Chapter Eight-1

2231 Words

Chapter EightGilded Cage I fell asleep using the vampire's shoulder as a pillow. I had no idea I was so tired, but apparently I was. When I awoke we were somewhere inside a large underground garage. I knew almost right away we were underneath Tremayne Towers. I sat up, painfully aware that I had been leaning against Stefan during the whole trip. Using a practical stranger as my pillow was so not a good idea. “I'm sorry,” I said, sitting up straighter, and scooting myself a few inches away from him. I thought about scooting all the way over to the other side near the door, but I didn't want it to look as though I feared him. But gosh darn it all, I'd fallen asleep on someone I considered a stranger—plus he was a vampire, and someone who wanted to bed me in the near future. It was all so w

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