Feast of the Sea

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Jessica knocked on the door to Alicent's chambers. She took a breath as she was escorted inside. Alicent smiled as she entered. Jessica gave a curtsy. "Your Grace." Alicent dismissed the staff leaving them alone. Once alone, Alicent wrapped her arms around Jessica tightly. Jessica froze but then melted into her, hugging Alicent back. "Are you alright? That fall from that height. It's a miracle that you're standing." Jessica nodded. "I'm alright, Your Grace. Just cold. The masters said I should not take ill." "Jessica I've told you, it need not be like this...we don't need to be like this." When Jessica did not answer, Alicent pulled back to look Jessica in the face. "I mean it." Jessica nodded. "Of course." She sighed and squeezed her shoulder. "What are you planning on wearing tonight." "The dress I wore to the service this morning...but now I'll have to rethink that decision." That dress was still soaking wet and freezing. "I brought a dress along. I would be honored if you would wear it tonight." Alicent went over to the larger trunk and pulled out a dress. She laid it out on the bed. "I didn't realize that you still had that dress in your possession." No matter how hard she tried, Jessica could not take her eyes off it. It looked like the tailors had preserved it well, and it would definitely make a statement. "I had it fitted to your measurements. It was something I wanted to give to you for a while now." Jessica this time initiated the hug. Alicent pulled her close. She kissed her temple, stroking her hair. Her smiled softened. "Oh my Sweet Girl." Alicent pulled back and looked at Jessica. "Sometimes I forget how much you've grown. I still remember you as a tiny little thing." Jessica took a breath if she was going to do it, now would be the time. Alicent noticed and caught her face gently. "Something's on your mind, Sweet Girl." Jessica nodded, "It is, and I can't talk to Rhaenyra about it. And Daemon would never allow me to have this conversation." Alicent tucked Jessica's hair behind her ears. "You can tell me. This conversation will stay between us." Jessica bit her lip. "Aegon doesn't want to marry Helaena." This was not the way Alicent thought this conversation was going. Jessica knew this. But she wasn't going to spill anything about her and Daemon. Alicent rubbed Jessica's arm. "I know he doesn't." "I don't want to go to Dorne." Jessica simply stated. "And you and Father will not allow me to marry Daemon." Alicent also knew this was coming. "In truth, I do not wish to send you to Dorne. I've had my reservations about the potential match for some time. And no. Marrying you off to Daemon Targaryen is absolutely out of the question." Jessica gave a smile, pushing the emotions down. She took both Alicent's hands. "But you are expected to marry, Jessica. None of us are about duty and tradition." Jessica was shaking her head in agreement. "I know. And if I have to marry, wed me to Aegon. And allow Helaena to marry Aemond." Alicent looked at her, searching her eyes to see if this was a hoax. To see if Jessica was bluffing. Jessica looked at Alicent. "I will of course preform my duty to my house and to the realm. And this marriage might smooth things over in this family." Alicent kissed her forehead. "Your father and I will discuss this more when we return home. I promise we will." "Of course, Your Grace." Jessica gave a curtsy and turned to take her leave. "Jessica." Alicent stopped her when she was almost at the door. Jessica turned to her. "Yes?" "Thank you. For coming and talking to me." Jessica departed from her chambers with the dress in tow. That afternoon was spent in a scalding bath with lavender and rose oils. Once cleaned and dried, Jessica was fitted into the gifted dress. She knew the feast had already began. Jessica paced back and forth debating of even attending the feast. She could feign ill, and she knew that Daemon would come running to her side. He would be her only company for the evening. They were selfish thoughts she had to admit. And Alicent went to all the trouble with the dress. Jessica took a deep breath and exited her chambers. The doors to Driftmark's great hall were closed. She stopped looking at each guard in turn before it was opened. The music almost deftened her ears. Sea Shanties played on a multitude of instruments, people dancing and drinking and laughing, all for the memory of her cousin, The Lady Laena Velaryon. All entertainment ceased and the eyes of the Court of Driftmark fell onto her. Jessica stood at the top of the stairs, wearing the dress Alicent Hightower wore to Rhaenyra's wedding a decade ago. Aegon who was leaning back in his chair, took one look at her, and nearly fell backwards. He quickly caught himself, and rose so that he could take her hand at the bottom of the stairs. No sooner did Aegon walk past Rhaenyra did Daemon stand and block his path. Aegon puffed out his chest, trying to appear larger than he was. Daemon smirked, then simply turned on his heels and headed towards Jessica. Aegon quickly blocked his path. Back and forth the two Targaryens went and Jessica sighed. She began her descent as they announced her arrival. "Jesscareya Targaryen, First of her name, Princess of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Relam." Jessica kept her eyes foward, she'd present herself to her father and Alicent if need be. There would be rumors, but nothing that couldn't be quickly squashed. But Jessica smiled seeing a familiar face at the bottom of the stairs. Aegon and Daemon were to busy fighting that neither of them realized Aemond had slipped past them and waited patiently for his sister. He stood there, as princely as a prince should. One hand behind his back, the other outstretched towards Jessica. Jessica took her brother's hand. Aemond brought her hand to his lips and pressed a kiss upon it, before he escorted her in front of the King. Aemond stopped Jessica in front of Viserys. Jessica dipped into a low curtsy while Aemond bowed respectfully. She and her Father exchanged a warm smile before she took her seat. Jessica sighed looking over at her brother. "Aegon." Aegon immediately turned around. He walked back to his seat. Aegon's arm immediately went around her shoulder, and he placed a kissed on her temple. She tried to keep her gaze off Daemon. Jessica was never so grateful as to dine on many of her favorite foods. Despite her reservations in the beginning, Jessica was enjoying herself this evening. Once she ate her fill, Aegon pulled Jessica to the dance floor. Aegon was a much better dancer than he lead on. Tossing and spinning her, she quickly became flushed. Jessica was smiling and laughing as Aegon picked her up and spun her around. That was until she heard glass break. Jessica's gaze immediately went to Daemon. Daemon was glaring at them both. Jessica went to step toward Daemon when he stood and saw himself out of the hall. Aegon eventually lead Jessica out into the cool night air to escape the heat of the feast. Jessica looked out on the water. Aegon came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, his face buried in her next. Jessica sighed. "Aeg..." She bit her lip, her eyes closing. "Shhh, Princess." Aegon playfully nipped. "We're out in the opened..." "No one will come outside. They're all preoccupied with the feast and Father's attention." Jessica turned to face him. "We can't do this now...not here. It's a risk Aegon." Aegon sighed and straightened himself up. He took her face gently in his hands. Aegon leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. He was soft, loving, and whatever willpower Jessica had was diminishing by the seconds. This Aegon was completely different than the public appearance he often possessed. He finally pulled away, and laid Jessica's head on his chest. Her arms went around his waist. "Aeg..." Jessica began. "You're mine. Even if I'm made to marry Helaena." "She will be your queen." Aegon gently lifted her chin to meet his gaze. "She won't share my bed. I'll do my duty, but she will never share my bed. You will, night after night, Jessica. It's meant to be us." "Ah there you both are." Otto Hightower had stepped outside, making them both jump. "The Queen requested all the children be sent to bed." Aegon began to protest, but Jessica simply grabbed his hand and headed inside. Tonight was not the night to argue. Jessica was settled into bed with her needlework when the doors opened. She glanced over and smiled. "Can't sleep Aemond?" Aemond crawled up and settled next to her. "I'm thinking about something." "About what, Sweet Boy?" Aemond beamed at his sister. "About claiming a dragon."
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