisy, I'm from America and I'm a Model" she said and breathe out lightly. "Okay Daisy, I love you already, you have a very beautiful smile and I love your eyes" Sherie said and Daisy smiled. "Thank you" she replied All this while Aiden had been staring at her in a mysterious way but still with an expressionless face then... "Aiden do you want to say anything?" Sherie asked and it took a while before... "Yes, I want to ask Daisy a question" He spoke for the first time in the room and everyone turned, eager to hear what he wanted to say.
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