
The Love Game: Winning The Billionaire's Heart

enimies to lovers

Daisy is just a poor girl who pretends to be a young billionaire. By coercion Mr. Brooks, Daisy must win the reality show she is on. A large amount of prize money for her mom's surgery, and also Aiden, a handsome as sin bilionaire. Aiden felt a different sparks between him and Daisy, little did he knows that Daisy is just a poor girl. Competing with perfect career women, can Daisy win or will the worst happen?

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Episode 1 *Television* "I don't know if you know how happy I am today but I'm so excited Brandon" Sherie said happily and he laughed. "I'm also excited... this Season of Searching is going to be epic. You know, last season a lot of stuffs happened but this season we expect more things to happen because Alexander's daughter is among the contestants, Chloe Jones the popular musician, The french lady...oh come on many things will happen this season" he said and she laughed also. "Of course that's right...but most of all, these ladies would be against themselves just for one Man..." "We call him the hottie...gosh he's so hot" Sherie beamed "Some says sexy" "Of course durr ... He's handsomely cute, I'm falling for him already" Sherie added dreamingly and Brandon chuckled. "He's rich, has so much money, so wealthy whatever you want to call it...He is sure getting the attention of all the ladies in the world but there's also a mystery behind him. He is so hard to please, nothing moves him not even women...eesh! That is some crazy thought but we can't discuss that on camera." Sherie said with a light smile and adjusted her microphone closer to her mouth before facing the camera again with Brandon. "We are back again guys with a new Season of SFL, Searching For Love series and we know that you guys enjoyed Last year's season... Vivian and Goshen are happily married now with a beautiful baby girl. We are happy that this show is helping many guys out there who are not and are willing to be in a relationship" Sherie said and Brandon nodded in affirmation "Of course there are so many benefits to this show and if you are interested, you can sign up for this next year darling and lets see the ladies rolling in" Brandon said and Sherie smiled. "We have limited or no time for the introduction...but it seems the ladies are on their way already. I remain Sherie Hunter and my colleague..." "Brandon Wilson and we are live at the SFL headquarters for the Introduction to this show. We don't know who your favorite is but lets watch and see. Please stay tuned" *Switches off* Aiden's pov: I dropped the remote on the glass table and sat on my white sofa. "Why did you do that Man...I was watching the introduction" Rex said but I didn't say anything, just maintained a straight face and placed my hand on my chin. "Don't you want to see the ladies and how they look?" He asked "I'm not interested" I replied coldly "You are not interested?! In the ladies or the show?" He asked "Everything!" "Don't tell me you are trying to back out now" he said "Why did you sign me up for this nonsense without telling me?" I rasped "Because you are too stiff...you don't want to show your affection for women anymore. Your heart is as hard as a rock" he blabbed and I just rolled my eyes and brought out my phone from my pocket. "Ladies are liars, cheaters and Money mongers" I said breezily as I scroll through my phone. "Who told you that?" He asked with a chuckle "Serena, Lilian and Bridget" I replied "Just because of what they did to you doesn't mean..." "Doesn't mean what?! They all wanted my money and nothing else and you want to tell me that love exist?! I'm not even ready to discuss this with you. Tell those people to better call of the stupid show because I'm not interested... I have companies to run and I'll be very busy" I said and he threw a troll pillow at me "You are a jerk...I signed you for this and you are not backing out... whether you like it or not" He smirked and I hissed. "Don't you see that the show is amazing?" He said and I c****d my eyebrows at him in disbelief. "I can't see... I'm blind" I said and glared at him. "Stop it. Can't you just give this Show a chance? Look at Goshen for instance, He's doing great with Vivian...The bone of his bone" he said with a light smile "And what if I find the bone of my flesh in this show" I said and he bursted into laughter "No...that can't be possible" he managed to say "In your dreams...Call of this show I'm not interested" I cautioned with my index finger but he wouldn't listen "Why didn't you sign yourself in the first place?" I asked and folded my arms. "Well I'm not ready, I'm still a play boy" he said and used his fingers to brush his hair stylishly making me scoffed. Idiot! "Like I said earlier, give this show a chance." He said "All ladies are the same Rex, you better understand that now. I don't want to waste my time on this SF whatever. The time I'm supposed to use to make more money, I'm not ready to waste it on something useless" I said effortlessly and he rolled his eyes. "Do you know that Alexander's daughter is part of the contestants? That girl is fire mehn and You should count yourself lucky that a lady like that is all over you." He said and I scoffed with an eye rolled. Tell me all about it... "And what makes Sophie different from every other lady?" I asked "That is why the show is important!!! It helps you study everything about all the ladies don't you understand?" He asked and I shrugged before standing up. "I don't want to understand" I said before taking my coffee to sip from it and there was a space of silence between us then he spoke... "You are doing the show, right?...... Your name is everywhere already. People love you" he said with a to seriously look and I chuckled dryly "Tsk! People..." I muttered to myself and sipped from my mug again. I don't need people to love me. I love myself the way I am. Rex never listens to me. I wonder how he was able to sign me up for something so... Childish! Without me having a clue. Well I was too busy with work to know. I talk money, I make money, I work for money, anything that has to do with clean money I earn it. Why would I want to waste my time on a relationship.? What happened thrice last time will not repeat itself. After I cared so much to love someone, I discovered that it was just for my money...how pathetic. Three trials is enough for me to know that love doesn't exist. So why waste your time? "I'm not asking you Aiden, I'm just telling you...you are doing the show" he said "What's your problem with my life?" I asked "You are my closest friend and I want the best for you. Just take a break from your work and focus on yourself for now" He said and I sighed. "Fine, I'll do it...but let me tell you something. If it doesn't work...I promise you that I'll come for you" I said with a straight face and he stuck out his tongue at me. "Woohoo that's my Man. Go, show those girls how fresh you are" He raked and I rolled my eyes dramatically. "I'm not going to be your assistant for nothing... I promise you that this will work" he boasted "You better don't promise what you can not fulfil if you don't want to loose your job" I said and he chuckled. "Get my suit ready and put a call through to my artist" I said "Of course" he replied. . . . . Daisy's pov: "Since you said you like him and you want to be in a relationship with him doesn't mean you should loose focus. I'm counting on you Daisy don't fail me. I didn't make you popular for nothing" Mr Brooks said and I lowered my head. "I won't fail you sir" I said "What ever you say...The Introduction is today and I'll tell them to get you prepared and everything you'll need would be set." He said "Okay sir... Thank you sir" I replied lowly with a bow still staring at my feet. "Daisy!" He called "Sir?" "What is your problem? Is this how you would act there? You need to loosen up. How will you get Aiden's attention this way?" He rasped "I'm sorry sir... I'm just a bit nervous. I'll do my best sir" I replied with an unstable voice. "Do your best? You better act up. We both need this money. $30,000,000,000 is not a joke" he said to me and I felt uneasy. My eyes were already clouded with tears. I get really emotional over every little thing and I just couldn't control it. I could not even look at his face 'cause it might be intimidating. "Just leave and go get prepared" He waved me away and I bowed "Thank you sir" I muttered before leaving. I closed the door behind me and finally let the tears fall. I covered my mouth and bursted into more tears. I just couldn't take it, it's too much for me to handle. "Why are you crying Daisy? You can't allow your Mum to see you like this. It will worsen the situation." My subconsciousness told me and I sniffed before wiping off my tears. That's true! I need to stiffen up and stop acting like a weakling. You can do this Daisy, yes you can. You can win this! Remember you're doing this for Mum, alright? I quickly went home to shut down my small bakery shop and focused on winning the show. I gave the keys to my next neighbour, who was also my friend. "You can do it Daisy, don't worry" she said "Are you sure Aisha? I'll be mingling with rich people, pretending to be something I'm not...I just don't feel too good about it" I said feeling off "It's for your Mom Daisy...you need to do it. Her health condition is getting worse. She has just 20% chance of living and you won't go an extra mile for her?" She asked and I sighed. "Make her proud okay?" She said and caressed my cheek then I nodded. She's right. Mum has cancer and I need to do something. "Alright...I need to go now... Goodbye" I said and started walking away "Good luck sweetie" she yelled "Thank you" I yelled back . . . . (Preview) Sophie's pov: "You guys should better stop chasing what can never be yours. Aiden likes me already...I can see it in his eyes. I'm definitely his type" I said proudly and push my hair backwards

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