The Lycan King

1391 Words
Recognition resonated in his voice, as if he knew something about me. "Have we met before?" I asked, and he scoffed, grabbing his jacket and moving away from me. There was a strange look in his eyes that I failed to recognize. "We haven't. But I sure know someone who has" What did he mean? Where Without another word, he turned around to leave, and I screamed in desperation. "No,stop! I don't have time! Please!" "Coming here was your biggest mistake, Princess. Trust me, you would have wished for death along with your parents over what's going to happen to you here." "Welcome to his Hell." Those were his parting words as he left, and I stared at his back, flabbergasted,unable to understand what he meant. . . It was too lonely here. With the rats squeaking in a corner, my only company. I would have screamed and ran from the room right now, if it wasn’t for the chains binding me to the ceiling. My dropping eyes try to match the movement of the little creatures and my heart yelps in my chest. They were feeding on, my blood dripping on the floor. Itry to move my legs, away from their reach to fail miserably. “Ahh no…nooooo!” I scream with tears streaming down my eyes , trying to throw them off. When they successfully climb up my legs and cluster around the wound on my thigh. “Aghhhhhh!” A scream on top of my lungs when they bite off my skin. And I throw my head back at the feeling of these nasty creatures partying over me. One of them chirps and descends higher. Searching for more and I find it sliding into my gown up to reach my chest. My eyes widen when it bites there and I literally shout with all my strength. “ Ahhh no…no…noooooo! Please…no …! Someone help!!!!” On clue the door opens and I am met with an irritated looking Max. "What’s the matter princess?” “The mice.. please…they are all over me! Please!” A smirk makes way on his lips as he looks down at my bound trembling body. His eyes stayed a little longer on my chest where the rat was feeding. “Damn these creatures. They know well where they will find more flesh. “ Standing in front of me, he starts removing the silver chains from my wrists and I feel relief flood in. Finally! As soon as my hands get free I throw aside the creatures from my body. Hugging myself. Feeling my body shivering. He next crouches down to open my ankles. And I let him. “The Alpha agreed to meet with you. You will get exactly 5 minutes to convince him. “ He declares. Looking into my eyes emotionlessly and I nod. Gulping. “That ..that would be enough. Thank you. “ He turns around to walk out of the dungeon and I follow him. My legs stumble a bit in the beginning, with the numbness still present. But soon it waves off. We ascended up the stairs and next, I know. There was a red carpet under my feet. I look around at the place in admiration. It was huge. Just like a castle. With very expensive Italian tiles on the ground. Gold plating on the ceiling. Huge chandeliers lighting the place with a yellow tinge. Staring down at my hideous self, it felt like I was ruining the grace of this place. The blood dripping from my thighs down to my feet were ruining the shine of the tiles. The rotten smell of puke and blood, tainting the beautiful fragrance of Jasmines. We stop outside a big door. And Max rubs his forehead to look at me. Something was definitely bothering him. “Enter and kneel in front of him. No matter what happens, don’t talk to him and don’t look at him till he asks you to, understood?” How will I convince him without talking to him? Biting my lip, stopping myself from questioning him. I just nod. Eager to get this over with. Sighing,he turns around to push open the door and I immediately lower my eyes. Staring at the red carpet underneath my bloody feet. He starts walking and I follow. A strange aura of power and dominance hits me as soon as I enter. And I just clenched my fist. Trying not to be scared. I have never felt an aura as powerful as this before. I feel my knees suddenly going weak and my heart thumping. “Your highness. The girl is here. “ Max spoke, pulling on my arm. And I dropped down on my knees with a thud, remembering his words. It gets silent like no one was even here. When, without another word, I see Max’s shoes turn around to leave. Anxiety hits my insides like anything. The very thought of being life alone in this domineering presence made me feel at edge. I just wanted to get up and bolt out of this room. But I couldn’t . I need his help. He is the only one in this entire world. The sound of the door closing behind is heard and I flinch involuntarily. Staring down at my hands in my lap. I hold back a scream seeing the wound on my thighs. It's bleeding profusely. I have never seen so much of my blood before. Minutes pass, he doesn’t say anything. And my anxiety worsens. Max said I only have 5 minutes. Roughly 2 minutes have already passed. I have to say something. But Max told me not to speak till he asked me to. What do I do? “ Umm greetings your Highness. If I have your permission can I speak?” I gather enough courage inside me to ask. To only be welcomed by that never ending silence again. I thought he wouldn’t speak, but he did. His next words surprising me. “No” I bite my lip. To groan in my mind. What the fuc*? My people are dying there and he isn’t even letting me speak. I open my mouth to shout at him when he beats me to it. “Get up” A shiver ran down my spine hearing his commanding voice. And my body was abiding without even asking me. I manage to stand with my head lowered when a hot breath hits behind my neck and I freeze. Is he behind me? But how? Stealth. Lycan’s power and speed is extraordinarily above us werewolves. “ Move your hair to a side.” His heavy gruff voice was making me weak to my knees. It was seeping with dominance. But still, there was something familiar in it. Something I couldn’t put my finger on. Do I know him? Gulping. I raise up my trembling fingers to gather my hair and move them to a side. His hot breath fans my neck again and I felt conscious. A shiver runs down my spine. He doesn’t say anything. He keeps standing behind me. I feel his body heat hittingme. His chest inches away from my back. “Why..why are you-“ “Still unmarked, huh? Interesting “ He sounded content with his findings. And I pushed myself away from him to turn around to shout at him. “What the hell-“ My words die down as soon as my eyes clash with a familiar pair of deep brown ones. And for a second the entire world stood still. My footsteps stagger back in disbelief, my foot gets stuck in the carpet and I fall back on my ass. I stared at the man in front of me in disbelief. “ Aslan?” His lips tug up into a beautiful smirk as he places his hands in his pockets to look down at me in coldness. “I see. You remember me, princess. “ And that’s when I forgot to breathe. Standing right in front of me looking nothing less than a Greek god, with 6,3 height, ripping muscles and Adonis-like face was the very man I rejected for being ugly,weak and undeserving of myself 10 years ago. He was Aslan Grayson. The mate that I rejected. And suddenly the meaning behind Max’s words made perfect sense. Welcome to his hell. ….
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