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Chapter 3 My feet had blisters and my legs and arms were covered in thorn-inflicted cuts. My lungs protested, and my legs were ready to give up, but I didn't stop. Every second mattered. My entire kingdom's safety is dependent on me. A wired fence comes into my view and I sigh. I was here. I took a deep breath and crossed it ,finding myself on the other side of the wire. I ventured further into the unknown Kingdom. I had only walked for a few minutes when loud howls began echoing from all directions. My footsteps halted, and I found shelter near a tree. My heart thuds as their steps come closer. I hope they understand I was no threat. I just wanted a meeting with their king. Within seconds, I noticed huge shadows converging around me from all sides, and my nerves heightened. They were Lycans. " I don't mean any har-" I couldn't even complete my sentence before a deadly grip seized my neck from behind. In the blink of an eye, my face was slammed onto the ground, and I felt the weight of a foreign body crushing me. Growls resonated in the air as the shadows drew nearer, and I looked up to find two pairs of boots standing before me. "Please... I don't mean any harm... please," I pleaded, but the pain in my back intensified, causing me to scream. Tears stung my eyes. "Shut up, b***h! Did we allow you to speak?" one of the men sneered, displaying their intimidating presence. And I cringe. I hadn't even seen their faces; they were terrifying. "A she-wolf? Seriously, she must have a death wish," one of them remarked, and I attempted to reveal my true identity. However, the man behind me tightened his grip on my neck, silencing me with a growl. "Damn it, shut up!" he snapped, stuffing a cloth into my mouth. A lock clicked behind me, and I realized my wrists were restrained behind my back, while silver chains bound my ankles together. Fuc* This is not what I expected. "Chill, Max. She's just a beautiful, petite she-wolf. No need to go rough on her," the other said. The man ,Max, who was holding me sighed and let go of me, my face stood pressed to the floor. Getting up, he walked past me, disregarding my presence. "Throw her into the dungeons," he commanded. "I will deal with her later." With that, Max walked away, leaving me alone with two other men. One of them sighed and turned to follow Max, while the other crouched down to my level. He brushed my hair away from my face, but I squirmed, attempting to move away. He grabbed my muddy hair, wrapped it around his fist, and tilted my face up, gazing into my eyes. And I saw bright yellow eyes staring back at me. Lycan eyes. He examined my face, remaining silent. His eyes roamed over my features as if he hadn't seen a woman in a long time. "You are really beautiful," he remarked. "Normally we just kill any intruders, but when it comes to werewolves... well, we have special treatment for them." He smirked, clearly enjoying the fear in my eyes. I struggled, but the silver chains burning my wrists and ankles restrained me. He wiped away my tears with his thumb pad and whispered sadistically. "You can't even imagine what we Lycans are going to do to you, pretty girl. So save your energy for later." "I wish I could keep you as a pet, but alas. Do you know what they say?" Leaning closer to my ear, he whispered words that numbed my mind. "Keeping a lap dog is way better than keeping a she-wolf as a slave." The hatred in his voice towards my kind jolted me awake.Shit. I wasn't aware of the danger I had thrown myself into. I had lived in the shadows of my parents my entire life, unaware of fighting or anything about political affairs. I knew that relations between Lycans and werewolves were never peaceful, but I wasn't aware of the extent of the animosity. The man wrapped his arm around my waist, lifting my bound body onto his shoulder like a rag doll. The impact caused my stomach to protest, but he seemed unaffected. He started walking into the woods as if he were carrying a log, his fingers trailed a bit high to rest on my bottom and I felt disgusted. I thrash, trying to pry his hands off to only have him tighten his grip. " Welcome to the Lycan Kingdom, scum." A sick smirk lingers on his lips as he whispers to me and I only groan through the cloth, muffling my cries. Shit. What have I gotten myself into? These people are going to kill me before I even speak a word. Moon goddess, why are you doing this? If only I had known that this was my karma, all of this was happening because of the sins I had committed in the past and very soon I was going to come face to face with them. ... My body was thrown into a cold cell, and the impact caused pain in my rear and side. I hadn't even had a chance to recover when my wrists were locked above my head, and my back pressed against the cold wall. I tried to look around but only saw blood everywhere. The walls were stained with it, as if people were cut here every day. My stomach turned at the sight, and I vomited the little food I had eaten through the gag. "Gross b***h! You can't even handle some blood now?" cursed the man who hadbrought me here before leaving me alone in the room, my wrists bound to the wall. My legs felt weak, and I couldn't stand, but the chains above my headheld me in place. ... I don't remember how long it has been since they brought me here, but I realized there were seven empty cells in front of me. A kingdom with no prisoners? I couldn't understand. The thought of them killing everyone without trial sent shivers down my spine. Would they kill me too? No,I couldn't think like that. I closed my eyes, attempting to trick my mind. Just a few hours ago, I was in my warm bathtub. The maids were scrubbing me, and I was surrounded by beautiful scents. Yes, I was there. There was no blood, no stench. Just a warm bath soothing my skin. Yes... it's perfect. My thoughts were interrupted as a bucket of freezing cold water was thrown on me,and I forgot to breathe. I gasped for air, shaking my head to indicate "no," but another man with yellow eyes ignored me. His eyes were a darker shade, almost hazel. "Good morning," he said sarcastically, settling into a chair and staring at my body as if I were a statue in a museum. Suddenly self-conscious, I realized my wet clothes were see-through, but he didn't seem concerned. His gaze locked with my green eyes, his tone stoic. "Listen,girl. Either you tell me who sent you here willingly, or I'll get it out of you." "The choice is yours." He believed I was a spy? I shook my head, pleading with my eyes. Ignoring my response, he took out a knife from his pocket and examined it. "No?" he questioned. "Ughhhhh," I groaned. He stood up, and before I knew it, the knife slid across my forearm, drawing blood. The crimson trail extended to my shoulders, and the liquid dripped onto my gown. "Oops,just checking. So, where were we?" "Yes,who sent you?" He stood in front of me, pulling the cloth from my mouth. I sucked in air as if I were dying, my eyes tearing up. "I want to meet your Alpha... ahhhhhh!" He slid the knife past my thigh, and a scream escaped my lips. He pressed the cloth back into my mouth, roaring in rage. "Answer what I ask, b***h! Who sent you?" Desperate to move on to the next question, I answered in a single word. "No one. I came myself!" "Why?" "Because...because my people are dying. I need help, please..." He suddenly started chuckling, stepping back from me. I couldn't comprehend what was so amusing. "Help? Is this girl crazy?" "Why the hell would we help you, filth? Just look at yourself, you b***h!" "Please...please... listen to me..." "Idon't think this is going anywhere, girl. I have more important matters to attend to." "No... no, stop—" I thrashed, but it was futile. Lifting the dagger, he prepared to slide it across my face when I screamed. "I am Princess Amira, the werewolf Princess! They are going to kill my family! I need to save them, please!" The knife halted inches away from my face, and he stared at me in shock. It was the first reaction I had managed to elicit from him. "Princess Amira?" "Yes, I am the only daughter of King James! Please, I only came here to talk to your Alpha. I just need five minutes with him, please!" He lowered his knife, distrust evident in his eyes. I looked down at my chest—the mark was in a very intimate place—but I would do anything to save myself right now. Anything. "I have the Royal mark... please, you can see it if you want... just take me to him once!" His gaze dropped to the mark on my chest, and suddenly he threw another bucket of cold water on me. My gown clung to my skin, revealing the outline of my mark. He immediately stepped back, as if he had seen a ghost. Then, an evil smirk formed. on his lips as he locked eyes with me. "So,it's you, huh?" " Well, this just got more interesting. Karma is really a bitch."
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